Giardia Flashcards
Giardia cause:
- gastroenteritis
Draw Giardia trophozoite and the describe morphology:
- pear-shape
- 12-17 x 6-12 micrometer
Draw Giardia cyst:
- 4 nuclei
- 8-14 x 6-10 micrometer
What are the 2 forms of Giardia and which of them are the infective stage and the vegetative stage?
- trophozoite - vegetative stage
- cyst - infective stage
Which form of Giardia is found in faeces?
- cyst
Which form of Giardia is found in duodenum and jejunum?
- trophozoites
What is this?
- Giardia cyst (infective)
Way of transmission of Giardia
- water, food containing cysts
When does Giardia occur (time of year)?
- spring
- autumn
what is the way of reproduction of Giardia?
- binary fission
Giardia affect which host (part of “way of transmission”):
- juveniles
- kids
clinical signs of Giardia:
- diarrhoea containing mucus, no blood
Diagnosis of Giardia:
- Coprological examination/flotation technique
- Detection of coproantigen
- PCR:
Coprological examination/flotation technique (of Giardia) we “use”:
- Cysts
- stool: greasy or watery, smelly, containing mucus
Detection of coproantigen (of Giardia) is done by which tests?
- rapid test
PCR of Giardia
Assembleges A - H
Assembleges A - H of Giardia duodenalis
Assembleges A - H
* A: Humans, high pathogenic
* B: Humans, low pathogenic
* C-D: dogs (canines)
* E: cattle
* F: cat
* G: rat
* H: grey seal
Giardia duodenalis is divided into eight genetically different assemblages (A–H), name them:
- A - G. duodenalis - humans
- B - G. enterica - humans
- C/D - G. canis - dog (canine)
- E - G. bovis - cattle
- F - G. cati - cats
- G - G. simondi - rats
- H - - seal
“Main species” of Giardia is:
- Giardia duodenalis
(syn.: G. intestinalis / G. lamblia)