Review Flashcards
Inflammation of the mouth, gums, tongue
What virus causes stomatitis and what age does this virus usually affect
Calici virus (feline herpes)
Affects kittens
Painful, infected
Can calculi virus (feline herpes) be cured? What treatments can you use
Calculi virus=stomatitis
Can’t be cured
May respond to anti-biotic, steroids , full mouth extractions , immunosuppressive drugs (cyclosporin)
Extractions : better prognosis early on (especially molars/pre molars)
Some cats need all teeth removed.
Foreign objects in mouth
Fish hooks, porcupine quills, string (cats)
May be around mouth/in mouth or inside throat
Sticks, curled rawhide
Treatment for foreign bodies in mouth
Anesthetic/sedation to remove
Antibiotics and NSAIDS for pain relief
What does GDV stand for?
Gastric dilation and volvulus
What is GDV?
Gastric Dilation and Volvulus
Starts with dilation of stomach filled by twisting or rotation of stomach which blocks both the entrance and exit of the stomach
What are the clinical signs of GDV?
Retching, may not bring anything up but white foam
Bloated abdomen, restless, tender, very sudden onset
How do you treat GDV
Gastric dilation and volvulus is treated by:
Fluid therapy
Immediate surgery because they can die within hours
Gastropexy:dogs stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall which prevents it from twisting
Dogs stomach is sutured to the body wall to prevent it from twisting
How do you diagnose GDV
Inflammation of the colon
Very common cause of diarrhea
Often causes bloody mucoid diarrhea with straining , pain , numerous causes
Colitis symptoms
Diarrhea Watery/pudding like diarrhea Can have Frank blood Or melena (happened in the intestines) Usually pet normal otherwise
What can cause colitis
Bacteria over growth Infection (bacterial, parasitic, viral) Stress Diet Change antibiotics
How is colitis treated
Conservatively (home diarrhea therapy)
Check fecal samples for parasites / other causes if concerns , non responsive. Other signs
Foreign bodies in stomach
Very common
May get stuck in stomach
Signs of foreign bodies in stomach
See vomiting
May cause no symptoms- sometimes it passes through
Intestinal tract foreign bodies
May cause obstruction
May perforate intestinal tract
Diagnosing foreign bodies in stomach/intestinal tract
X-Rays Barium series (contrast) Ultrasounds Exploratory surgeries Endoscopy
Barium series
Drink barium sulfate with water is ingested and X-ray’s are used to create radiographs of the areas of interest.
Barium appears white on the film and can show if there are any obstructions in the digestive tract.
Intestinal obstruction causes
FB Intussusception (telescoping of intestinal tract) Tumors Hernias Roundworms
Clinical signs of intestinal obstructions
Abdominal pain
No stool passed
Hernias in intestines
Loop of intestines can be caught in hernia and twist
Round worms in intestines
Can get to large numbers and obstruct area
How to treat intestinal obstructions
Need surgery
What happens if you don’t get surgery right away when there is an intestinal obstruction
GIT will become necrotic and die
May need to stitch healthy sections back together
Common complaint
May be sign of malnutrition due to bacterial fermentation; typically due to nutrients that make it to the colon
What improves flatulence
Diet change
Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity
Causes of peritonitis
Usually due to leakage of intestinal contents into abdomen but can also result from viral infection (FIP)
Trauma (Bladder rupture, abdominal wounds)
Uterine rupture
Leakage of surgical site