Redemption Flashcards
How do catholic churches help inspire worship?
- The care put in the decoration and design shows devotion to God and helps God feel respected
- statues and saints encourage christians to follow example
- Small chapels are where beleivers pray in peace
- stations of the cross inspire them to reflect on Jesus’s sufferings
What are the two main purposes of a church?
- Provide a space where they meet and worship. Altar is the main centre of focus
- provide a space for individual prayer. Inspires to pray for God
How were catholic churches before 1965?
- Facing east towards Jerusalem
- In the shape of a cross
- Altar against east wall(people didnt feel included)
How were catholic churches built after 1965?
- Altar more towards centre
- Some around altar
What is a lectern?
Reading stand from where bible readings are given. 2 readings are given from the lectern at mass
How does a lectern help worship?
- Reading from old testement remind christians how God guided his people while New testement is about Jesus’ actions and teachings
- It should be in a prominent place so people can hear and see
What is a crucifix?
- Model or image of cross with Jesus crucified on it
How does the Crucifix help christians?
- Reminds sufferinb that Jesus went through. Inspires gratitude and love for what christ has do e
- The eucharist expresses the crucifix
What is the Altar?
- The bread and wine are offered to God here
How is the Altar used to express to christians?
- Christ offers himself to the father of humanity. In return father strengthens the lives and faith of beleivers who receive blood and body
What is the tabernacle?
The consecreted bread is left after mass
How does tabernacle help catholics?
- Catholics like to pray in front of it
- Inspires a deep sense of peace
- Saved in tabernacle so people whomare ill can also receive
Why would people use an altar compared to a table?
- For sacrifice and thanksgiving
- Most important altar is the cross where Jesus sacrificed
- congregation joins in with giving thanks
- Altar reminds people sacrafice is made through the offering of bread and wine
Why would people use a table compared to an altar?
- People eat at a table
- reminds people of last supper
- Using a table reminds people of “eat this in memory of me”
Why would people use a crucifix?
- Shows christ crucified on a cross
- Help christians feel greatful for Jesus’ sacrafice and Love
- Reanacts the sacrafice of Jesus’s death
Why would people use a cross?
- Shows christs victory over sin and death. Christ is not on the cross as he has risen
- People who dont like portraying idels through art will use a cross
- Emphasises Jesus’ ressurection and christians should face new life
Why would people use a risen christ?
- Focuses christ as the risen glourified saviour
- reminds catholics in holy communion they recieve Body,Blood ,soul and divinity
- Emphasises Jesus’ ressurection and how important this is
Why are people allowed to sin?
They’re given free will
Why did God give free will?
- He wants people to choose him than follow him
What is original sin?
The tendency to commit sin
What do catholics beleive about Jesus’ death?
- Jesus always followed God’s teachings and examples
- Jesus showed obedience in God the father
- The helped restore sin
What do catholics beleive about Jesus’ ascension?
Jesus’ ressurection helped restore cosmic order
What was the significance of Jesus’ death and burial?
- His death redeemed humanity.
- When he died this meant he made up for the sins of humanity so people can be brought back
- He continued to show love
- When he died he joined everyone burried before him meaning he is with you when you die
Significance of Jesus’ ressurection?
- Made life after death possible
- All people rose to heaven when he died
Significance of Jesus’ ascension?
- Jesus is with the father showing his glory.
- He promised to send his spirits to all people
How is salvation in the past?
- Jesus’ death and ressurection was crucial to humanity
- These events defeated the ultimate power of sin and death and made it possible to enter heaven-
How is salvation in the present?
- Ongoing process
- Jesus defeated sin doesn’t mean that it no longer exists
- Holy spirit helps them guide to work to salvation
Salvation in the future?
- It will be completed at the end of time
- When kingdom of God is established the power of sin and desth will be completely destroyed
- Final victory of God’s grace
What is redemption in the liturgy?
- In mass christ is giving himself up to the father. Catholics also give themselves up by receiving holy communion
What is the heavenly banquet?
- Victory salvation when salvation is complete. It is represented the idea of everyone joining together for a meal
What is Mark 15:21-29?
Tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixation and death
Jesus as the example Mark?
- Shows how Jesus knew it would make him suffer but still went through it
Jesus as a restores Mark?
- Restored relationship between God and humanity. Talks how Jesus died in the temple and broke the barier between humanity and God
Jesus as victor Mark?
- How he experienced pain,suffering and death
John 20:1-18?
- Jesus saw mary and she didn’t recognise him
(he was present but different)
Acts 1:6-11?
- Desciples will be the witness towards the death (Desciples saw Jesus’ work on earth)
- Exoected to spread word
Acts 2:1-4?
- day of pentecost apostles filled with holy spirit
(Gave ability for apostles to spread word and teach about redemption)
What was St Irenaeus?
- The event of salvation when Adam and Eve ate the apple
What was the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
- A and E Disobeyed God by eating from tree
- brang death seperating humans and God
The tree of the cross?
- Jesus obeyed God by dying on tree
- Brought eternal life
What was St Anselm?
- Compared Jesus’ death like paying for ransom in slave trade
Strengths in St Anselm?
- shows parallell between fall of Adam and Eve and Jesus’ death
Weakness in St Irenaeus?
- Christians don’t agree with St Irenaeus, Adam and Eve
Strengths of St Anselm?
- Christians see themselves as slaves to christ
Weakness of St Anselm?
- Not clear who the ransom is paid too and some christians beleive someone greater than God