Creation Flashcards
Who created the painting in the Sistine chapel and what was the name of it?
Creation Of Adam was painted by Michelangelo in the sixteenth century
What Book is the story of Genesis told in ?
Old Testement - Genesis the first book and provides the foundation of Christian beleifs
What does the head of Adam symbolise?
- Shows that humanity depends on God for life
- Adam is not fully alive and is waiting for God to touch him and bring him to life.
What does Adam’s body symbolise
Adam is shown as the perfect man full of strength and potential.
Reflects the teaching that God made everything good in Genesis
What does God and Adam symbolise?
God and Adam both look powerful and muscular and they are lying in similar positions. And also reflects the teaching thag humanity is made in the image of God.
What does God and Adam touching hands symbolise?
Reflects there is a longing relationship between God amd Adam.
What are the two ways that the creation of Adam doesn’t reflect Catholics beleifs?
- Genesis 2:7 says that God bought Adam through his nostrils and not by touching him
- In the painting it shows God and Adam are the same size suggests that they are equal. This goes against Catholic teachings.
What does God in the painting represent?
- God looks older than Adam shows he is eternal and Humanity isn’t
- God is carried through the air by a group of angels showing he is outside the life on earth
What is the meaning of michelangelos painting ?
It shows God creating human life and that man is made in the image of God. “Let us make man in our image”
How does the creation of adam contrast with another christian artistic painting of creation.
The mosaic by Hildreth Meiere shows that God has a big hand and this suggests God is powerful and great. Meieres painting focuses of God as creator not God’s relationship with humanity.
How is God presented in Genesis 1 and 2.
Catholics do not think that Genesis 1 is a scientific account of creation but more that it teaches important truths about God’s nature: He is transcendent, omnipotent and creator. God is Creator God is the creator who created everything. As such, Christians should only worship this one God.
The meaning and significance of the beleif that human beings are made in the image of God.
Genesis 1:27 shows that God created humans in his own image, which means that humans sharequalities with God (likelove and compassion). These qualities allow humans to have a close relationship with God.
What are catholic views on free will.
God tells Adam that he may eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Although God’commands’ Adam not to eat from the tree, he doesn’t actively prevent Adam from doing so.He givesAdam a choice: the free will to decide for himselfwhether or not to
eat from the tree.
Catholic views on stewardship
- In Genesis 2:15, God puts Adam in the garden of Eden to ‘till it and keep it’.This suggests looking after the world with care and love. It shows to look after the enviroment.
- Christians also beleive the world is a Gift from God and in return we should look after it
Catholic views on dignity of life.
Genesis 1 states that God made humans ‘in his image’ (Genesis 1:27).
- All humans are equal because they have all been created by God and share in the qualities of God.
- For Catholics, this means that all people have dignity - they are worthy of honour
and respect.
Catholic views on sactity of life.
In Genesis 1, God blesses humans after he creates them (Genesis 1:28).
•Catholics believe that all creation is holy because it has been created and blessed by God.
The old testement books and what it is
Law,History, Wisdom,Prophecy
The Old Testamentdescribes how God guided the Jews throughout their earlyhistory, before the arrival of Jesus. It contains four main sections.
The new testement books and what it is?
The New Testament deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles (Jesus’ closest followers, who became leaders of the early Church). It can be split into four main sections.
The Gospels,The act of apostles,the epistles,book of revelation
Meaning of Law
The first 5 books telling how the Jews became the people of God. Also includes 10 commandments
Meaning of History
These show how God guided the Jews and how they listened. These help later generations
Meaning of Prophecy
The book of the prophets which challenged people to remain faithful to God.
How is the Bible the word of God.
- God guided the writing of the Bible through the Holy Spirit
- The Bible contains theword of God given by the prophets.
- The Bibletells of the actions and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels.
- The Bible contains thewritings oft h e apostles in the Epistles.
What is Magestirium
The teaching from the catholic church
Eg Pope. They beleive its guided by the holy spirit
What do catholics beleive about magestirium!
Catholics believe that the Magisterium is continually inspired and
guided by the Holy Spirit.
What is natural Law?
Natural law refers to the idea that humans are born with an understanding of whatis
right and wrong.
Why is following natural law important
God created humans with this in-built moral code, so humans should follow it.
Whats the most basic natural law
Do good and avoid evil
What are the meetings called to discuss important issues in the world
Second vatican council
What do the second vatican council say about religion and science?
Religion and science support each other
Who made the big bang theory
George lemaitre
What are the reasons to care for the enviroment?
- All creation is special as it was made by God and Catholics should look after it
- God made humans stewards of the earth
-Jesus taught christians “Love your neighbour as your self” neighbour means people you share the world with.
What are catholic teachings on caring for the enviroment?
The Catholic Church teaches that there is a delicate balance within creation. Damaging one aspect of the environment may affect other elements too. ( The solar pannels on the vatican save 200 tonnes per year)
What are the ways catholics can be stewards?
1) Local level eg walk or cycle,take part in local enviroment projects and encourage churches to reduce carbon footprint
2)National level eg Put pressure on politicians and support family frindly businesses
3) Global level eg Put pressure on governments and boycott
What is CAFOD’S aim
Helps people in poverty and aims them to live a more balanced life.
Examples that Cafod support sustainability
- Encourage people to use less natural resources
- Working with groups like Monlar which helps farmes be sustainable
- Use renewable resources