Theme B Peace And Conflict Flashcards
What are some ideas about violence in the Bible?
- Christians beleive the early chapters Of Genesis to be myths (but there are points about human nature and turning against God)
- Violence is a rejection of the ideals God wants for the world
- Jesus taught that seeds of bitterness,anger and jealousy may lead to violence and murder
A quote that talks about violence in the Bible?
In the old testement it says not to murder and God will judge what happens to you in heaven. Also says if you are angry or rude with your brother or sister you will be lieable to hell or fire
A story in the Bible which talks about violence?
Cain and Abel
- Cain was jealous of his brother
- God said to Cain (“Sin is lurking you at the door” Genesis 4:7)
- Cains thoughts turned into violence
- Cain plotted to kill his brother (Cain rose up against his brother and killed him” Genesis 4:8)
What is Bullying?
The delliberate intimdation and is a destructive form of violence
What can bullying lead to?
- Can destroy a persons self asteem
What is forgiveness?
Showing grace and mercy for something they done wrong
A quote which Jesus asked to forgive?
“Father forgive them they don’t know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
Some biblical teaching on Jesus forgiveing?
- Jesus forgave Peter for denying him (John 21:15 -17)
- Peter asked how many times we should forgive. Jesus replied 77 times. Meaning we should always forgive
- The Lord’s prayer “forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors” Mathew 6:12
What is reconciliation?
Restoring of harmony after relationships are broken down
Examples of Reconciliation used in Catholic life?
- Pope Francis called for reconciliation between religions
- Leads to the peace that Jesus prayed for at last supper
A quote about reconciliation?
John 14:27
“peace i leave with you, my peace i give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”
What does reconciliation bring?
- Stronger relationship
- more peaceful future
- appreciation
- Oppertunities to learn from the past
Whats the importance of justice?
- Everyone should be treated fairly
- creating justice is more important than ensuring worship is done correctly
An example of righteous anger and christians views on it?
When Jesus drove the sellers from the temple as they had turned it into a marketplace. It’s acceptable as it can help improve a situation
Catholics views on protesting?
- Against violent protests. But catholics agree with quiet protesting. As violence protests are ineffective and damaging way to create change
Conditions of Just war theory?
- It must be a just cause
- Must be last resorf
- Innocent civillians musn’t be attacked
- zmust be declared by an authority
Contrasting views on Just war theory?
- Army should only go war when theres been a major abuse in power
- Much better if can be agoided by working together
Why does the catholic church oppose to nuclear weapons?
1) Indiscriminate and have long term effect
2) Totally disproportionate
3) with WMDs possibility of success is small
4) possesion of weapons increases tension and fear making world less safe
Contrasting views on Nuclear weapons?
- Think it’s right as it deters attacks from other countries
- Good self defence
Catholic views on refugees?
Should be welcomed and protected by all countries
Enviromental damage the problem?
- Can do great damage to the enviroment anf huge land be destroyed
- chemical weapons can affect vegetation for decades
Enviromental damage catholic church response?
People have responsibility to limit damage to enviroment
Contrasting views on modern warfare?
- Think it’s acceptable as it may do damage it can end wars more quickly
- Birtain has not got enough resources to help refugees
What are the causes for war?
- Politics
- Religion
- gain land
- gain resources
- Self defence
- Ecenomics
Whats war and violence in old testement?
- Israelites fought to defend themselves in the promised land. Exoduc says “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” meaning it acceptable to return violence with violence
Whats a holy war?
Where the religious leader declares it and is to defend christian faith from attack
Whats the crusades?
- Took place between 11th and 15th century.
- Authorised by various popes
- Aimed to free Jerusalem and Holy Land
Christian views on pacifism?
- Jesus said it’s much better to bring violence than use violence
- Martin Luther King refused to use violence
- Quakers promote pacifism
Teachings of pacifism in catholic church?
- Everyone and every nation need to protect themselves and need to use mon-violent approaches
Pacifist beleifs?
- Always wrong to fight even self-defence
- Jesus said peace is better than violence
- War never solves problems
Other views on pacifism?
- Force is sometimes necessary to solve disputes
- Duty of a country to defend it’s peoples
- Peace must be built on mutual respect
- Efforts of Pope on war?
- 2013 Pope asked to pay for peace in Ukraine
- 2014 Pope organised meeting between Israel and Palestine
Some work of catholic agencies?
- After civil war in Sierra Leone CAFOD helped child soldiers to get back to normal life
- Caritas International (Caritas international provided food,water and shelter in the fight in Niger)
What is terrorism?
- To further beleifs frighten people. Usually against innocent civillians and to undermine governments
Biblical authorities on Terrorism?
- Paul taught everyone should obey authorities as they’ve been put in charge by God
Terrorism in Britain?
IRA detonated bombs in Warrington,London and Manchester
Why does catholic church oppose to torture?
- It’s illegal
- Views are barbaric
- Catholics see it’s inhuman and wrong
- International doesn’t allow it
Biblical teachings on conflict and peacemaking?
- End to war will be a sign Of God’s kimgdom having come on earth
- paul asks people to bring reconciliation
- Catholic church encourages everyone to work together
- Bible teaches that living in harmony shows that God is present
What are catholic orginisations working for peace?
- All catholics are encouraged to help peacemaking with family
- Pax christi works in over 50 countries it encourages people to solve disputes
- Just peace commision works in each catholic diocese and raises awareness of situations where people are deprived of their rights
Examples of non-violent resistance?
- Gandhi uses non-violent resistance in his efforts
- Martin Luther King used no violence to gain rights for black people