what demands were there still in the 1800’s
Greater democracy
What was a new grave threat to conservatism
Socialism and its stress upon class conflict
What was needed to stop Marxism
Change would have to be refined to offset class conscious politics
What thinkers started one-nation conservatism
What then emerged to stop marxism
Importantce of the nation emerged
What did Disraeli and Bismarck argue
Society’s classes were all members of the same “national family” and that revolutionary politics was an attack on the nation. All classes had an interest in protecting the nation
What did one-nation conservatism update
Burke;s notion of an organic affinity between the richer and poorer classes arguing the aristocracy had the paternalistic duty to “elevate the conditions of the peop;e”
What did one-nation conservatism endorse
State sponsered reform
They became associated with what legislation
Legislation that tempered the effects of laissez fair capitlaism on behalf of the working class
What did Bismarck’s chancellorship in germany lead to
What historians regard as the first welfare state, providing workers with state backed insurance for illness and accidents in work place. Also lead to imposition of tariffs