What was revisionist socialism sent out to do
To revise marx’s view that socialism in incompatible with capitalism and it requires revolution
What are the 3 variations of revisionist thinking
Classical revisionism
Social Democracy
Third Way
A classical revisionist thinker
What did bernstein note
He noted that the conditions of working class was steadily improving under capitalism and little evidence that history as unfolding as marx said it would
What did bernstein then argue for
That if overseen by a socialist government, capitalist economies could provide a greater improvement to workers conditions, with capitalism’s worst features contained
What would the widen of the franchise do for socialism
as more working class voters, more likely for socialist government
Bernstein shared the belief in gradual parliamentary road to socialism with who
Fabian society
How did bernstein and the fabian society differ in their views
Bernstein didn’t believe that capitalism and socialism could work together
What was the most important form of revisionist socialism
After mid 1900’s - Social democracy
What was social democracy far away from
Marx and lenin
What did crossland argue
The reformed capitalism prescribed by keynes had guaranteed full employment and steady economic growth - capitalism was no longer vulnerable to peaks and troughs and could be relied upon to finance a richer, fairer and classless society
What did social democrats say about socialism
It was not just about common ownership
What other ways did social democrats put forward instead of common ownership to get greater equality
Ending unequal forms of secondary education with 11-plus exams
Was there differences between british social democrats and continental social democrats
YES - crossland was against a europe-wide economic policy whereas others supported the prospect of a federal europe
What is the most recent form of revisionist socialism
Third way