Babesia Flashcards
Babesia spp.
- Babesia bigemina
- B. major
- B. bovis
- B. divergens
- B. ovata
- B. occultans
- B. beliceri
- B. motasi
- B. ovis
- B. capreoli
- B. crassa
- B. caballi
- B. equi
- B. canis
- B. gibsoni
- B. felis
- B. trautmanni
- B. perroncitoi
- B. microti
- B. divergens
Babesia spp. of cattle
- Babesia bigemina
- B. major
- B. bovis
- B. divergens
- B. ovata
- B. occultans
- B. beliceri
Babesia spp. of small ruminants:
- B. motasi
- B. ovis
- B. capreoli
- B. crassa
Babesia spp. of horses
- B. caballi
- B. equi
Babesia spp. of dogs
- B. canis
- B. gibsoni
Babesia spp. of cats
- B. felis
Babesia spp. of pigs:
- B. trautmanni
- B. perroncitoi
Babesia spp. of humans:
- B. microti
- B. divergens
what is the definite host of Babesia?
- ticks (vector)
What is the intermediate host of Babesia?
- Vertebrates
- intraerythrocytic (a blood parasite)
Name the vectors of Babesia:
- Dermacentor reticulatus
- Ixodes ricinus
- Boophilus
- Rhipicephalus
- Hyalomma
What is the vector of Babesia canis?
- Dermacentor reticulatus
What is the vector of Babesia divergens?
- Ixodes ricinus
which animals are host of Babesia divergens?
- cattle
- human
What stages are the life cycle of Babesia divided into?
- Schizogony
- Gamogony
- Sporogony
what types of transmission do we find during Babesia life cycle?
- Trans-ovarial transmission
- Trans-stage transmission
Trans-ovarial transmission “steps” (babesia):
- ovaries - eggs - larvae
Trans-stage transmission of Babesia
- Salivary gland - sporogony – infective sporozoites → new Host
Diagnosis of Babesia:
- clinical signs
- blood sampling
- blood smear
Clinical signs of Babesia:
- fever
- anemia
- icterus
- pigmenturia
Blood smapling of Babesia is from:
- capillary blood
- ear, tail tip
Blood smear of babesia is stained with?
- Giemsa Romanowsky
- Diff-Quick
capillary blood!
Large babesia spp: size, angel, position in Erythrocytes?
- 2-5 μm
- 2 individuals – acute angel
- center of Ec
Small babesia spp: size, angel, position in Erythrocytes?
- 1-2 μm
- 2 individuals – obtuse angel
- peripheral of Ec
Babesia canis picture:
Babesia bovis picture:
Babesia gibsoni picture:
Babesia divergens picture:
- (A) ring-like trophozoite
- (B) paired merozoites
- (C) maltese-cross (tetrad)
- (D) various dividing forms
- (E) multiple merozoites
- (F) appliqué (accolé) form on right border of the erythrocyte
- (G) and (H) degenerate (crisis) forms
cattle, human
Babesia bigemina picture:
B. bigemina + B. divergens =….
- vena jugularis alternatively to capillary blood