Trichomonas Flashcards
What is trichomonas called according to anterior flagella?
- Ditrichomonas (Dt) - 2 anterior flagella, 1 posterior flagellum
- Tritrichomonas (Tt) - 3 anterior flagella, 1 posterior flagellum
- (Tetra)trichomonas (T) - 4 anterior flagella, 1 posterior flagellum
- Pentatrichomonas (Pt) - 5 anterior flagella, 1 posterior flagellum
Trichomonas reproduce by?
- binary fission
Trichomonas species of carnivores:
- T. canistomae - dog - oral cavity
- T. felistomae - cat - oral cavity
Trichomonas species of rodents:
- Tt. caviae - guinea pig - cecum
- Tt. wenoni - rodent - cecum, colon
- Tt. minuta - rodent - cecum, colon
- Tt. muris - rodent - cecum
- T. microti - rodent - cecum
Trichomonas species of horses:
- Tt. equi - horse - colon
- T. equibuccalis - horse, donkey - oral cavity
Trichomonas of pigs:
- T. buttreyi - cecum, colon
- Tt. rotunda - cecum
- Tt. suis - nasal cavity, GIT
Trichomonas of small ruminants:
- Dt. ovis - sheep - intestine
Trichomonas of primates:
- T. tenax - man - oral cavity
- T. vaginalis - man - reproductive tract
- Pt. hominis - man - cecum, colon
- T. macacovaginae - Macacus rhesus - vagina
Trichomonas species of large ruminants - cows:
- Tt. enteritis, T. pavlova, T. buttreyi - cecum, colon
- Tt. foetus - reproductive tract –> vestibulovaginits, endometritis, abortus, infertility
Tritrichomonas (Tt) of large ru: morphology, reproduction, transmission, diagnostics
- drop shape, 20x30 μm, 3 anterior flagella, 1 posterior flagellum, short axostyle
- Reproduction by binary fission, rarely produce pseudocysts
- transmission: intercourse, artificial insemination
- diagnosis: lavage of reproductive tract – vaginal and preputial samples (PBS, saline)
(up to 24 hours to laboratory or transport medium containing antibiotics)
diagnostics of trichomonas of cows (large ruminants)
- direct detection - microscopy
- culturing - diamonds medium (2-4 days)
Trichomonas of birds cause:
- mucopurulent inflammation
- yellowish plaque
- ulcers on mucosa of oral cavity & intestinal organs
Trichomonas of birds - species, host, organ affected/damaged
- T. anatis - duck - caudal part of GIT
- T. anseris - goose - caudal part of GIT
- Tt. eberthi - chicken, turkey, duck - cecum
- T. gallinae (columbae) - pigeon, chicken, turkey, wild birds
- T. gallinarum - gallinaceous birds - cecum, liver
Trichomonas gallinae (columbae) - host + organ affected
- pigeon - beak cavity, pharynx, crop, liver
- chicken, turkey - pharynx, crop, stomach
- wild birds
diagnostics of trichomonas of birds:
- epizootological situation
- clinical symptoms
- microscopy - swab of pharynx & crop mucosa
- cultivation
Cultivation medium of trichomonas of birds:
- CPLM medium
- Diamonds TYM medium
- Diamonds TTY-SB medium
Way of transmission of trichomonas of birds:
- feeding of young birds
stages of trichomonas of birds:
- trophozoite: 7-18 x 5-11 μm, 4 anterior flagella
- pseudocyst: 12-15 x 6 μm