Training Bulletins Flashcards
What is the difference between an incendiary fire and a suspicious fire?
Incendiary was intentionally set by someone
Suspicious fire is one in which all possible accidental causes haven’t been ruled out
In reference to arson what is a plant, what is a trailer?
A plant is material arranged to start and feed a fire
A trailer is material arranged to spread fire from point of origin to other areas
When someone approaches you after a fire with details about the fire should you tell them to wait for a marshal to arrive on scene or should you let them talk freely?
Let them talk freely
If a person died of CO at a fire, how might they appear?
Life like, pink to cherry red color of lips and eye lids and skin
When does lividity start and when is it complete? What is lividity
Lividity is the settling of blood to lower parts of the body, starts within 1-2hrs after death and is complete 3-4hrs after death
T or F
The pugilistic position is the appearance of a person trying to defend themself, this is a clear indication of a struggle.
False, this occurs with muscles contracting at a fire and is NOT a sign of violence or a struggle
Which is not acceptable for evidence collection:
1- new paint can with lid
2- clean glass jar with tight fitting lid
3- plastic container with tight fitting lid
4- double heavy duty garbage bags
3- plastic containers should be avoided for evidence collection
Garbage bags are a last resort
For arson, the “V” pattern points towards or away from the point of origin?
The V points towards the origin
Crazing glass, what to the following indicate:
1-Small crazing
2-large crazing
3- checkered glass (half moon effects)
1- small = intense and rapid heat build up and close to point of origin
2- large = relatively slow heat build up and remote from point of origin
3-checkered = happens when water is applied to heated glass
Wood structural members burn at approx __#__inch(s) every 45 minutes
1 inch every 45 min
What is. The length and diameter of the life saving rope?
Length = 150ft Diameter = 9/16”
Over a period of time some LSR’s have shrunk ___ to ___ft.
When using the atlas belt or personal harness and the LSR to lower a person or single slide how many turns do you make around the hook? How many turns when lowering 2 people?
4 turns for both
The LSR was subjected to the weight of one person, no impact load, does the rope get put out of service or can it be put back into service?
Weight of one person the rope has to be carefully examined for damage and abrasions before being put back into service
What is the percentage rage of strength lost for the LSR when it gets wet? When it dries does it regain its strenght?
Loses 10-15% of its strength and yes it will regain its strength when it dries
At what temp does the LSR lose its strength, and what temp does it melt?
At 300degrees it progressively loses strength, at 482 it melts
A hockle will reduce the strength of the LSR by how much (__-__%)?
40-50% strength lose due to hockle
All units, except engine companies, will inspect and repack the LSR on Monday’s, when do engines do it?
What is considered an impact load?
A free fall of 3ft or more is an impact load
A member in your company has a problem with their personal harness and it needs to be taken out of service. Does that member respond to emergencies while waiting for a new harness to be delivered?
Yes, they do no count towards your staffing level and they can NOT enter an IDLH
It’s your first day as a new LT, you get your gear out of the gear bag and notice the personal harness has a tear in it and it needs to go OOS. Can you still respond to emergencies?
No, FF’s can respond, when its the officer the unit will go OOS until the replacement is delivered.
How many feet of rope:
C-search rope
PSS- 50ft
LSR- 150ft
Search rope- 200ft
T or F
The PSS is to only be used for firefighters to remove themselves AND it is a one time use system.
True (after its use the PSS will be places OOS)
When does the PSS get inspected?
The start of each tour and semi annually
Repacked semiannually
After a fire you notice that the PSS bag has some discoloration from heat but everything else looks fine. Do replace the bag or do you replace everything?
Replace everything
There is a fire at a convention center. The smoke condition is light, should you use the search rope?
You shall, conditions can deteriorate rapidly
A search rope can shrink up to ___ft due to rope loss for the knots and shrinkage.
You are lost at a fire and come across a search rope. You recognize that you are approximately 75ft in because there are 3 knots that are 6” apart and 1 knot 18” from them. You know that the directional knot will take you:
A-towards the fire
B-towards the outside
B- directional not leads to the outside. Distance knots are on the fire side.
The search rope should be kept taut and off the floor, how far off the floor?
1-2ft off the floor
Under most conditions, the number of member searching with a search rope should be limited to ?
3, the officer and 2 firefighters
When relieving a unit of a search rope or being relieved on the search rope, units should move with their (right or left) hand on the rope. This is allow for the units to pass each other without crashing into each other.
Right hand on the rope
T or F
The search rope should be inspected after each use, repacked monthly, and repacked counter-clockwise
Not designed for continuous human occupancy, and large enough so a person can enter and work, and has limited means of entry and escape. This is the definition of what?
Confined space.
What is the definition of a confined space?
Not designed for continuous human occupancy, and large enough so a person can enter and work, and has limited means of entry and escape
T or F
All confined spaces are to be considered safe unless proven otherwise.
False, to be considered DANGEROUS
T or F
An SCBA is only to be used underwater as a last resort and for shallow dives.
False, never to be used underwater
The normal SCBA cylinder has a service life of __#__ years, and it to be hydrostatically tested every __#__years. The 10min escape cylinders are to be hydrostatically tested every __#__years.
Normal SCBA 15yrs life span and tested every 5yrs
10min escape tested every 3yrs
The vibralert gets activated when __%__ of the cylinder remains.
To open the SCBA cylinder to you turn clockwise or counter clockwise?
Counter clockwise
Training cylinders are not to be used for firefighting purposes, they are identified how?
By a blue top or polymer protective sleeve
T or F
An SCBA with a missing. UAC dust cover will be placed OOS…
A cylinder is pressurized to 4500psi, the PRA normally reduces it to what pressure?
When the primary PRA system fails on a SCBA, what pressure does the secondary system reduce the pressure too?
150psi, primary reduces to 100psi
When both the primary and secondary PRA systems of a SCBA fail a relief valve will activate and reduce the pressure to what?
the vibralert will also activate
If the manual shut off on the regulator is not depressed, how long will it take to deplete a full cylinder?
About 4min
The HUD on the regulator has 5 lights on it, what are they and what do they mean?
Round red light to far right means low battery
2 rectangular green = 100% full
1 rectangular green = 75% full
1 rectangular yellow = 50% full (flashing slowly)
1 rectangular red = 25% full and vibralert will activate (flashing rapid)
When the SCBA cylinder is first turned on, how long will the HUD activate all 5 lights?
20 seconds
You get on the rig and check the face piece, what do the following colors tell you about its size?
Green = small Red = extra large Black = comfort seal
How long does it take for the SCBA to go into full alarm if there is no motion?
How long does it take the SCBA to go into its prealarm if there is no motion?
How long does it take for the SCBA to go into full alarm after the prealarm starts?
How do you check the batteries on a scba?
Press and hold the reset button
When is the SCBA inspected?
After 0900 and 1800 roll calls
Right before the start fo MUD
After each use
When preforming the quick release which hand remains on the shoulder strap throughout the entire maneuver?
The left hand
When preforming the swim move maneuver which knee and shoulder get placed thru the studs prior to the opposite arm being swung over?
Right knee, right shoulder, and head go through the studs
T or F
Sharing face pieces with civilians is strictly prohibited, sharing with another firefighter is allowed only under extreme circumstances.
False, NO face piece sharing
While operating at a fire another member comes up to you and gives you 4 strong blows on the back and starts to pull you in a certain direction, what should you do?
Go with them, they know of an emergency
How long after hearing a pass alarm in full alarm should you wait before notifying the IC?
10 seconds
How many pumps of 70% isopropyl do you spray to clean the regulator?
6 sprays
The SCBA has a label with white numbers on a colored background. What do the following colors mean? 1-RED 2-Blue 3-orange 4-yellow 5-green
Red- ladders Blue - rescue and hazmat Orange - battalion spare Yellow - squad and battalions Green - marine
You come across a down firefighter and see the label on the scba, its white letters on a black background. What do the following mean?
1) 84-1
2) 84-2
3) 84-5
4) 84-6
1- engine 84 officer
2- “ “ Chauffeur
3- “ “ control
4- “ “ door
You come across a down firefighter and see the label on the scba, its white letters on a red background. What do the following mean?
1) 84-1
2) 84-2
3) 84-5
1- ladder 84 officer
2- “ “ chauffeur
3- “ “ irons
When fire passes past the __________ stage, it must be considered an IDLH.
T or f
The primary search is a rapid but thorough search.
T or F
A secondary search is a thorough and painstakingly complete search for life in all areas of the primary search as well as areas like roofs, alleyways, and shafts.
How will the ladders interior team mark which apartment they are searching?
Leave the bunny tool outside of the apartment door
T or F
As a truck officer, when you are going to the floor above you must consider forcing a door other then the apartment directly above the fire so an area of safe refuge, if you do this, that door should remain closed and unlocked so it doesn’t become a flow path.
T or F
Searching for fire extension is a valid reason for staying on the floor above an uncontrolled fire.
False, it is not a valid reason
WHen you find a victim, you want to remove them in the safest way possible, what is the preferred order of removal (5 answers)?
I - I- interior stairs H - Have - Horizontal exits F- Five - Fire escapes L- Little - Ladders R - Rats - Rope (LSR)
What’s is the difference between ambulatory and non-ambulatory victims?
Ambulatory can assist in their own removal
When a member has a serious injury or has died, is that a mixer on or mixer off message?
Mixer off
Mixer on-party on-lots of people
You are on the rig and attempt to reach dispatch, how long do you wait for a response before trying to reach them again, and how many times do you try before deeming the rig radio OSS and try a different rig for your message.
Wait 30seconds, max of 3 attempts
T or F
After a fire, excess water can be a problem, directing the water into the hallway and down an elevator shaft is the preferred method of removing water as it will not damage apartment, utilities, or personal property
False, every effort should be made to prevent water from draining into an elevator shaft
T or F
Every ladder company is a salvage ladder unit
Carbide tip blades will cut through all of the following except: A-light sheet metal B- gravel and tar covered roofs C-wood flooring D- it cuts through all the above
D it cuts through A B and C as well as similar materials
The aluminum oxide blade will cut through what?
Various types of steel
The silicon carbide tip will cut through what?
Concrete and other masonry materials
The partner saw can run for how long on a full tank of gas?
20-30 min
How many ounces of oil get mixed with one gallon of gas when making the mix for a partner saw?
4.8 oz ( 1 and a half of the small oil containers)
The carbide tip blade will get placed out of service when # tips are missing, broken, or worn down.
8 tips
When are the 3 times a silicon carbide or aluminum oxide blade will be put out of service?
1- cracked or badly nicked
2- center hole is out of round
3- worn down to diameter of 8” or less
Communication between the guideman and the member cutting can be done with a slap(s) on the back. What does 1 slap, 2 slap and 3 slaps mean?
1 slap = stop cutting
2 slaps = start cutting
3 slaps = shut down the saw
When cutting a floor or a roof there is a “circle of danger”. How big is it when where does it start?
It’s a 20ft radius from the saw blade
When cutting with a partner saw, who is allowed in the circle of danger?
The officer, the guide man, and the member doing the cutting
True or false,
Refueling the saw while running during a prolonged operation is recommended because the saw may not start back up again.
False, do not refuel a running saw, shut it down first
When cutting a roof or floor with a partner saw, how far apart should your feet be?
T or F
When cutting with a carbide blade you want to be at full rpm at the start of your cut.
T or F
When cutting with an abrasive disc you want to be at full RPM at the start of your cut.
False, start out slow and gently increase the rpm’s while cutting
What is the max range of the pak-tracker?
900ft line of sight
Can you use the Pak-tracker in an explosive/flammable atmosphere?
No, it is not extrinsically safe
Which of the following does not carry the pak-tracker on the rig: A-Engine B-Ladder C-Squad D-Rescue E-A&C
Engines do not carry it
When the Pak-tracker receives an alarm signal, the member monitoring it must immediately notify who?
A-member who is transmitting the alarm
B-Fast officer
B-fast officer and tell them who they are receiving the signal from and the officer notifies the IC
The pak-tracker can receive and store up to _#_ SCBA Identities A-2 B-10 C-36 D-50
When an SCBA is in full alarm for # seconds it will transmit a signal that the pak-tracker receives.
When using the pak-tracker where does the member stand in relation to the other members of the unit: A-in the front B-in the rear C-in the middle D-it doesn’t matter
A-in the front
When using the pak-tracker, you should sweep it horizontally and pause for how long to get a reading?
Pause for 3-4 seconds
Signals from the SCBA to the pak-tracker will reflect of not penetrate through all of the following except:
C-large metal objects
D-metal, including structural frame work.
A- glass
Signal will usually pass through glass, wood, light building materials, and holes such as elevator shafts and windows
When how much of the battery is remaining will the low batt indicator light up on the pak-tracker?
When cleaning the SCBA regulator what do you clean it with and how many pumps do you use?
70% isopropyl alcohol and minimum of 6 pumps (make sure to thoroughly rinse afterwards)
For the Akron New Yorker multiversal nozzle, what are the tip sizes and what is the PSI not to exceed for each tip?
1 1/4” = 100psi
1 1/2” = 70 psi
2” = 50psi
For the Akron New Yorker multiversal, how far should the supply lines be brought straight back from the siamese? Does this distance differ if one supply line is used?
15ft for both
For the Akron New Yorker multiversal, if the spikes are more then #” they need to be sharpened or replaced.
The Akron New Yorker has a safety stop at what angle?
35 degrees
For the airbags, the bags rated tonnage is based on its capacity to lift that tonnage how high?
For the airbags, the low pressure gauge should be set at what psi?
For the airbags, when the high pressure gauge shows what reading should the cylinder be changed?
LESS than 200psi, (change at 199 not 200)
What is the max internal air pressure for an airbag?
How many airbags can you stack, and which one goes on top (smaller or bigger)?
Never stack more than 2 and the smaller goes on top
When airbags are stacked, which one do you inflate first?
The bottom one (its the bigger one)
A 30 ton air bag has a max lifting height of 10”. How much weight can it lift 1”? How about 10”?
30 tons 1”
15 tons 10”
An airbags lifting capacity is reduced by % to obtain max lifting height.
When using the airbag system to stop a leak on a tanker, what color hose should you use, and what is this hoses built in safety relief valve set to (PSI)?
What is the average life span of the airbags?
When doing a water relay, the supply pumper should be in (pressure or volume) the operating pumper should be in (pressure or volume). What is the exception?
Both should be in volume, exception is standpipe ops when head pressure needs to be overcome, then the operating pumper will go to pressure.
In a water relay, if the operating pumpers intake gauge drops below psi the ecc should request the supply pumper increase throttle in psi increments.
Below 15psi
Increase in 10psi increments
Can you use a standpipe outlet with a PRD still attached?
Yes, if it cannot be removed and there is no other outlet available
Match he siamese to its color:
Green. Standpipe
Aluminum. automatic Sprinkler
Red. Combination sprinkler standpipe
Yellow. Non-automatic sprinkler
Red = standpipe Green = automatic sprinkler Yellow = combo sprinkler/standpipe Aluminum= nonautomatic sprinkler
A building has both a stand pipe and sprinkler siamese, which does the 1st engine hook up too first?
1st engine will supply the standpipe with the first line and will supply the sprinkler with a second line
T or F
The MET-LX extinguisher is for Class D fires only. You should be 10’ away from burning metal when using this extinguisher. Discharge time is 30 seconds and it covers 3 square feet
For the digital in-line Guatemalan, there is a red led and a blue led, what do they measure?
Red is pressure
Blue is water flow
What psi do you want at the nozzle for a 3 length stretch, and for a 4 length stretch when using the digital in-line gauge?
3 length = 70psi
4 length = 80psi
When drilling on stand pipe operations, what should you tell you control man is a sign of kinks, sign of burst length when it comes to pressure and flow?
Kink - higher or normal pressure and reduced flow
Burst length - lower or normal pressure and increased flow
For the digital in-line gauge when will the red gauge flash, and when will the blue gauge flash?
Red- when pressure is in excess of 200psi
Blue - when flow is above 250gpm or below 80gpm
T or F
Floor jack should only be used on flat or relatively flat surfaces