Areas of similarity over human nature
idea of social creatures and communal
Human nature is flexible and can change
Optimistic view of what human nature can become
Differences in human nature
Fundamental socialists such as marx believed human nature was easily susceptible to contamination by capitalism
Modern socialists like giddens believe that capitalism and human nature can prosper under capitalism
areas of similarity over the state
tended to favour the state as a key tool for change
The right kind of state can improve society by promoting equality
differences in the state
marx believed the existing capitalist state should be revolted against and replaced by a dictatorship of the proletariat which would wither away
Modern socialists believe that the state can be used to steer society in a socialist direction and that requires reform not abolitiment
similarities in society
see human nature and individuals as the product of the society that they live in
Socialist traditionally focused on classes
Society needs to be reconfired with a line of justice to have more equality
similarities in society
differences in society
orthodox communists such as marx believe society is sick and needs revolution for the shock factor to realise it
Webb believed it could be gradually improved by entrenching socialist values
Revisionists believe that alongside capitalism and private property society can improve
similarities in the economy
Socialisms focus on class and equality means the economy must work in the interest of everyone
Agree private property and capitalism are problematic but differ over whether they are compatible with socialism
differences in the economy
fundamental socialists believe socialism in incompatible with capitalism and believe a non-capitalist economy should be made quickly through revolution
Democratic socialists believe a non-capitalist economy can come gradually through changes
social democrat revisionists like crosland believe in keynesian economics
THird way like giddens believe the economy should be neoliberal claiming this will produce a greater tax yield for changes