Judaism beleifs Flashcards
What does God as one mean?
- God is single,whole, indivising being
- God is the only being praised and worshiped
- everything has been created by God
- God is the source of all Jewish morality,beleifs and values
Where is the beleif in one God expressed?
Shema fommed from deuteronomy
Whats a quote saying theres one God?
“Hear O Isreal the Lord is our God. You should love your heart with all your soul”
Whats the Jewish bible called and first five books called?
- Tenakh
- Books are Torah
How did God create the universe?
1) God took 4 days to create universe
2) 2 days to create all creatures
3) Rested and made 7th day holy called Shabbat
Whats Orthodox views on God creating the universe?
- The events happened 6000 years ago and reject scientific theories
Whats other Jews views on Genesis creation stories?
- Still beleive story but accept the universe is much older
Why did God give people free will?
- Wants people to choose to do Good
What does the existence of free will explain?
- worlds resources are distribuited unevenly. And free will lets people who are unfortunate
Whats a mitzvot?
613 laws and how people should behave and form basis of Halakah
What do Jews beleive about Mitzvots?
- God judges them on how well they follow these laws based on actions and behaviour
What are the two main times God judges people?
1) Festival of Rosh Hashannah
2) Judged after death
What is the Shekhinah?
The presence of God on earth
In early Judaism what was the Shekhanah?
The tabernacle as it was a portable temple and after canan was conqured Tabernacle was replaced with Solomon’s table
What were Jews views on Life after death?
They don’t have much information on it as Jews are not too concerned about the afterlife. They think it’s more important to focus on the present
What is Gan eden?
Where Jews beleive they’ll go if they follow their faith
What do Jews beleive about Sheol?
If you don’t beleive about Sheol or heaven your souls are cleansed and don’t beleive eternal punishment
Whats Ecclesiastes?
Beleive Jews will be judges as soon as they die
Whats the coming of the messiah?
Youll be judged on day of judgement
Where was the mesiah originally used?
Used in Tenakh and refers to King of Israel
Who was king of Israel and the story?
Saul and annointed with oil by Samuel to show he was chosen by God.
What will the future of Messiah do?
- Rule over humanity with kindness
- Uphold the law of the Torah
- Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
- Bring world peace
What do reform Jews beleive about the Messiah?
Reject mesiah and mesianic age
Story of Abraham and Promised land?
- Born in the city of Ur
- People worshiped statues back then
- Abraham beleived worshiping statues was wrong and only one God
- Abraham tried to stop people
- Abraham and his wife decided to leave Ur
- God told Abraham to travel Canan
- Once Abrahm reached Canan he reached the promised land
Whats a covenant?
An agreement between God and an individual person
Now many covenants are made
What did God promise?
- To make Abraham the father of many nations
What was required of Abraham?
To agree to walk in My God’s way and be blameless
How was covenant sealed?
- Through circumcision
Explain escape from Egypt?
- After 400 years the covenant was made Jews were forced as slaves
- God chose Moses to lead their escape
- Moses asked for them to be released
- After God semt plague Pharoh released
- Jews were wondering in desert to find Canan
- Moses climbed Sinai
- God then gave 10 commandments
What are the 10 commandments?
Form foundation of Jewish laws and how to have good relationship with God
Whats Justice?
- Bringing what is right and fair and making up for what you done wrong.
- laws in torah give guidance on how to treat poor and vulnerable
Whats healing the world?
- Taking actions to help God’s work in sustaining the world
- Contribute to social injustice for example help in world jewish releif
Whats Kindness to others?
- By showing positivity,caring actions towards living things
- Laws of Torah give guidance on how to be kind
Where did sanctity of life come from?
- Genesis 2 tells how God breathed life into Adam
- Life is therefore valuable and sacred
- God gave humans so he can only take it
What do Jews beleive about sanctity of life?
- Not do anything to quicken a natural persons death. Euthinasia nd murder is wrong
Whats pikuash nefesh?
- Save a persons life if they can
What does a mitzvot do?
Give guidance on how to use free will correctly
Whats Mitzvot between man and God?
- Tell you how to improve relationship with God
- Worship,sacrifice and observance
- First 4 10 commandments
Whats Mitzvot between man and a man?
- How Jews improve relationship with other people
- Shows Jews should love other people
- Cover areas such as treatment for workers and other things