Transport in Humans- The heart Flashcards
What is the importance of transport systems in organisms?
To ensure a continual supply of nutrients oxygen and other useful materials for metabolism
What does the circulatory system do?
Carries dissolved substances to and from different places in the body.
What makes up the circulatory system?
The heart and blood vessels
What is meant by double circulation?
The blood flows through the heart twice in one complete circulation
What happens in the circuits?
one circuit-Blood passes through the heart and the lungs. In the lungs blood absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and water vapour.
2 circuit- Blood passes through the heart and the rest of the body. Essential substances such as oxygen and glucose are carried to the cells of the body while other substances like urea and carbon dioxide are removed.
What advantage does the double circulatory system have?
Blood to the rest of the body can be pumped by the heart at a much faster rate. This ensures that oxygenated blood reaches all parts of the body.
Where is the heart located?
In the Thorax between the lungs
What type of muscle is the heart made of?
Cardiac muscle
Which cells work together to produce a heartbeat?
Cardiac Muscle cells
What is the heart rate of a normal person?
70-80 beats per minute
What are the 4 chambers that the heart is made up of?
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
What seperates the left and right chambers?
The Septum
What is the function of the atria and ventricles
The atria collects blood entering the heart and the ventricles pumps blood out of the heart
Why are the walls of the atria thinner than the walls of the ventricles?
Because they have less cardiac muscles
Why is the wall of the right ventricle thinner than the wall of the left ventricle?
Because blood from the right ventricle goes to the lungs. the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body.
Why are valves present?
To prevent the back flow of blood
What is the name of the valve on the right
tricuspid valve
What is the name of the valve on the left
bicuspid valve
What is the cardiac cycle?
The Sequence of events that makes up one heartbeat
What is Systole?
When the atria and ventricle contracts to force blood out
What is diastole?
When the atria and ventricle relax and fill with blood
How does the heartbeat happen?
When the muscles of heart contracts and relax
Which side of the heart carrries deoxygenated and oxygenated blood?
The right side- deoxygenated
The left side- Oxygenated
What kind of walls does the atrium and ventricles have?
The arteries have thin walls while the ventricles have thick walls
What is the function of the arteries and the ventricles?
the ateries collect blood entering the heart while the ventricles pump blood out the heart
Where are valves present?
In between the atriums and ventricles and in the pulmonary artery and aorta