Sensitivity and Coordination (Brain and Reflex action) Flashcards
What is the brain?
The brain the central processor which gathers information from the sensory organs and then decides how it should respond?
What are the parts of the brain?
Medula Oblongata
What is the function of the cerebrum?
Its the largest part of the brain. (forebrain). It is the part of the brain where information is sent and stored. The brain uses this information to mae a decisin about our involuntary actions. It also helps to think, plan and remember and sppech
What is the function of the cerebellum?
It is the middle part of the brain(midbrain). It is mostly comcerned with coordinating balance and movement. Some of these responses are automatic and some we have to think about.
What is the function of the medualla oblongata?
Its the hind part of the brain. It controls automatic responses for example breathing, heart rate, digestion and body temperature. Its also called the brain stem. It joins with the spinal cord.
What are voluntary actions and examples?
These are actions that we think about and decide to or not to do.
Sitting or getting up
What are involuntary actions and examples?
These are actions that we have no control over. They are considered automatic.
Heart beating
What is a reflex action and examples?
A fast and automatic response to a stimulus.
pupil reflex
What are carnial reflexes and example?
They pass through the brain
Pupil reflex
What are spinal reflexes and examples?
They pass thtough the spinal cord
Knee Jerk Reflex
Withdrawal reflex
What are reflec arcs?
The pathway between a receptor and effector
Explain a pupil reflex
Stimulus- Ligh shining in the eye
Receptor- nerve endings in the retina sen a message
sensory neuron
CNS- the brain interprets it and send intructions
motor neuron
effector - the iris muscle
response- the pupil gets smaller
Explain sweating
Stimulus- hot body temperature
Receptor- found in the skin
Respose- increased sweat is releases and cools the body surface down
Explain the knee jerk reflex
Stimulus- tapping the knee
Receptor- found in the skin
Response- Due to the sudden contraction of thigh muscles the lower leg kicks forward.
What is the reaction time?
The time taken to respond to a stimulus.
What does the reaction time depend on?
It depends on how quickly the brain and interpret and process the information and send out a response
Also how quickly the muscles can act on it