Sarcocystis Flashcards
Can Sarcocystis transmit from animal to man?
- Yes, and vice versa - zoonosis
what are the heteroxenous coccidia species of apicomplexa?
- toxoplasma
- sarcocystis
- neospora
- Cystoisospora
What is a special characteristic of Sarcocystis?
- heteroxenous cyst-creating coccidia with indirect life cycle
what is the DH of Sarcocystis?
- Carnivores
- Man
What is the IH of Sarcocystis?
- Hebivores
- Omivores
- Birds
What is the LC of Sarcocystis in IH?
- excystation in SI → merogony → sporozoite
- → endothelia of blood capillaries → meront → Lc
- → 3.gen. of meronts → muscles → cyst → bradyzoit
What are the Life cycle stages of Sarcocystis in DH?
- gamogony
- sporogony in SI
name a Sarcocystic spp.
- Sarcocystis neurona
How many Sarcocystis spp are IH muscle cyst?
- approx. 90 species
diagnosis of Sarcocytis in DH:
- sporulated cyst in feces, flotation method
- 2 sporocyst (4 sporozoites each), 8 sporozoites
- 14-15 x 9-10 μm
Dianosis of Sarcocystis in intermediate host:
iv. – serol. test (IFAT, ELISA, IHAT)
- biopsy → histology
p. m.
- digestive method (microcyst < 1 mm)
- histology
- meat inspection (macrocyst 4-15 mm)
What is the IH of Sarcocystis neurona?
- raccoon
- armadillo
- skunk
- fel. and other.
What is the DH of Sarcocystis neurona?
- possum (Didelphis virginiana, D. albiventris)
What is the causal host of Sarcocystis neurona?
- equine
Sarcocystis spp.:
- S. ovicanis (ov, ca)
- S. capracanis (cap, ca)
- S. equicanis (eq, dog)
- S. hircicanis (dog)
- S. suicanis (su, ca)
- S. suihominis (su, man)
- S. porcifelis (su, fe)
- S. cruzi (bo, ca)
- S. hirsuta (bo, man)
- S. arieticanis, gigantaea, medusiformis (ov)
- S. fayeri (eq)
- S. horvathi
- S. cuniculi (rabbit)
- S. rileyi
the host may not be correct
Life cycle stages of Sarcocystis is:
- Schizogony:
- Gamogony:
- Sporogony:
Explain Schizogony of Sarcocystis in IH:
- Endothelial cells – 2x
- rapid multiplication = endopolygony
- Leukocytes – slow multiplication = endodyogony
- Muscles – slow multiplication = endodyogony
- Young cysts – metrocytes
- Mature cysts – bradyzoites
where does Gamogony of Sarcocystis in IH occur?:
- Lamina propria of SI
where does sporogony of Sarcocystis in IH occur? is it endogenous or exogenous?:
- Endogenous
- small intestine
Sarcocystis neurona cause what in horses?
- protozoan myeloencephalitis of horses
- (equine protozoal myeloencephalitis - EPM)
Describe granular nudular stage (GNS)
- caseous and necrotic material
- parasites and their parts (scolex, bradyzoites) not detectable
- parasites killed by host immune system = non-infectious stage, only organoleptic depreciation of meat
Macroscopic detection of muscles with Sarcocystis
cysts visible with naked eye
- Sarcocystis gigantea = S. ovifelis
- S. rileyi
- S. cruzi = S. bovicanis
Macroscopic detection of Sarcocystis rileyi
- mallard duck
- chest muscles
Macroscopic detection of Sarcocystis gigantea AKA Sarcocystis ovifelis
- sheep
- oesophagus
- cyst size: 10mm
How to treat/diagnose Sarcocystis (in IH)?
Direct microscopy is NOT efficient
- Sarcocystosis of cattle: Sarcocystis bovicanis/cruzi – cysts < 1 mm
- not detectable during the meat inspection in slaughterhouse!
histology of Sarcocytis
- Reference method – efficient
- Not suitable due to the long-time of sample processing = carcass suspended in slaughterhouse
- Alternative way = cryosection technique (1 day procedure)
Picture of Sarcocytis
- oval shape
- light grey
- 14-15 x 9-10mm
Picture of Sarcocytis + other picture
Macroscopic detection of Sarcocystis Cruzi aka S. bovicanis
Sarcocystis cruzi is also known as
sarcocystis bovicanis
Sarcocystis hirsuta aka
- S. bovihominis
Sarcocystis ovicanis aka…
S. tenella
Sarcocystis gigantaea aka …
S. ovifelis
Sarcocystis capracanis aka…
S. moulei
Sarcocystis suihominis aka..
S. miescheriana
Sarcocystis equicanis aka
S. bertrami