Treatments Of Digestive Tract Flashcards
Home vomiting therapy
Every clinic has a protocol for conservative therapy of vomiting
Usually includes a period of fasting followed by tiny servings of water or ice chips every 2-3 hours
Eventually you add small amounts of bland diet 12-24 hours following last episode of vomiting
Very small amounts of food for 4-6 hours for 24hours then slow return back to normal diet
Chicken/hamburger with rice
Recheck if if vomiting persists despite fasting
Home diarrhea therapy
Similar to vomiting therapy
Rest intestinal tract by fasting for 24hours
Allow pet to drink as much as they want then start feeding an intestinal diet (3-4 small meals a day) for 2 days
Slowly switch back to normal diet
Seek vet care if diarrhea continues, blood in stool, depressed pet, lethargic or fever
Intestinal diets
Gastro, ID, low residue, Purina EN
Every company has a highly digestive low residue bland diet
Crackers/broth and rice/chicken can be used instead
Coating agents
Similar to kaopectate / pepto bismal
These agents coat the intestinal tract
Aspirin can be dangerous to pets but can be taken in small doses .. do not give if concern for ulcers or on NSAIDS and steroids
Cats can take 1/8 a pill of aspirin every 3 days
Kaopectate: contains aspirin .. limits intestinal secretions , reduces inflammation and reduces infections.
Pepto bismol- inhibits/slows growth of bacteria/infections
Pro biotic
Healthy bacteria packaged in powder or capsules which resist digestion in the stomach and colonize the colon
Eg fortiflora
Promote good bacteria to compete with bad bacteria and reduce overgrowth/infections.
Useful for serious bacterial infections but side affects substantial
Upset normal flora in colon
Resistance to antibiotics
-finish entire course of meds, stop meds if vomiting or diarrhea and contact clinic
Storage and handling instructions
Can cause anorexia/allergic reactions
Oral/injection 12hours apart 2x a day… 3x a day every 8 hours.
Anti parasitic medications
Commonly used to prevent shedding of roundworm eggs in puppies and kittens
No magic bullet that kills all parasites
Meds should be specifically designed for parasites in question
Some topical, some oral
May need to check fecal float or test when done course
Enzyme supplements
Replacement medication for animals that have reduced amount of enzymes in pancreas
Most common for enzyme pancreatic insufficiency.
May use cobalamin (vitamin b12) if pet deficient.
Used to induce vomiting
Includes salt, hydrogen peroxide, apomorhine
All have potential side effects , totally contraindicated in unconscious animal that have ingested corrosive material
Never instruct owners to give emetics
Can be given instructions over phone via vet. Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water
Always make sure vet okays first
Dangerous if pet had corrosive.. may burn through tissue when coming back up
May do in clinic (chocolate, rat poison)
Most useful for recent ingestions
May be in intestines.
May follow with activated charcoal to bind any left over material
Anti vomiting Cerenia - injectable and oral form Expensive - won't sedate.. useful for car sickness or some GIT problems Gravel safe for car sick and to relax. Sometimes vomiting is a good thing
Medication to absorb toxins
Most commonly used is activated charcoal - very messy
Can syringe into mouth
Feeding tube through mouth into esophagus
Warn owners of darker stool
Clean pets after
Fluids SQ and IV
Very important component of treatment for vomiting and diarrhea with associated dehydration
Multiple types of surgery possible Used to remove foreign bodies Relieve bloat Take biopsies Remove tumors
Feeding tubes
Placed to allow liquefied diet to be administered to animal - may be nasogastric , esophagostomy, gastrostomy tubes
Dental cleaning and procedures
Initial consult required to determine general health and level of dental disease
Includes blood work and oral exam
Second appointment required to give general anesthetic and remove calculi , do dental radiographs, and assess level of periodontal disease
Third- required extractions, root canal
Used primarily for anti inflammatory and immunosuppressant actions
Important if using long term, not to stop suddenly
Dog will have polyuria/polydipsia but don’t restrict water
You need to watch dose, it causes decrease in immune system
Prednisone is the most commonly used
What happens after physical examination?
Based off physical exam and history, veterinarian will determine if conservative therapy or further diagnostics are warranted
If the pet is quite ill, hospitalization or further testing will be reccomended
Contains Aspirin
Limits intestinal secretions
Reduces inflammation/reduces infection
Coating agent-these agents coat the intestinal tract
Pepto Bismol
Inhibits/slows growth of bacteria / infections
Coating agent - coat the intestinal tract