Succession of Emperors Flashcards
What happened in the first 3 centuries AD?
- Very little
- Augustus died in AD 14
- Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
- Political freedom was sacrificed as the regime was dominated by the emperor (enormous amount hinges on personality of the emperor)
What happens after Augustus?
- Adopts Tiberius (rather than stepson)
- Julio-Claudian Dynasty until 68 AD
Attributes of Julio-Claudia Dynasty
- All family members
- Lots of Antony’s blood (many descendants from two daughters he had with Octavia)
- Gaius (Caligula), Claudius, Nero
What happened with Nero?
- Not interest in having serious empire (lost people’s confidence)
- Movement against Nero - led by rival members of upper class (senators weren’t happy)
- Nero commits suicide in June 68
- End of Julio-Claudia Dynasty
What is the competition after Nero’s death?
- Year of the 4 emperors (4 rivals for emperor)
- Two were commanders of major groups of legions (Germany, Syria). Another had support of praetorian guard
- Winner: commander of legions in Syria called Vespasian
Characteristics of Vespasian
Not related to Nero’s family
- Down to earth, not very aristocratic
- Nomen is Flavius. Flavian Dynasty.
- Emperor in 69 (consolidates his rule)
- Dies in 79 (reigned for 10 years)
What does Vespasian try to do?
- Restore army’s loyalty (both normal and Praetorian) - got army back on track, avoided civil war, stability
What was the significance of Vespasian (non-Julio claudian) becoming emperor?
Made idea of principate more institutionalized
Who succeeds after Vespasian?
Had heir and spare (less turmoil involved)
- Titus (oldest) in 79, died in 81.
- Domitian (youngest son) - didn’t get along with upper class; assassinated in palace in 96
What happens after Domitian’s assassination?
He doesn’t have a son, so Senate appoints Nerva (oldest Senator)
- Domitian picks senator Trajan (commander of legions in Germany; tough, young; from Spain, outside Italy); first time from out of Italy
What happens to Nerva?
Nerva dies in bed, chooses Trajan (emperor in 98)
What is the line of emperors (who don’t have sons)?
- Trajan adopts Hadrian.
- Hadrian adopts Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius (Antonine Dynasty)
- Aurelius dies in 180; appoints son Commodus who is not stable (last few years, they co-reign)
- own staff assassinate Commodus
What happens after Commodus?
- On New Years Day 193, big showdown between Septimius Severus and commander in Syria
- Took 4 years for Septimius assert himself and eliminate rival in Syria (Severan Dynasty)
- Many supporters had supported Septimius’ rival, so when Septimius won, his relationship with Senate wasn’t favorable
- Assassinated in 235
Who succeeded Septimius?
His son Caracalla