Theme A Relationship And Families Flashcards
What are the foundation Biblical understandings of human beings as sexual, male and female?
- Both woman and Men are created in the image of God and blessed by him.
- God created men and woman
- Expected to procreate
Whats the nature and purpose of sexual love?
- Sexual intercourse should be within marriage
- Sex should be unitive
- Sex should be open to creating new life
Key features of John Paul II teaching of Sex marital?
- Unites a couple giving self love
- Brings two people in communion
- Shows commitment
Key features of John Paul II teaching of Sex extra marital?
- Form of exploitation for pleasure
- can make people selfish
- Adultery
Contrasting views on sexual relationships and contreception?
- Casual sex and people beleive use condom to stop spread of STD.
- Should be treated with respect and intercourse only in marriage
- Open to new life
Sex before marriage teachings of catholic church?
- Devalues it
- virginity is special
- No dangers of STD
Contrasting view on STD?
- Should be saved for marriage
- many have before marriage
- Some have casual sex
Teaching of adultery catholic church?
Breaks vows in a marriage
Other christian denom on adultery?
- Breaks promises in marriage
Contrasting view on adultery?
- Personal happines is important
- May be other reasons why falling apart
Contrasting view on homosexuality?
- COFE Supports idea
- Legalised in 2014 in England and Wales
What makes a valid catholic marriage?
- Promise to be through vows
- Must be free to marry
- Not be closely related
- Consent
- Preist must be there
- Must accept Gift of children
What is the nature of marriage seen as?
- providing a loving relationship where children can grow
- exclusive union of man and woman
- Sign of love and christ
What are the marriage promises?
- Commitment ends when one person dies
- promise to fulfil a loving relationship
- Make same promises
Whats cohabitation?
Living together with sexual relationship
Why does catholic church disagree with cohabitation?
- Breaks sanctity of marriage and union
- Reduce effort to make it last
- If couple split up affect children
When might annulment be allowed?
- Doesn’t take marriage seriously (continuous affairs)
- Insist on using contreception
- Didn’t freely marry
Whats catholics views on divorce?
- Marriage vows towards God cannot be broken
- God made man and woman united
- Jesus (mark 10) is adultery
Catholic position on remarriage?
- Can happen if original partner died
- Anyone who remarries cannot recieve communion
Other views on divorce?
- Impossible to know what future holds
Other views on remarriage?
- Angilicans don’t encourage but sometimes marry divorces
Catholic views on the family?
- Form a community
- Help with life and personal development of eachother
- Be part of life and mission of church
Whats a nuclear family?
- Normal family (me)
Whats an extended family?
- Additional relatives such as grandparents,aunt and uncles
Whats other families?
- Single parent or same sex
Whats the purpose of a family?
- Security
- Love
- Care
- Good enviroment
- Support
What did Paul say in Ephesians?
- People should live family lives as if they are serving Jesus
- Children should honor parents
- Husbands should love wives they’d die for them
What do catholics believe about husband and wife?
- Mother look after home and children
- Father provide word and example
- All equal
What does Genesis 2:23-24 say?
Two equal parts woman created from bone of man
What were importence of women in Bible?
- Esther saved Jews from persians
- Lois and Eunice were early witnesses
- Pheobe was a deacon in church
- Mary Mother showed obedience
Importance of Men in Bible?
- Most events about men
- Jesus chose 12 male apostles who were made first preists
Catholic teaching on equality?
- Attributes of a woman are important as a man
- Equality not same as uniformity
Catholic views on equality of women and men?
- Men and woman are equally important
- Men and woman have different roles
Non religious views on equality of women and men?
- Most agree with equality on sexes
- give equal oppertunities
What are catholic views on gender discrimination?
- devalues a person
- men and woman recieve equal pay
- certain roles belong to one gender
- Support given to mothers
Catholic views on gender discrimation?
- Not happen
- Not support women being paid less than men
- Should follow particular roles
Non religious views on gender?
- Men and woman should be given equal pay
- need for gender balencement