Digestive Tract Clinical Signs Flashcards
Not eating
Trouble eating or swallowing
Active process of emptying stomach
Be very concerned if owner describes persistent vomiting , blood or feces like material in vomit, projectile vomiting , depressed animal
Ask for videotape or sample/photo
Passive emptying of the esophagus
What is the most common clinical sign you will see and what do you tell your client when they say their dog has been vomiting
Never tell the client they don’t need to bring their pet in
Description of vomit-good
Be very concerned if their is persistent vomiting, blood in feces, projectile vomit, depressed animal
What are the most common signs of Abdominal swelling?
Fat(weight gain, fat deposits) ascites (fluid in the abdomen, tumors) tumor organomegaly(tumor or organ enlargement, enlarged bladder, puss filled uterus) gas distension of GI tract pregnancy
Fermentation by bacteria due to overgrowth of bacteria, increased nutrients in colon due to malabsorption or a high fiber diet
Weight loss
Not eating/not eating enough (may be more active and underfed)
Not digesting - may not be absorbing nutrients if problem with enzyme release
Increased energy requirements
Nutrient loss through digestive system
Many etiologies (causes)
Very important to distinguish between constipation and straining to urinate
Uncommon in dogs, common in older cats(dehydration example: CRF) -bowel movement firmer, less frequent
Need to distinguish if they are having difficulty urinating or defecating
Very common
Note consistency and presence of blood or mucous
Determine if animal is systematically I’ll
Determine if acute or chronic
Always emergency if dog is having accidents in house
Is the pet normal otherwise? Are they anorexic? Lethargic? Or vomiting?
Watery vs pudding
Are there any changes in the house diet?
Non specific sign
Possibly hypoglycemia or malnutrition
More likely cardiovascular or musculoskeletal disease
Cardiovascular: nutrients not getting to tissues normally , will be weak
Musculoskeletal: painful, sore, reluctant to move
Easy to confuse with lethargy
Is pet weak or just tired/not feeling well?
Poor coat quality
Hair growth requires adequate nutritional level
Nutrients go to main organs first, may not have enough for skin/hair
Bad breath
Local or systematic
Not always dental disease
Consider diabetes (can have sickly sweet smell to mouth)
renal disease (acidic, can smell)
stomatitis- infection, similar smell to dental problems
Leakage of fluid from blood into abdomen due to back pressure from failing heart or hypoalbuminemia
Not absorbing nutrients properly .. see more stool than usual , more nutrients present (diarrhea, flatulence)
Weight-loss and poor hair if chronic
Blood in stools
Frank blood: red blood, large intestine (common with straining with diarrhea - burst blood vessels) .. could indicate bleeding disorder
Rare: Melena blood: dark/tarry blood, indicates digestive issues