Saturday Mix - Henry's Class Flashcards
In The Feminine Mystique, the book captured frustration/despair of a generation of college-educated housewives who felt trapped,
unfulfilled. Who was the author?
Betty Friedan
Which movement was enacted to conserve and develop Indian lands and resources and extended the rights to form businesses and other organizations?
American Indian Movement
Who authored the book A Theory of Justice and aimed to resolve competing claims of freedom and equality.
John Rawls (a philosopher)
What are the 3 E’s in planning
Economy, Equity and Environment
Which act outlawed discrimination against racial, ethnic, and national/religious minorities and women? If in violation, it can mean loss of federal funding.
Civil Rights Act - Title VI
If potential for significant environmental impact, ______________ must be prepared.
Environmental Assessment
If significant environmental impact ___________________ examines mitigation or impact avoidance.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Who is the father of Environmental Justice?
Robert Bullard
Which act requires that industries report the amount/type of toxic substances, hazardous/toxic waster & industrial pollutants disclosed to local community citizens to deal safely and effectively with these substances.
The Right to Know Federal Act
_____________ is an inclusive concept which encompasses, but is not limited to race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, ability, educational attainment, spiritual beliefs, creed, culture, tribal affiliation, nationality, immigration status, political beliefs, and veteran status.
______________ is giving attention to the advantages and disadvantages that exist among groups and individuals, correction of the inequities identified, and provision of access to resources and opportunities needed.
_________________ is defined as “fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws.
Environmental Justice
Which community as experienced the greatest environmental burden and related health problems?
Low-income residents, communities of color, tribal nations, and immigrant communities
______________ demonstrates an environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully; are valued for their distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives; have equal access to resources and opportunities; and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.
_____________ is a right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others.
_______________ requires the examination of both the positive and negative impacts of community improvements on all community members so that all members benefit and no one group or neighborhood is unfairly disadvantaged.
Social Justice
Which executive order stated “minority, low income, or tribal populations should not bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences as practicable and appropriate
Executive Order 12898
What is the difference between Title VI and Ex. Order 129898?
Title VI prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating based on race, color, or national origin or activity. Ex. Order 12898 directly affects federal agencies to identify and address as appropriate disproportionately high adverse human health and environmental effects of their program, policies, and activities, on minority populations and low-income populations
What are the two key attributes measured to determine inequity?
- disproportionality - is the outcome or create greater disparity to some group, while other benefit
- institutionalized - is it embedded in system policies
Ruth Glass coined the term ______________.
_______________ the form of neighborhood change characterized by the arrival of higher income and often higher educated residents, along with increased rents, property values, and cost-of-living, and decreasing non-white populations.
Who is a key figure in equity planning?
Norman Krumholtz
Which type of planning is associated with the following characteristics; concerns for disadvantaged communities, planners as advocates on behalf of the poor and minorities, primary stress on application of professional expertise, and process orientation?
Advocacy planning
Which type of planning is associated with the following characteristics; planners as advocates and brokers for the poor, strong emphasis on development of political support, stress on practical results and “doable” efforts, close connections on neighborhood political results, and product and process orientation?
Equity planning
Which type of planning is associated with the following characteristics; planner facilitate community action, importance of local knowledge to balance expertise, planning as iterative process, close connections to community development, process orientation?
Empowerment/Community-based planning
The County Administrator tells you, the Planning Director, that he is concerned about the potential environmental justice issues associated with the new proposed landfill site in a residential area.
Among the planning issues you direct your staff to investigate are (Select all that apply):
I. Whether Hispanics will experience a disproportionate environmental impact
II. Public participation
III. Housing gentrification
IV. Health risk assessment
I, II, and IV
According to Richard Florida, the types of urban areas that attract the “Creative Class” do NOT require those with:
(A) Low taxes
(B) A highly talented/educated/skilled population
(C) A diverse community
(D) Technological infrastructure necessary to fuel an entrepreneurial culture
A. Low taxes
Advocacy Planning is associated closely with Paul Davidoff. Which of the following was the significant effect of the advocacy movement?
(A) Assisted single women with children find employment.
(B) Caused social planning to move from back room negotiations into the public forum.
(C) Reduced the need for more environmental documentation.
(D) Created economic stability.
B. Caused social planning to move from back room negotiation into the public forum
President Clinton’s 1994 Executive Order 12898:
(A) Prohibited federal contracts from going to businesses that knowingly hire illegal workers
(B) Established a Commission to Study Capital Budgeting
(C) Directed federal agencies to identify and address the disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their actions on minority and low-income populations
(D) Expanded the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
C. Directed federal agencies to identify and address the disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their actions on minority and low-income populations
Each of the following is a Smart Growth goal except:
(A) Saving our most valuable remaining natural resources
(B) Supporting existing communities and neighborhoods
(C) Controlling population growth
(D) Saving taxpayer dollars by not building the infrastructure required to support sprawl
C. Controlling population growth
“Triple Bottom Line” refers to:
(A) Costs, Revenues, Profits
(B) Cash, Debt, Inventory
(C) People, Prosperity, Planet
(D) Durable Goods, Consume
C. People, prosperity and planet
What type of organizational approach has the planner serving a specific client or group and doing so openly?
(A) Fishbowl Planning
(B) Alinsky Organization
(C) Advocacy Planning
(D) Ladder of Citizen Participant
C. Advocacy planning
The planning philosophy that “requires that government institutions give priority attention to the goal of promoting a wider range of choices for those Cleveland residents who have few, if any, choices” is associated with:
(A) Paul Davidoff
(B) Saul Alinsky
(C) Norman Krumholz
(D) Paul Farmer
C. Norman Krumholz
What happened in the early 20th century to bring about the City Humane Movement?
(A) Jacob Riis’s publication of How the Other Half Lives
(B) The great depression
(C) The beginning of advocacy planning
(D) Jane Addams’ opening of Hull House
B. The great depression
In drafting a neighborhood plan, what is the most efficient and effective way to ensure that the interests of all groups have been addressed?
(A) Send a copy of the draft plan to all ethnic, religious, and social organizations in the neighborhood and request written comments
(B) Conduct focus group meetings in the neighborhood to discuss plan concepts and issues prior to drafting the plan
(C) Conduct a statistically valid public opinion poll of the neighborhood residents to determine their issues and desires
(D) Hold a public hearing on the draft plan at night at the neighborhood elementary school
B. Conduct focus group meetings in the neighborhood to discuss plan concepts and issues prior to drafting the plan
What is the purpose of building codes?
protect public health and safety
Which federal legislation focused on slum clearance?
1949 Housing Act
A noise exposure of 85 decibels would be considered normal for __________?
City traffic inside a car.
__________ refers to the amount of organic material that is decomposing and using oxygen dissolved in water?
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Typical off-street parking requirements for restaurant are __________?
15-23 spaces per 1,000 square feet of area
Which of the following might be a part of a PUD?
I. Single family residences
II. Apartments
III. Commercial and institutional uses
IV. Industrial uses
All of the above
The total area of permitted floor space expressed as a proportion of the site is known as ________________?
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
True/False:Deterioriting air quality contributed to the decentralization of urbanized areas in the mid to late 20th century
What are the four steps in the classic urban transportation planning system?
Trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, route assignment
________________ encourages conversion of underutilized commercial buildings to housing in historic areas?
Adaptive reuse program
2000 census showed that ______% of the population lived in urban areas
True/False: Developing an organizational profile is not part of preparing a local general plan.
Which of the following is probably the most effective way to stop development in a watershed?
A. Floodplain regulation
B. Purchase of Development Rights
C. Performance Based Zoning
D. Floating Zone Regulation
B. Purchase of Dev. Rights
What kind of density does a traditional small town feature?
Medium to low density of development
Which region’s population grew at the fastest rate in 1990s and 2000s?
Western cities
An independent unit of local government that is usually create by referendum and organized to perform specific governmental functions is a _____________?
Special District.
True/False: the average persons per households has been declining.
Which supreme court case removed the substantially advances test for takings cases?
Lingle v. Chevron USA