Knowledge of Code Flashcards
Based on knowledge of the specific codes, procedures, and advisory rulings
What are the five sections of the Code of Ethics and Conduct
A. Aspirational Principles
B. Rules of Conduct
C. Advisory Opinions
D. Adjudication of Complaint of Misconduct
E. Discipline of Members
What are the five headings of Section A?
People who participate in the planning process shall..
1. continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest
2. do so with integrity
3. work to achieve economic, social, and racial equity
4. safeguard the public trust
5. improve planning knowledge and increase public understanding of planning activities
Which principle does this statement support? “Systematically and critically analyze ethical issues in the practice of planning. Strengthen organizational capabilities to apply ethical principles in serving the public, including establishing procedures that promote ethical behavior, mentoring emerging professionals in ethical behavior and holding individuals and organizations accountable for their conduct.
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? “Incorporate equity principles and strategies as the foundation for preparing plans and implementation programs to achieve more social and just decision-making. Implement for existing plans, regulations, policies and procedures, changes which can help overcome historical impediments to racial and social equity. Develop metrics and track plan implementation over time to measure and report progress towards achieving more equitable outcomes.”
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? Provide timely, adequate, clear, accessible, and accurate information on planning issues to all affected persons, to governmental bodies, to the public, to clients, and to decision makers.”
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Facilitate the exchange of ideas and ensure that people have the opportunity for meaningful, timely, and informed participation in the development of plans and programs that may affect them. Participation should be broad enough to include those who lack formal organization or influence, especially underrepresented communities and marginalized people.”
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Promote excellence in design. Conserve and preserve the integrity and heritage of the natural and built environment. Use principles of sustainability and resilience as guiding influences in our work. “
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Identify the human and environmental consequences of alternative actions including the short and long-term costs and benefits. Identify social and cultural values which should be preserved as well as natural elements.”
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Enhance our professional education and training in our career as well as in our ability to work as a participant in the planning process and with allied professionals. “
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Educate and seek to empower the public about planning issues and their relevance to everyone’s lives. “
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Describe and comment on the work and views of other professionals in a fair and professional manner. “
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Respect the rights of all persons and groups and do not discriminate against or harass others.”
People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Create plans and ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities, which in turn, structure prospects for upward economic mobility, a sense of belonging, and an enhanced quality of life. Recognize our unique responsibility to eliminate historic patterns of inequity tied to planning decisions represented in documents such as zoning ordinances and land use plans.”
People who participate in the planning process shall work to achieve economic, social and racial equity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Seek social justice by identifying and working to expand choice and opportunity for all persons , emphasizing our special responsibility to plan with those who have been marginalized or disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic equity. urge the alteration of policies, institutions, and decisions that do no help meet their needs.”
People who participate in the planning process shall work to achieve economic, social and racial equity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Recognize the work to mitigate the impacts of existing plans and procedures that result in patterns of discrimination, displacement, or environmental injustice. Plan for anticipated public and private sector investment in historically low-income neighborhoods to ensure benefits and defined by the local community. Promote an increase in the supply and quality of affordable housing and improve services and facilities with equal access for all residents, including people with disabilities.”
People who participate in the planning process shall work to achieve economic, social and racial equity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Promote the inherent rights of indigenous people and work with indigenous peoples on developments affecting them and their lands and resources.”
People who participate in the planning process shall work to achieve economic, social and racial equity.
Which principle does this statement support? “Pay special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions and their unintended consequences.”
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? “Have special concern for the long-range consequences of past and present actions.”
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? “Examine our own culture, practices, values, and professional positions in an effort to reveal and understand our conscious and unconscious biases and privileges as an essential first step so we can better serve a truly inclusive public interest promoting a sense of belonging “
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? “Be conscious of the rights of others. Develop skills that enable better communication and more effective, respectful, and compassionate planning efforts with all communities, especially underrepresented communities and marginalized people, so that they may fully participate in planning. Respect the experience, knowledge, and history of all people.”
People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
Which principle does this statement support? “ Deal fairly with all participants in the planning process.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Exercise fair, honest, skilled, informed and independent professional judgment.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Do not let any official action be influenced by personal relationships.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Serve as advocates for the public or private sector only when the client’s objectives are legal and consistent with the public interest.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Avoid a conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest in accepting assignments from clients or employers.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Disclose to the public all personal and pecuniary interests, considered broadly, that a participant, serving as an advisor or decision-maker, may have regarding any planning process decision to be made. If at all possible, abstain completely from direct or indirect participation as an advisory or decision-maker in any matter in which there is a personal or pecuniary interest, and leave any chamber in which such a matter is under deliberation.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Neither seek nor accept any gifts or favors, nor offer any, under circumstances in which it might reasonably be inferred that the gifts or favors were intended or expected to influence a participant’s objectivity as an advisor or decision-maker in the planning process.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Do not seek business by stating or implying the ability or willingness to influence decisions by improper means.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Expose corruption wherever discovered.”
People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
Which principle does this statement support? “Contribute to the development of, and respect for, our profession by improving knowledge and techniques, and sharing the results of experience and research that contribute to the body of planning knowledge. Make work relevant to solving community problems and increase the public’s understanding of planning activities.”
Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public
understanding of planning activities.
Which principle does this statement support? “Examine the applicability of planning theories, methods, research, and standards to the facts and analysis of each particular situation and do not accept the applicability of a customary solution without first establishing its appropriateness to the situation.”
Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public understanding of planning activities.
Which principle does this statement support? “Strive to achieve high standards of professionalism, including integrity, knowledge, and professional development. Obtain professional education throughout one’s planning career and for those that are Members of AICP, comply with Certification Maintenance requirements.”
Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public
understanding of planning activities.
Which principle does this statement support? “Commit to the advancement of the planning profession. Contribute time and resources to the professional development of students, interns, beginning professionals, and other colleagues. Increase opportunities for members of underrepresented groups to enter and succeed in the profession, and to achieve AICP certification. “
Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public
understanding of planning activities.
Which principle does this statement support? “Contribute time and effort to our communities particularly to those groups lacking in adequate planning resources, through pro bono planning activities.”
Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public
understanding of planning activities.
True/False: The AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is enforceable only on AICP and FAICP members.
Which of the following aspirational principles of the Code would benefit from the use of social media?
I. Increase public understanding of planning activities.
II. Educate and seek to empower the public about planning issues.
III. Promote local legislation to mandate community based planning.
IV. Provide timely, adequate, clear, and accessible and accurate information on planning issues.
I, II, and IV.
Which of the following is true about “moonlighting”?
I. Moonlighting violates the AICP Code of Ethics.
II. Service as a teacher or instructor is outside employment that is most justifiable.
III. Outside employment need not receive the approval of the employer.
IV. An unspecialized, general consulting practice is the least justifiable.
II and IV - Teaching planning, whether or not pro-bono, is the most justifiable type of outside employment as it is unlikely to result in a conflict of interest. Likewise, unspecialized, general consulting practice is the least justifiable type of employment as it can easily involve multiple avenues for a conflict.
How many rules of conduct are there?
What is the first heading of Section B?
Quality and Integrity of Practice
How many rules are in “Quality and Integrity of Practice?”
6 Rules (Rule 1 - 6)
Rule #1: We shall not deliberately fail to provide _________, __________, ___________, and _______________ information on planning issues.
adequate, timely, clear and accurate
Rule #2: We shall not accept an assignment from a client or employer when ______________________.
The services to be performed involve conduct that we know to be illegal or in violation of these rules.
Rule #3: We shall not accept work beyond our professional competence, but may ______________________, accept such work to be performed under _________________________.
with the understanding and agreement of the client or employer,
the direction of, another professional competent to perform the work and acceptable to the client or employer.
Rule #4: We shall not accept work for a fee, or pro bono, that we know _________________________.
cannot be performed with the promptness required by the prospective client, or that is required by the circumstances of the assignment.
Rule #5: We shall not direct or pressure other professionals to make _________________________.
analyses or reach findings not supported by available evidence
Rule #6: We shall not deliberately commit any ________ ____________, whether or not specified in the Rules of Conduct, that reflects adversely on our ____________ _________ or the planning profession.
wrongful act
professional fitness
What is the second heading in Section B of the code?
Conflict of Interest
Rule #7. We shall not, as public officials or employers, accept from anyone other than our public employer any __________, ____________, _________, or other advantage that may be perceived as related to our public office or employment.
compensation, commission, rebate
Rule #8: We shall not perform work on a project for a client or employer if, in addition to the agreed upon compensation from our client or employer, if there is a possibility for direct personal or financial gain to us, our family members, or persons living in our household, unless: __________________ ?
a) a client or employer, after full prior written disclosure from us, consents in writing to the arrangement; and
b) we make full disclosure of the potential conflict part of the public record at every public meeting and in all written reports related to the work.
How many rules are in the Conflict on Interest section of the code?
2 rules (Rules 7 & 8)
True/False: “We shall not deliberately fail to provide adequate, timely, clear and accurate information on planning issues.” has become a Rule of Conduct and was formerly an Aspirational Principle.
What is the third heading of Section B?
Improper Influence/Abuse of Position
How many rules are in “Improper Influence/Abuse of Position?
4 rules (Rules 9 - 12)
Rule #9: As public officials or public employees, we shall not engage in private communications with planning process participants if _____________________ ?
the discussion relates to a matter over which we have authority to make a binding, final determination.
Rule #10: We shall not engage in __________ ___________with decision makers in the planning process in any manner prohibited by law or by agency rules, procedures, or custom.
private communications
Rule #11: We shall not solicit prospective clients or employment through use of ___________ or ___________ _____________, nor shall we, in the conduct of our work, imply an ability to improperly influence decisions.
false or misleading claims
Rule #12: We shall not use the power of any office to seek or obtain a __________ _____________that is not a matter of public knowledge or is not in the public interest.
special advantage
What is the fourth heading of the Rules of Conduct?
Honesty and Fair Dealing
How many rules are in “Honesty and Fair Dealing?”
5 rules (Rules 13 - 17)
Rule #13: We shall not disclose or use to our advantage, nor that of a subsequent client or employer, information gained in a professional relationship that the client or employer has requested be held inviolate or that we should recognize as confidential because its disclosure could result in detriment to the client or employer, except when disclosure is required:
1) ________________,
2) _________________,
3) __________________
1) by process of law, or
2) to prevent a clear violation of law, or
3) to prevent substantial injury to the public.
Rule #14: We shall not deliberately misrepresent the ______________, ________and ___________of other professionals.
qualifications, views and findings
Rule #15: We shall not misstate our __________, ___________, ___________, or any other facts which are relevant to our professional qualifications.
education, experience, training,
Rule #16: We shall not use the product of others’ efforts to seek professional __________, __________, or ___________ intended for producers of original work.
recognition, credit, or acclaim
Rule #17: We shall not fail to disclose the interest of our ___________ or _________ when participating in the planning process. Nor shall we participate in an effort to conceal the true interests of our ___________ or ______________
client or employer
client or employer
What is the fifth heading in the Code of Ethics?
Responsibility to Employer
How many rules are in the Responsibility to Employer section?
2 rules (Rules 18 & 19)
Rule #18. We shall not, as employees, undertake other employment in planning or a related profession, whether or not for financial remuneration, without having made _______________ to the employer who furnishes our pay and having received subsequent written permission to undertake additional employment, unless our employer has a written policy permitting such employment without consent. In no case shall a planner engage in any outside work that would create an actual ________________.
full written disclosure
conflict of interest.
Rule #19: We shall not accept an assignment from a client or employer to publicly advocate a position on a planning issue that is significantly different to a position we publicly advocate for a previous client or employer within the past three years unless
1) ________________________
2) _______________________
1) we determine in good faith our change of position will not cause present detriment to our previous client or employer, and
2) we make full written disclosure of the conflict to our previous and current client or employer.
What is the sixth heading in the Rules of Conduct?
How many rules are in “Discrimination/Harassment”?
1 rule (Rule 20)
Rule #20: We shall not commit or ignore an act of ___________ or ______________.
discrimination or harassment.
What is the seventh headings in the Rules of Conduct?
Bringing a Charge/Lack of Cooperation with Ethics Officer
How many rules are in “Bringing a Charge/Lack of Cooperation with Ethics Officer?”
4 rules (Rules 21 - 24)
Rule #21: We shall not withhold cooperation or information from the AICP Officer or the AICP Ethics Committee if a charge of ethical misconduct has been ___________ or if it is determined by the Ethics Officer or Ethics Committee that we have information/knowledge relevant to a charge filed against ________________.
filed against us
another AICP member.
Rule #22: We shall not __________, _________, or ____________ _________against a person who has filed a charge of ethical misconduct against us or another planner, or who is cooperating in the Ethics Officer’s investigation of an ethics charge.
harass, retaliate or threaten retaliation
Rule #23. We shall not use the AICP ethics process for any inappropriate purpose, including ____________ or _____________against another planner for personal, pecuniary or professional gain or filing of a meritless complaint against another planner.
threatening to file, or filing an ethics charge
Rule #24. We shall not fail to immediately notify the Ethics Officer by both _____________ and _____________if we are convicted of a “serious crime” as defined in Section E of the Code; nor immediately following such a conviction shall we represent ourselves as Certified Planners or Members of AICP until our membership is reinstated by the AICP Ethics Committee pursuant to the procedures in Section E of the Code.
receipted certified and regular first-class mail