Transportation Planning Flashcards
What is the 3-C Planning process in transportation planning?
Continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive
______________ is a federal legislation act that requires fiscally constrained planning by MPOs
Intermodal surface transportation efficiency act (ISTEA)
The traditional ______________ is a 20 year minimum planning horizon vision document that reflects the application of programmatic transportation goals to project prioritization.
Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
___________ are responsible for air quality planning and conformity and environmental reviews (NEPA), including water issues.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)
_________________ is required to proceed with ROW acquisition and construction.
Environmental Analysis as per NEPA
What is the first step in the four step-gravity model?
Trip generation
what is the second steps in the four step-gravity model?
Trip distribution
What is the third step in the four-step gravity model?
Mode Split
What is the fourth step in the four step gravity model?
trip assignment (network assignment)
What are the four steps in the four-step gravity model?
Trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, and trip assignment.
_________ estimates the number of trips generated by different types of land uses
Trip generation
____________ estimates where the generated trips will go.
trip distribution
_________________ estimates which trips will use automobile and which will use the modes (transit, bicycles, walking)
Mode split
________________ assigns trips by each mode to the roadway network
Trip assignment.
True/False: MPOS handle maintenance and operation of the roadways?
True/False: MPOs handle the construction and design of roadways.
________________ is free flowing with low volumes and high speeds.
Level of Service A
_______________ has a stable flow, with operating speeds beginning to be restricted somewhat by traffic conditions. Drivers still have reasonable freedom to select their speed and land of operation.
Level of Service B
______________ has a mostly stable flow, but speeds and maneuverability are more closely constricted by the higher volumes.
Levels of Service C.
___________ is approaching an unstable flow, with tolerable operating speeds, but driving speeds can be considerably affected by changes in operating conditions.
Level of Service D
____________ cannot be described by speed alone. Operating speeds are lower than Level D with volumes at or near the capacity of highway.
Levels of Service E.
______________ is when operating speeds are stop and go. The stoppages disrupt the traffic flow so the volume carried by the roadway falls below its capacity.
Level of Service F.
__________________ understands the demands placed on the community’s transportation network by development.
Traffic Impact Analysis
_______________ is planning for all users, variety of modes, variety of ages and trip types.
Complete streets
Transit Oriented Development is a concept developed by ____________?
Peter Calthorpe
What is another term for vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction strategies?
Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
What are the three main functional classes?
Arterials, collectors and local roads
_______________ is a wide urban street with tree lined sidewalks and often multiple lanes of both fast and slow moving traffic.
A boulevard
An employer sponsored program that allows employees to opt out of having a parking space and receive payment is known as a ____________?
Parking cashout
________________ is a website to asses walkability of a location with number of nearby amenities being the leading predictor of whether people walk.
Walk score
How many levels of automated vehicle classifications are there?
0 - 4 levels.
What is level 0 of the automated vehicle classifications?
Driver completely controls the vehicle at all times.
What is level 1 of the automated vehicle classifications?
Individual vehicle controls are automated such as electronic stability control or automatic braking.
What is level 2 of the automated vehicle classification?
Level 2 is at least two controls can be automated in unison such as adaptive cruise control in combination with lane keeping.
What is level 3 of automated vehicle classification?
Driver can fully cede controls of all safety critical function in certain conditions.
What is level 4 of the automated vehicle classification?
Vehicle performs all safety-critical functions for the entire trip with the driver not expected to control the vehicle at any time.
A ___________ is also called a lane reduction, road rechannelization, or road conversion is a technique in transportation planning whereby the number of travel lanes and/or effective width of the road is reduced in order to achieve systemic improvements.
road diet
______________ is an approach that promotes walking and bicycling to school through infrastructure improvements, enforcement, tools, safety education, and incentives to encourage walking and bicycling to school.
Safe Routes to School
__________________ was developed to support park and recreation professionals and their partners to implement environmental, policy, and program strategies to create safe walking and biking access to parks.
Safe Routes to Parks