Incarnation Flashcards
What does the greek word ichthus mean?
- Fish
- Jesus Christ,Son of God saviour
Why was the Ichthus symbol used by christians?
As a decleration of their faith as it showed they beleived Jesus christ was the Son of God and saviour
What did the Ichthus symbol help people show?
Where christian meetings were and that they were christians
What is alpha and omega?
Alpha is The first letter of the greek alphabet and omega is the last
What does alpha and omega symbolise?
God and Jesus are involved in everything from the begining to the end
Things about alpha and omega?
- These have been placed in churches,vestement and christian art
- They have been used in christianity since the first century
What does Chi-ro symbolise?
- It reminds people of the death of Jesus
- First two letter for the greek word of christ
- It reminds christians that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity by death
What are some religious reasons against religious art?
- Art can mislead people what God is like (Because it can give wrong ideas what God is like)
- praying in front of an image or statue may mislead people (People might think that the image is being worshipped as a God)
- It is against the 2nd commandment (People think it forbids you to make statues of God. (“you shall not make yourself and idol”)
What are catholic attituted towards religious art?
- It inspires people
- Gives people something to focus when praying
- Helps people learn about aspects of God’s work
- Have a positive role in religious life
What are catholic attitudes towards religious art?
- Jesus was fully human (Bible teaches he was a man with human qualities therefore any art that captures these qualities has value)
- Jesus was fully God (God revealed himself as human form its fine to depict him in that form)
What’s Luke 1:26-38?
- Focuses on Mary’s role on incarnation and how gabriel tells Mary she’ll conceive and give birth to a boy called Jesus. Mary will have the choice to be or to not.
Whats Mathew 1:18-24?
- Focuses on Joseph’s part on incarnation and how he was gonna break up with Mary before. Angel Joseph visited and said to marry. Jesus is the name Emmanuel meaning “God with us”
Similarity between Mark and Luke?
- Mary was a virgin
- Jesus was the son of God
Whats Jesus as the Son of Man?
- Jesus was fully human
- Refers to a normal human being
- Someone who has given power or authority
Whats Jesus as the Son of God?
- When Jesus was arrested and bought tothe Jewish council a presist asked him “are you the son of the blessed one?” He said you will see the son of man seated at the right hand of the power
What was fufilled the law?
Jesus followed the law but devloped to make it more perfect
Whats Jesus’ approach in the law shown in the beatituides?
On the Sermon on the mount. The sermon that Jesus gave to his followers to teach them how to live a dedicated life.
Example of Beatituide?
“Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God”
What did St Irenaeus show?
There was a meeting point between God and Humanity. He revealed
- God is invisible
- Can know what God looks like through Jesus
What does God being fully alive mean?
- Talk about Jesus
- Jesus was the perfect human
- Jesus sets an example of what christians to follow
What does Dei Verbum talk about?
God speaks through Jesus and Jesus is the son of God. Son of God became human to live among other humans
Whats Verbum Domini 12?
The word of God limits himself to a human form so humans come to understand God.
Jesus gave himself to God’s hands
What is Grace?
- Pours out from the Trinity and gives life
- Gives beleivers the strength to do what God wants
- Helps people be aware what God wants
What does the catholic church define a sacrement?
An outward sign of inward grace. A sign of God’s love
- The world and everything in it
- God’s presence and Love
What leads to Catholics viewing something sacremental?
- God was seen as distant
- Jesus was the ultimate gift from God
Whats a sacrement?
A sign of grace or God’s love
Action of baptism and effect?
- water poured on sin to symoblise washing away sin. (Person becomes child of God)
Action of confirmation and symbolisation?
- Forehead annointed with oil
(Person faith is strengthened and deepened)
Action of Eucharist and symbolisation?
- when a person recieves consecrated bread and wine.
(Person recieves the life of christ)
Effect of marriage and action?
- when a man and woman give consent to be married
(The couple accept through the love for each other)
Action and effect of ordination?
- Laying on of hands and anointing the hands with chrism
(Person comits himself to God and church(
Action and effect for reconciliation?
When a person confesses sin to presit
(Persons relationship with God gets better)
Action and effect for sacrement of sick?
- When a person is ill annoited with oil
(Gives strength to the person and forgives sins)
What does Imago dei mean?
Image of God
Why should all human lofe be protected?
Because it’s made in the image of God and this is why catholic church is against abortion
How would catholics protect unborn chi,dren?
Support pro life orginisations to reduce abortion. Support woman who are facing financial provlems