After 1st Triumvirate Flashcards
Why did Pompey and Crassus not get along?
Pompey was suspicious that Crassus was funding Clodius; Pompey looks weak and pushes for Cicero to be recalled
What happens when Pompey pushes for Cicero to be recalled?
In summer 57, Cicero is officially recalled. The question is: to what extent can Pompey, Crassus and Caesar hold it together?
Who is Domitius Ahenobarbus and how is he involved?
IN 56 (for 55), he wants to be consul and will push for Caesar to be recalled from Gaul.
Why is Caesar concerned about Domitius?
Not only does D want Caesar recalled, but Cicero also rashly criticizes Caesar’s legislation when Caesar was consul in 59. This was an alarm bell, and it resulted in a meeting in Luca in 56
Describe the meeting in Luca
56; meeting for the triumvirate
- Decided to continue holding it up
- Determined that Pompey and Crasses would put themselves forwards together along as Domitius
- After that, Pompey would govern both Nearer and Further Spain through legates for five years (he wouldn’t leave Rome).
- Crassus was assigned Syria (military glory), attack Parthions
- Caesar’s command in Gaul will be extended further five years
- Cicero is told to be quiet
What did Pompey do following Luca?What happened?
Crosses the Euphrates to Attack Parthia. Parthians were waiting for him at Carrhae in 53. Parthians are badly defeats, and Crassus and his son die (army loses eagles)
In the meantime, Julia (Caesar’s daughter who married Pompey) died in childbirth in 54. Pompey already had two sons from a previous marriage and doesn’t accept marriage to Caesar’s relative. This weakens the bond.
What happens in Rome between Clodius and Milo?
In 52, Rome is in disarray.
- Dangerous: gang warfare between Clodius and Milo
- Several of these years, elections weren’t held in the regular time but were held in the next year, and so they needed an interrex
- IN 52, the two gangs/armies have a battle not far from the city.
- Clodius and many men are killed. Clodius’ followers burn him at the senate house.
What does Cato do to restore order after Clodius/Milo battle?
Cato puts forward the motion that Pompey b made sole consul to restore order. Given the way optimizes treated Pompey, this is ironic that Cato was pleading with Pompey to restore order.
- Pompey agrees
- In much of 52, he is the sole consul. He arrests Milo. Pompey disbands the gangs. HE takes another consul (to have a normal 2 pairs of consuls) and marries a lady from the Metelli family
What was happening to Caesar in Gaul?
Caesar saw his period in Gaul coming to an end and wanted to come back to Rome. Hasn’t been easy in Gaul, but he has flattened the Gaul and gotten wealth and fame.
- Then, the Helvetii in Switzerland planned a mass migration westward, which would disrupt Gaul. This leads to a fight with the Helvetii.
- In 57, they spread to the north of Gaul; Caesar attacks anyone who crosses the Rhine and pushes them back. He conquers this north area by the end of 56.
- IN 55, he sends people to Britain to explore whether it would be a good place to take a breath.
What happens when Caesar goes to Britain?
- In 55 and 54, he explores there and invades Britain.
- Backlash in Gaul ld by Vercingetorix,the leader of the Arverni in central Gaul (joins people to attack Caesar)
- Ultimate showdown is at Alesia in 52; Caesar manages to track Vercingetorix and besiege him. By the end of 52, he has it and asks to come back to Rome (Pompey is nervous)
When Caesar goes back to Rome, what is the deal with being prosecuted/consul?
There is a rule that after being proconsul, you must have a period to be a private citizen. But, he asks if he can immediately stand for consulship so that he cannot be prosecuted. He asks Pompey for help.
Does Pompey help him?
Pompey owes Caesar for the vets/eastern arrangements, but Caesar seems to want to rival Pompey. At the same time, if Pompey doesn’t side with Caesar, he would be isolated. He knows that the optimizes would use Pompey and manipulate him.
What does Curio do?
IN 50, Caesar has a tribune Curio acting for him. Curio asks for Pompey and Caesar to lay their commands simultaneously and become private citizens, disband their legions.
What is the senate’s response to Caesar after Caesar comes back?
They don’t want a second Sulla; the consuls in 50 are optimizes who want to teach Caesar a lesson. They believe it is not republican for Caesar to immediately go from being proconsul ago consul. They disagree to Caesar’s request, go to Pompey to ask him to defend the republic (make sure Caesar doesn’t march on Rome), and Pompey says yes.
- Pompey raises troops; ironic that now he is the upholder of the republic all of a sudden.
How does Mark Antony come?
At the beginning of 49, the leading tribune was Mark Antony. He acts for Caesar, vetoing the optimizes’ proposal for Caesar’s pro-consulship to be stripped away (said no to the proposal that Caesar just have Illyricum, aka becoming exempt from prosecution).
- The Senate passes the SCU that Caesar will invade Italy. This can’t guarantee Marcu Antonius’ protection, so he leaves and joins Caesar who crosses the border.
- January 10, he shocks everyone by marching into Italy.