FFP Flashcards
T or F
Search and rescue is a core competency of the FDNY. All other city agencies, including PD and buildings, operate under the direction on the FDNY at a structural collapse rescue operation.
T or F
Explosions shall be view as possible “dirty bombs” until monitoring shows the area to be clear of contamination.
T or F
At a structural collapse initial rescue operations should concentrate on removing able-bodied, surface, or lightly buried victims from immediate danger.
If possible where should the 1st 4 engines position themselves at a structural collapse?
1st and 2nd outside the block preferable on separate mains and prepare to supply handlines and a large caliber tower ladder stream
3rd and 4th- similar positions at the rear of the structure.
At a structural collapse where does the 1st tower ladder go, and where do the subsequent tower ladders go?
1st in the front of the building outside the collapse zone.
Subsequent should be able to protect and reach a different exposure
Put in order of priority at a structural collapse of for 1st alarm engines:
1-stretch enough hose to cover the entire area (2 1/2) and a 3 1/2 for a tower ladder
2- extinguish vehicle fires in the collapse area
3- extinguish active fire in affected building and surrounding debris
4-protect exposure
1-extinguish active fire in affected building and surrounding debris
2-protect exposures
3-extinguish vehicle fires in collapse area
4-stretch enough 2 1/2 for entire area and a 3 1/2 for tower ladder
Which engine will do the following at a collapse site ( 1st-3rd)
1-stretch enough 2 1/2” to cover entire collapse site
2- ENSURE a 3 1/2” is stretch for the 1st tower ladder
3-perform CFR duties
4-assist in removal of lightly buries victims
1- 1st engine
2- 2nd engine ensures it is stretched, 1st may do it
3-3rd engine will preform CFR duties, 2nd may do it
4-3rd engine can assist in removal of lightly buried victims
At a collapse which truck (1st-3rd) is responsible for the following duties:
2-remove surface victims/preliminary void search
3-shut off utilities
4- search line-of-sight void
5-perform debris removal
1- 1st truck
2- 1st truck
3-2nd truck
4&5- 3rd and subsequent trucks
At a collapse the logistics section will have a street coordination manager, who is a company officer, what are his duties?
1-contact PD and EMS for traffic flow
2-ensure access/egress of essential vehicles
3-position apparatus for most efficient use
4-coordinate apparatus staging area
5-coordinate Casualty Collection Point with EMS
At a collapse what do the following mean?
1- one long blast (3 seconds)
2- one long blast (3sec) and one short blast (1sec)
3- three short blasts (1sec each)
1- 1 long = cease operations/all quiet
2- 1 long & 1 short = resume operations
3- 3 short= evacuate the area (RUN has 3 letters)
What are the 5 stages of a collapse in the correct order?
1-recon 2-accounting and removal of surface victims 3-void search 4-selected debris removal and tunneling 5-general debris removal
If a victim has been pinned for longer than ___ hr(s)a rescue paramedic must be given access to treat for crush syndrome.
1 hour
The search assist marking method consist of a ___’x___’ X that is the color ______. How many cans of this color spray paint are kept on the rig?
It’s 2’x2’ and lime yellow. 2 cans are kept on the rig
When using the marking system, when is the first slash of the X made and when is the second made?
First slash is when you enter and second is when you exit
When using the search assist marking system what info is in each quadrant of the X?
Left - unit conducting the search (L = left and ladder company)
Top - Time and date unit left (T= Top and Time)
Right - hazards (R= Right and Rats)
Bottom - # of victims dead or alive inside (B= Bottom and Bodies)
If at a collapse you search a void and find no victims (dead or alive) do you still need to mark it with the X?
Yes, this avoids duplication
At a collapse the victim marking system is marked by a V:
How big is the V?
What does a circle around the V stand for?
What is a Horizontal (-) slash thru the V mean?
What does a vertical (l) slash thru the V mean?
V is approx 2’
A circle around the V means that is a confirmed either visual, vocally, or sounds that would indicate a high probability of a Vic
A horizontal line means the victim is dead
A vertical line means the victim has been removed
When a fire progresses past the ? stage the fire area must be considered an IDLH atmosphere.
2 in 2 out means that when at least 2 members enter an IDLH a safety team of at least 2 members must be outside. This rule doesn’t have to be followed when there is rescue activity for a known life hazard. What defines a known life hazard?
1-a victim can be seen by the rescuer
2-a victim can be heard by the rescuer
3-a member has info from a credible source or a person at the scene indicating the location of the known life hazard
When one 4 man engine is on scene who will make up the safety team?
The officer and one member can enter for a search WITHOUT line advancement, the other 2 members will be the safety team
Who will be the safety team when one 5 man engine is on scene?
The control and door
Who will be the safety team when one 5 man ladder on scene? And when one 4 man ladder is on scene?
1- 5man ladder = LCC and OV
2- 4man ladder = LCC and outside FF designated by the officer
Who is the safety team when one 5man ladder and engine is on scene? One 4man ladder and engine is on scene?
Both situations its the LCC and Control
Who is the safety team when and understaffed (less than 4 FF) engine OR ladder is on scene?
Unit will take a defensive position unless there is a known life hazard
When 2 engines are on scene who is the safety team?
The control and backup of the second arriving engine