Research Enterprise in Psychology Flashcards
Anecdotal Evidence
Personal accounts of specific events. Normally taken with a grain of salt as it can be biased most of the time.
Case Study
In depth research of a subject. This uses a variety of data collection techniques.
They are prone to experimenter bias
Confounding of Variables
Two variables that are linked together in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish between each of their effects
Control Group
A group of participants who receive no special treatment in a study.
Two variables which are related to each other
Correlation Coefficient
Indicates the direction of the relationship (positive or negative) and how strongly the two are related
Data Collection Techniques
Techniques for making observations
Eg// questionnaire, interview, direct observation etc.
Dependent Variable
The variable that is influenced by the independent variable.
Eg// Peoples reactions to different dosages of medication
Descriptive Statistics
Used to organize and summarize data
Double blind Procedure
A research technique where in an experiment, neither the subjects nor the experimenter know who is in the control or experimental group. This reduces experimenter bias.
Ethical Guidelines
People involved in experiments must be protected in some ways. These guidelines protect participants dignity, privacy, and human rights. This also ensures that there is no gender, racial or cultural bias.
Research method where researcher manipulates a variable under controlled conditions and observes changes made by other variables.
Experimental Group
A group of subjects who are being exposed to special treatment.
Experimental Research
Produces conclusions based on precise research that is able to eliminate or diminish the influence of extraneous variables.
Experimenter Bias
An experimenter intentionally or intentionally influencing the results of the study based on interactions with participants.
Extraneous Variables
Variable other than the independent and dependent variable that influence a study.
eg// personal strengths/weaknesses.
Fear and Sexual Attraction
Fear can be relabeled as sexual attraction.
Frequency Distribution
An arrangement of scores indicating the frequency of each score or group of scores.
Frequency Polygon
Line figure used to present data from a frequency distribution.
Tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables
Independent Variable
A variable that influences the dependent variable. Nothing influences this variable.
Inferential Statistics
Used to interpret data and draw conclusions
Internet-mediated Research
Studies where data is collected through online research such as questionnaires and surveys.
Published scientific material that is specific to a defined topic.