Tribunes Flashcards
By 146, what areas was Rome in control of?
Sicily (bc of Carthage), Sardinia/Corsica (to keep Carthage out), Nearer/Further Spain (after 2nd punic war), Macedonia, Africa (after 3rd Punic War, Carthage no longer exists)
What were the regions (that Rome held outside Italy) called?
pronvicia (province, meaning “sphere of action”
Who led the provinces? What were these men eventually called?
Office holders, particularly a praetor
For each new provinces, there were new praetorships created (2 already presided over law courts in Rome)
Proconsul - kept second year of term in command in army (if still in war), keep imperium
Propraetor - after 146, they didn’t create new praetorships and instead kept praetors in office as propraetors.
What are several developments in Italy from 200-130s?
- Distrust of allies
- ) Aren’t handing out land –> ager publics
- ) Angry at cult of Bacchus
- ) Increasing disparities of wealth - slaves, poor in military move to cities
- ) Change in political atmosphere - tribunes more proactive, oratory in more use
How did Rome show distrust to allis?
Demanded troops still –> strain for allies
Don’t give allies upgrade status
Exaggerate Bacchus cult
What is the bronze tablet that is the first senatorial decree
Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus - hostile to allies.
What is the first instance when a magistrate broke the laws?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus elected consul within 10 years of past consulship. Somehow, he was able to get away with it. Then, a law in 150 said that one could be consul only once.
What happened with Scipio Aemilianus
- ) BG - in need of commander in Carthage
- ) When senate doesn’t allow him to, tribune uses iustitium (no more business until election proceeds) and the Senate can’t wait any longer for a commander in Africa.
- ) Concilium Plebis votes for him to command Carthage (usually casting lots)
- ) After being consul once, people put forward Scipio again to fight the Celtibarians
- ) Senate denies funds for troops, so Scipio gets donations from friends/volunteers (many fight with him)
Why couldn’t Scipio Aemilianus become consul by law?
BG: family of Scipios, grandfather won battle at Zama; adopted by family with one who won at Pydna
- ) 5 or 6 years below minimum legal age (42)
- ) Had not been praetor
How else did tribunes gain more control?
Vetoed & instances of weakness
- ) In 151 and 138, tribunes imprisoned consuls who attempted to continue with their law even after tribunes vetoed it
- ) Appius Claudius Puncher denied triumph but still had one with daughter. Tribune tried to block him but because the daughter was sacrosanct, he couldn’t
- ) Tribune had to stand aside when Quintus Servilius Caepio took command in Spain - couldn’t get trampled over
- ) Tribunes pass a proposal through the Concilium Plebis introducing voting by secret ballot at trials in a citizen assembly
What was Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus’ family background?
- ) Came from noble family - father had at least one triumph
- ) Married Cornelia, the daughter of the Scipio who defeated Hannibal
- ) Only 3/11 parent’s children survived to adulthood (Tiberius, Gaius, daughter) .
- ) When his father died, his mother Cornelia became an univira (“one-manned lady”) and brought up the children, becoming a model woman.
What was Tiberius Gracchus’ proposal?
Proposes that the state enforces an old law limiting amount of ager publics used (land belonging to state); transferring extra land from the rich to the poor citizens to settle in the country side. –> rich landowners were unhappy
What was the proposal on land supposed to relieve?
Law/order in the city (high concentration of poor)
- Unemployment, theft, danger at night, no police force
- Might relieve pressure
How was Tiberius Gracchus’ law passed?
- Father-in-law Appius Claudius Puncher (triumph with daughter dancing) is Princeps Senates and approves is.
- Tiberius takes this to people before senate.
- Motivation: there with Mancinus who was humiliated; maybe paying back to the Senate.
- Macus Octavius (other tribune) veto the vote –> Tiberius uses Iustitium, proposes to con cilium plebes for Octavius to be removed (people are sovereign and should be able to overthrow elections)
- Octavius removes
- Uses money from King Attalus’ death/taxes to go to his needs. (overpassing Senate’s role with money)
What was Tiberius Gracchus’ land commission proposal?
Three members: Younger brother Gaius, Princeps Senates (father-in-law) Appiu Claudius Pulcher, himself.