Social Behaviour Flashcards
- Positive or negative feelings regarding a situation, object or event
- Three major components: cognitive (beliefs), affective (feelings) and behavioural
- Attitudes can contain 1 to 3 of these components
ie. Mary believes safe abortion should be accessible to women who need it (cognitive). She feels sad knowing that women go through unsafe abortions or no abortions at all (affective). Since Mary feels passionately about this issue, she is an avid advocate for safe abortions and is more than comfortable debating the issue (behavioural). - Attitudes vary in strength, accessibility and ambivalence
- Strength: how durable an attitude is
- Accessibility: how often it comes to mind
- Ambivalence: negative and positive feelings towards the attitude
- Reasons given to explain behaviour
- Observers are more likely to ignore situational factors and make internal attributions
ie. They lashed out because they are volatile and angry - Models are more likely to make external attributions for their behaviour
ie. I lashed out because I was late for work, forgot my lunch and fell down the stairs
Bystander Effect
- The larger the group, the less likely it is for someone to offer help
- Less likely to show when people are in physical danger or in groups of friends
- Most likely in ambiguous situations when people tend to look around to see if others think there is an emergency
- Hesitation leads to lack of action
- “Someone else will help”
- One of the four components of messaging
- Medium used to convey a message
ie. TV, internet, handwritten letter sent by a mysterious lover from Venice etc.
Cognitive Dissonance
- Leon Festinger’s Dissonance Theory
- Occurs when two or more related ideas contradict each other
- Dissonance creates uneasy, negative feelings which leads people to reduce dissonance by changing their ideas
ie. You watch a boring movie and were paid $1 to lie to your friend about how good it was. This overt lie creates dissonance, and since $1 is not a good reason for lying, you may convince yourself the movie wasn’t really that bad - Effort justification also reduces dissonance
ie. You spent half your paycheque on an online shopping spree. Once you got the order, you regretted the purchases. You may reduce the dissonance by thinking “these are actually kind of cute” instead of “I spent so much money on these, and they’re not worth it”
- Group goals and ambitions are prioritized over personal ones
- Identities are formed around what groups one is a part of
- Less prone to the fundamental attribution error and exhibit a self-efficacy bias as opposed to a self-serving one
- Collectivist cultures show higher rates of conformity
- One factor of companionate love
- Intention to keep a relationship going, despite costs or difficulties
- Increases with time
Compantionate Love
- Warm, intimate affection for someone whose life is deeply related to yours
- Can coexist with passionate love
- Companionate love can be broken into commitment and intimacy
- Strongly related to relationship satisfaction
Defensive Attribution
- Observers blame victims actions for unfortunate or traumatic events, as opposed to external factors
- This leads to victims being paired with unfavourable traits, leading to stereotypes surrounding victims
- Protects observers from facing the truth that misfortune can befall them as well
ie. Upon learning that her college was raped, Moreen proceeds to say “She must have led him on. I’m sure she drank too much and wasn’t dressed appropriately”
- Behaving differently around members of a group
- Closely related to prejudice
Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Created by Richard Petty and John Cacioppo
- Two basic routes of persuasion:
- Central route: persuasion is based on the content of and reasoning behind the message
- Peripheral route: persuasion based on factors such as attractiveness or emotion
- The central route is more effective and leads to more durable changes in attitude
Tendency to view groups one belongs to as better than others
Explicit Attitudes
Attitudes we consciously hold and can talk about
ie. One may have an explicit attitude believing prejudice is wrong
External Attributions
- Reasons made for behaviour based on external influences
- More common for models to make external attributions than observers
ie. I lashed out because I was late for work, forgot my lunch and fell down the stairs
Foot-in-the-Door Technique
- Manipulation tactic
- Small requests are made to increase the probability of bigger requests being accepted in the future
ie. A charity group may knock on your door one day and ask for a signature for a petition. If you oblige, they may come back another day and ask for a donation. - Works because people want to behave in consistent ways and they don’t want to turn back on their sense of commitment
Fundamental Attribution Error
Observers tendency to make internal attributions for models behaviour while ignoring possible external factors
Two or more people who interact and are dependent on one another
Group Cohesiveness
- How much members of the group like each other and the group itself
- High group cohesiveness can lead to groupthink
- Highly cohesive groups tend to be more loyal, committed and close-knit
Group Polarization
- Occurs when group discussion strengthens a group’s point of view and leads them to make more extreme decisions
- Can lead to riskier or more cautious decisions
- Studied by Irving Janis
- Members of a group begin to think in the same ways, decreasing the inability for a group to think critically
- Inhibits smart decision making
- Pressure to conform increases and the group may being harbouring judgements towards outgroup members
- Confirmation bias increases as members begin to only search for information that supports their views and beliefs
Illusory Correlation
Occurs when people overestimate the amount of confirmations of an idea they have seen
Implicit Attitude
- Attitudes that people don’t seem to overtly control, but still have influence over their behaviour
- Implicit attitudes provoke subtle, unconscious behaviour
ie. sitting further away from a member of an outgroup, making less eye contact or even communicating less in general
- Personal goals and ambitions are prioritized over group ones
- Identity is formed based on one’s achievements
- Individualistic cultures have lower rates of conformity
- Prone to self-serving biases and the fundamental attribution error
Informational Influence
- Occurs when people look to others when they are unsure how to behave in unfamiliar situations
- Occurs due to concern to act in a correct way
- Reason for conformity
A group one is apart of
Internal Attributions
- Attributions made based on internal factors
- Observers are more likely to make internal attributions to models behaviour, while ignoring externa factors
ie. “Mary missed work because she is a flake” = internal attribution
“Mary missed work because her daughter is sick and she sprained her wrist” = external attribution
Interpersonal Attraction
- Positive feelings between two people
- Involves liking, friendship, love, lust, admiration etc.
- One factor of companionate love
- Closeness, warmth and sharing between two people in a relationship
- Increases with time
Lowball Technique
- Manipulation tactic
- People are drawn into an attractive proposition then slowly hidden fees are revealed
- Works because people don’t like to back out of commitments
ie. Seeing a great deal on a new car, then having realized features that were made to seem included actually come at a cost, on top of dealership fees etc.
Matching Hypothesis
People of similar physical attractiveness tend to choose each other as partners
Mere Exposure Effect
Repeated exposures to a stimulus generally lead to the stimulus becoming increasingly better perceived
ie. The more you try watermelon, the more you tend to like it
- One of four components in messaging
- What the source is attempting to convey to the receiver
- Strong arguments that attempt to arouse fear are effective
- Two-sided arguments make the source seem more credible
- Repetition increases the chances the receiver will believe the message
Normative Influence
- Occurs when people conform for fear of unwanted consequences
- Fear of being criticized or rejected by society
- Reason for conformity
- Occurs when people follow orders from another, normally in a position of power
- Seen across all cultures
- Occurs when people act as others in a group are, despite personal beliefs
- Seen in all cultures, but the highest levels are in collectivist cultures
- Occurs due to normative influence and informational influence
ie. Your friends are all insisting 3+3 is 7, although you know it is 6. Caving, and agreeing with your friends is you conforming
Groups one is not a part of
Passionate Love
- Categorized by complete infatuation with one another
- Includes tender sexual feelings and intense emotions
- May coexist with companionate love
- Tends to peak early on then fizzle out
- Brain imaging research shows that when thinking about a person one is passionately in love with, dopamine receptors light up, similarly to how they light up under influence of cocaine
Person Perception
- Forming impressions of people
- Impressions are based on physical attraction, gestures, groups they are apart of and verbal communication
- Negative attitude held towards members of a group (ethnicity, sex, age, etc)
- May lead to discrimination
- Three components: beliefs, emotions and behavioural dispositions
ie. “Swedes are all introverted alcoholics; I hate them. I would never drink Jamba Juice with a Swede.”
- One of the four components of messaging
- The person whom the information is sent to
- Prior knowledge, strengths of attitudes, preparedness and personality all influence how easily a message will be believed
Reciprocity Norm
- The idea that one should give in kind what they have received
ie. Salespeople giving free samples or gifts with purchases - Can be made into a manipulation tactic
- Give something of small value in hopes of getting something much better in return
Self-Serving Bias
- Seen mostly in individualistic cultures
- People’s successes are attributed to personal factors and failures are attributed to situational factors
ie. If you pass a test: “I am so smart.”
If you fail a test: “The teacher included material we didn’t even learn, she completely messed up the test.”
Social Loafing
- Tendency to reduce effort when in groups
- Responsibility is shared, so people feel that they do not need to work as hard
- People with high achievement motivation or who are high in agreeableness or conscientiousness are less likely to be social loafers
- Social loafing is less likely when individual contributions are public, when groups encourage productivity and, when groups are smaller and more cohesive
- Less prominent in collectivist cultures
Social Neuroscience
Approach to theory that combines neuroscience with social psychology to explain behaviour patterns
Social Psychology
- Branch of psychology interested in learning about how people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours are influenced by others
- Person perception, attribution, interpersonal attraction, attitudes, conformity and obedience, group behaviour and social neuroscience
Social Roles
Societal expectations on how those belonging to a group or who are in a certain position should act
ie. Children should be playful and lighthearted, whereas adults should be serious and driven
Social Schemas
- Preexisting ideas about social situations or group
- Some schemas are created through experience and others are created through stereotypes
ie. Schema of a picnic: “Picnics are cold and messy, since the wind blows around all the napkins. There are also too many ants and bugs.” If this is your schema of a picnic, it would be reasonable for you to dislike picnics and deny invitations to them
Ideas of what “jocks”, “stoners” and “preps” should look like and how they should act
- One of four components of messaging
- Where the information is coming from
- Sources seem more believable when they show credibility, expertise and trustworthiness
- People tend to believe sources easier when they are attractive, likable and similar to them
ie. Your friend, a news reporter, or a stranger on the phone you overhear in the stall next to you while you’re trying to pee
Beliefs that people have certain attitudes, behaviours, or traits based on the groups they belong to
Solomon Asch
- Demonstrated how “central traits” influence person perception
- Studied conformity
- Performed the study where students were supposed to state which line was different, 5 of the 6 were accomplices and would band together to give obviously wrong answers to test how often people would conform
- Discovered group size (up to 4) increases the likelihood of conformity
- Group unanimity influences conformity, if one person does not conform, the likelihood of others conforming falls
Mark Zanna
- Studied how stereotypes influence behaviour towards groups in two studies:
- First study: white undergrad men interviewed either a white or black job applicant
- If the applicant was black, the interviewer used a “non-immediate style” and sat further away, made less eye contact, stumbled more with his speech and ended the interview quicker
- If the applicant was white, the interviewer used a more “immediate style” and sat closer, used more eye contact, took their time etc.
- Second study: white accomplices would interview white applicants in either an immediate or non-immediate style
- Non-immediate styles led to the applicants experiencing anxiety and not performing as well
- These studies show that if you believe certain things about a group, you may behave in ways that perpetuate those beliefs
- Attitudes vary in strength, accessibility and ambivalence
- Strength: how firmly attitudes are held
- Accessibility: how often an attitude comes to mind
- Ambivalence: negative and positive feelings towards an attitude
Dennis Krebs
- Believes some biases were adaptive in human history
ie. Physical attractiveness was associated with good health and fertility - States that categorizing people into ingroups and outgroups inhibits one from expressing empathy towards members of outgroups, enabling one to feel little to no guilt for not liking and discriminating against them
Fritz Heider
- Demonstrated how people make assumptions
- Believed cause of behaviour was attributed to personal factors (within a person) or environmental factors (outside a person)
Bernard Weiner
- Assisted in differentiating between internal and external attributions by expanding on Heider’s theory
- Four categories of attribution based on stability:
- Internal-stable: ie. your ability
- Internal-unstable: ie. work you put in
- External-stable: ie. lack of competition
- External-unstable: ie. good luck
Elaine Hatfield and Ellen Berschield
- Pioneers in the study of love
- Defined passionate and companionate love
Robert Sternberg
- Expanded on Hatfield and Berschield’s findings on love
- Broke companionate love into intimacy and commitment
- Believes passionate love peaks early then fizzles out and that intimacy and commitment increase with time at different rates
Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver
- Researched similarities between infant and adult attachment
- Infancy attachment is a good predictor of adult attachment
- Attachment anxiety: worry about abandonment
- Attachment avoidance: emotional distance kept from partners
- These work together to create four relationship attachment styles:
- Secure: low attachment anxiety, low attachment avoidance. Comfortable with intimacy and autonomy
- Preoccupied: high attachment anxiety, low attachment avoidance. Preoccupation with the relationship
- Avoidant Dismissing: low attachment anxiety, high attachment avoidance. Unconcerned about abandonment, but emotionally distant
- Avoidant Fearful: high attachment anxiety, high attachment avoidance. Fearful of abandonment and emotionally distant
David Buss
- Collected data on what people look for in partners
- Certain trait preferences transcend culture such as: mutual attraction, kindness, intelligence, good health etc.
- Gender differences exist universally, with men putting more importance on youthfulness and women putting more importance on ambition and apparent willingness to contribute to offspring
Leon Festinger
- Dissonance theory
- Study: male college students came to the laboratory where they did boring tasks for an hour. After the time was up, the experimenter paid off the subjects to lie to the next subject about how fun the tasks were
- Some subjects were paid $1, others up to $20
- When asked a second time about the enjoyment of the tasks, those who were paid less reported higher enjoyment
- Festinger believes dissonance creates psychological discomfort and can create physiological arousal
John Cacioppo
- Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Central and peripheral pathways to perception
- Both can work, but central leads to more successful, durable attitude changes
Stanley Milgram
- Controversial study on obedience influenced by the German’s disturbing following of Hitler
- Subject and an accomplice were labelled as “teacher” and “learner”, respectively
- The teacher had to ask questions, and apply a shock to the learner from another room if they answered incorrectly
- At 150 volts, the learner would bang on the wall in protest and refuse to answer questions, at this point an experimenter would approach the teacher and firmly state no answer is the same as wrong, and they must continue
- Out of 40 subjects, 5 quit when the learner pounded on the wall and only 14 quit before all the shocks had been administered. 26 of 40 subjects administered all levels of shock
- Subjects obeyed, even when showing clear signs of significant emotional distress
Irving Janis
- Developed groupthink model
- When groups get sucked into groupthink they cease critical thinking practices, begin to censor the information they bring to the group and pressure to conform increases
- Some members serve as “mindguards” who protect the group from information that does not support their views
William Cunningham
- Used explicit and implicit evaluations to study the role the amygdala plays in response to race
- Amygdala has been shown to play a role in fear responses
- fMRIs were used to track white subject’s responses to various stimuli, including pictures of black or white faces
- Black faces produced greater response in the amygdala than white faces