Treatment of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Anti-Anxiety Drugs
- Drugs used in biomedical therapy to reduce anxiety and the psychical symptoms of it
- Drugs from the benzodiazepine family are used (tranquilizers)
- Drugs work fast but only provide short-term relief
- Side effects include drowsiness, depression, nausea, confusion
- Potential for abuse, dependence and overdose and withdrawal symptoms
Anti-Depressant Drugs
- Used in biomedical therapy to reduce and prevent depressive episodes
- SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclics and MAO inhibitors
Anti-Psychotic Drugs
- Used in biomedical therapy to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, including hyperactivity, hallucinations, delusion and confusion
- These drugs decrease dopamine activity
- Side effects include drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth, symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease and tardive dyskinesia
Aversion Therapy
- Behaviour therapy
- Pairs an unpleasant stimulus to the behaviour one is trying to fix
ie. Being given an emetic when one overeats - Using classical conditioning, the brain learns to associate the unpleasant stimulus with the action, thus reducing the desire to behave that way
Behaviour Therapies
- Therapy focused on changing maladaptive behaviour in clients
- B.F Skinner, Hans Eysenck and Joseph Wolpe were the pioneers
- Aversion therapy, systematic desensitization therapy, social-skills training, cognitive-behavioural treatment
Biomedical Therapies
- Therapy using medical practices to treat psychological disorders
- Drug therapy and electroconvulsion (shock) therapy
- Drug therapy is the most commonly used therapy for disorders, and is often used alone but proves most effective when combined with other types of therapy
Client-Centered Therapy
- Created by Carl Rogers
- Insight therapy
- Client dictates speed, direction and outcome of therapy
- Therapist provides clarity and offers new ways to look at situations
Clinical Psychologists
- Psychologists who diagnose and treat psychological disorders
- Focus on disorders such as anxiety, mood and schizophrenic disorders
Cognitive-Behavioural Treatments
- Behavioural / insight therapy
- Combination of verbal therapy and behaviour modification to fix clients maladaptive behaviours
- Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy, Albert Ellis’s rational-emotive therapy, Donald Meichenbaum’s self-instructional training
Cognitive Therapy
- Aaron Beck
- Goal is to change client’s thinking patterns in order to treat psychological disorders
- Treats depression as simply “errors in thinking” that can be corrected
- Clients are taught to detect negative thoughts and give them a reality check
- Use of modeling, systematic monitoring and behavioural rehearsal are beneficial for client’s to practice and relearn adaptive behaviours
Counselling Psychologists
- Diagnose and treat everyday adaptive problems
- Focus on family / couples therapy, substance abuse therapy etc.
- Can be used for advice in hard relationships, times of uncertainty etc.
Couples / Marital Therapy
- Therapy used to identify and attempt to fix problems seen in relationships
- Problems such as unending arguments, power imbalances, emotional withdrawal, sexual difficulties etc. bring couples to therapy
- Therapists help clients to clarify their needs to their partner, realize mutual contributions to problems and enhance communications between partners
- Community Mental Health Movement
- Movement of patients from long-term care in mental hospitals to short-term care in a community mental health facility
- Shortens stays and attempts to reduce the dependency on hospital care, learned helplessness, hopelessness and other negative behaviours
- Pros:
- -patients report higher success rates and feel better with the treatment
- Cons:
- -patients are generally sent back into a community where they have no one to support them
- -conditions normally deteriorate, leading to readmission (rates are high)
Dream Analysis
- Used in insight therapy
- Therapist attempts to gain insight as to the unconscious feelings, memories or thoughts that are influencing a patients behaviour by interpreting dreams
- Highly unreliable, as therapists can interpret what they want to see and can manipulate the clients beliefs
The use of two or more schools of thought in approach to therapy
Electroconvulsion Therapy (ETC)
- Shock therapy
- Electric currents are sent to the brain to trigger small seizures
- Effective treatment for depression, but highly controversial and some critics say it is only temporary and therefore not worth it
- Patients complain is it dehumanizing, painful and terrifying
Exposure Therapies
- Used for treatment of phobias, OCD, panic and PTSD
- Client’s are exposed to gradually more anxiety-inducing stimuli until little to no anxiety is felt
ie. A cartoon spider > image of a real spider > small spider in a cage across the room etc.
Family Therapy
- Therapies used to fix problems within a family dynamic
- Clients are taught to clarify their needs and accept mutual responsibility in problems, while enhancing communication
- Generally sought when a child’s individual therapy is proving unsuccessful due to family environment, when families are experiencing extreme stress or when there is a major illness or transition
Free Association
- Used in insight therapy
- Clients are encouraged to state their feelings and thoughts as they come up with no censorship
- Therapists attempt to interpret these thoughts and provide insight into the client’s issues
- Like dream therapy, this can be highly unreliable
Group Therapy
- Insight therapy
- Stemmed from a lack of therapists and too many patients to treat at once (around WWII)
- Groups tend to be self-governing, talking about their problems, giving advice and offering support
- Therapists are there to keep the conversations on track and direct when needed
Insight Therapies
- Therapies using a verbal approach to increase client’s self-awareness and promote healthy behaviour and attitudes
- Psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, positive psychotherapy, group therapy
- Therapists try to understand and explain the meaning behind client’s thoughts, feelings, memories and behaviours
- Uses free association and dream interpretation
Mental Hospital
- Centre for treatment of psychological disorders
- Inpatient care
- Pioneered by Dorothea Dix
- Underfunded, with overworked staff who were undertrained
- Conditions left patients to feel dehumanized, and their conditions often worsened
Mood Stabliziers
- Used in biomedical therapy to reduce the effects of severe mood disorders like bipolar disorder
- Lithium was originally the only drug used, but anti-depressants and anti-psychotics work also and are now used more often
- Valproate is an alternative to lithium that is roughly as effective with less side effects
Placebo Effects
- Client’s feel / experience results from fake treatments or therapies
- Placebo generally works because people expect to see an improvement
- Physicians who diagnose and treat psychological disorders
- Focus on schizophrenia and mood disorders
- Licensed to prescribe medications to client’s
- Commonly rely on drug therapies
- Freud’s view on therapy
- Psychological issues stem from repressed memories, conflicts, thoughts or emotions
- Therapists gently probe the unconscious and interpret free association and dreams in order to make sense of a client’s behaviour, feelings or thoughts
- Can be unreliable as therapists have a lot of power to interpret what they want to see and manipulate patients
- Clients may resist and transfer feelings onto their therapist
- Drug therapy
- Anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressant drugs, anti-psychotic drugs and mood stabilizers
- Critics state that there is too much dependence and no long-term benefit, as stopping the drug use leads to relapses in most cases
- Generally unable to test long-term side effects or effects drugs have when used together
- Most common type of therapy, with the many patients being prescribed multiple medications
Regression Toward the Mean
- Probability
- When one extreme is shown in a preliminary test, chances are that the second score will be closer to average
ie. John feels like he hit rock bottom and seeks therapy. In reality, the therapy is complete bogus, but John feels like it has worked. This is due to the idea that when you are at rock bottom, there is no where to go but up, and all that goes up comes down.
- Occurs when a client gains negative feelings towards a therapist
- Defense mechanisms may be used to unconsciously prohibit the effects of therapy
- Hostile attitudes may arise
- Client’s may also being ignoring their therapist and reduce their efforts in therapy
Social Skills Training
- Behaviour therapy
- Treatment for social anxiety, autism, schizophrenia and ADD
- Attempts to improve social skills using modeling, behavioural rehearsal and shaping
- Classical / operant conditioning, observational learning
- Used in social skills training
- Client’s are encouraged to watch friends and peers who exhibit good social skills to pick up on appropriate behaviour
- Observational learning
Behavioural Rehearsal
- Used in social skills training
- Client must practice the behaviours they learned from peers
- Therapist provides feedback and reinforces progress
- Classical and operant conditioning
- Used in social skills training
- Client must handle increasingly harder social tasks
Spontaneous Remission
Recovery from a psychological disorder without any professional treatment
Systematic Desensitization
- Behavioural therapy
- Treatment for phobic disorder and OCD
- Patients create an anxiety hierarchy and learn deep muscle relaxation and how to relax on cue
- While relaxing, patients imagine the events in their hierarchy and slowly work through them until little or no anxiety is felt
Tardive Dyskinesia
- Debilitating and incurable potential side effect of anti-psychotic drugs
- Involuntary click-like movements of the tongue, mouth, hands and feet
- Atypical anti-psychotic drugs carry less risk for this condition
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
- Biomedical therapy
- Electric currents enhance or decrease activity in various parts of the brain
- Noninvasive, no surgery required
- Treatment for depression with few side effects
- Occurs when a patient unconsciously links feelings about one key individual to their therapist
- May arouse high emotional responses in the client
- Allows the client to re-enact key relationships which brings up repressed feelings that the client is then able to work through
ie. Molly is in therapy because she has some issues with her parents divorce. It happened a long time ago, but she never moved past the feelings of disgust she harbours for her father. Unknowingly, Molly ends up feeling a similar way towards her therapist
Keith Dobson
- Former president of the Canadian Psychological Association
- Believes that mental health care is lacking due to a decrease in funding and recent establishments in the CPA
- Lack of pressure from psychologists for the improvements of mental health care also hold it back
Carl Rogers
- Client-centered therapy (person-centered therapy)
- Therapy from a humanist perspective
- Goal was to allow client’s to see their self-worth and promote self-acceptance and growth
Les Greenberg
- Emotion-focused couples therapy and individual emotion-focused therapy
- Assists in fixing dysfunctional relationships
- Clients are encouraged to identify and acknowledge their needs and create solutions to their problems
Sigmund Freud
- Insight therapist
- Founder of psychoanalysis
- Mostly treated neuroses (anxiety disorders)
- Interpreted free association and dreams
- Explained resistance and transference in therapy
Joseph Wolpe
- Pioneer of behavioural therapy
- Systematic desensitization
- Believes anxiety and relaxation are incompatible feelings, so relaxing while imagining anxiety-inducing stimuli is counterconditioning
Aaron Beck
- Used a cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy
- Cognitive therapy
- Depression is caused by errors in thinking that can be corrected
- Depressed people have a negative triad: unrealistically negative views on themselves, their lives and the future
Donald Meichenbaum
-Used a cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy
- Self-instructional training:
- -clients are taught to create and use verbal statements that help them to cope
- -helps clients deal with current stress and prepares them to handle future stress
Zindel Segal
- Used a cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy
- Mindfulness-based therapy
- Treatment for depression, clients reported higher self-efficacy, less worry and the ability to create and meet more goals
- Mindfulness can promote positive, realistic thinking and allow clients to be aware of their dysfunctional patterns of thought and behaviour
Dorothea Dix
- Pioneered mental hospitals in the United States and Canada, endlessly advocating for better mental health services
- Involved in treating mentally ill patients
- Devoted the majority of her time to bettering mental hospitals
Hans Eysenck
-Pioneered behavioural therapy in Britain