Tricky translations 2 Flashcards
Bedeutungen von fuel (Sprit, Benzin) (5)
1) substance that can be burned to produce energy: Brennstoff, Treibstoff
2) In connection with vehicles as Kraftstoff, Sprit
3) As a verb to express that anything is powerd with (fulled with) (ex. gas): betrieben mit
4) to express that something is increasing like schüren, anheizen (the climate change is fulled by burning coal)
5) As an idiom “add fuel to the fire” - couterpart Öl ins Feuer gießen
Explain: “green premium”
extra amount of money which has to be paid for more environmentally friendly products
Erkläre umweltbewusst werden
to go green: getting more sustainable and environmentally friendly
Erkläre das Ende von etwas einläuten
to call time on sth.: when something comes to end: “I call the time on using coal to produce energy”
Erkläre ein Vermögen kosten
to cost an arm and a leg: means that something is extremely expensive
Erkläre rapider Klimawandel
runaway climate change: Mean the very fast deteriorating climate change
Erkläre Nettonull/Klimaneutralität erreichen
reach net zero: means reaching the point where our behavior doesn´t harm the environment and live carbon neutral
Erkläre jemanden auf Kurs bringen
to put something on track: when you want to get someone to do somethin maybe in a certain way
carbon dioxid (carbon)
carbon emissions
carbon neutrality
CO2 Kompensation
carbon offset
CO2 Speicherung
carbon storage
CO2 Emisionen eindämmen
to curb carbon emissions