tradition business Flashcards
traditional business
acceptable use policy
Policy that sets out what users are and are not allowed to do with IT systems.
chip and pin
Systems designed to reduce credit card fraud by requiring the user to authenticate themselves at the point of sale.
collaborative software
Application software to let users work together on projects even if they are geographically remote.
Reduction in the skill needed to do a job, due to technology
Transfer of money from one account to another using computer systems and networks.
Electronic Funds Transfer
Transfer of money from one account to another using computer systems and networks.
email monitoring
Technology to monitor emails sent and received, usually by employees.
employee monitoring
Technology used to monitor the work of employees using a computer system.
Content on a LAN which is available to authorised third parties.
Process of preventing access to some resources, usually web pages.
follow-the-sun working
System of moving working to different offices around the globe as the day progresses, ending work in each location as the end of the day approaches, and moving it to a new office elsewhere where the day is just beginning.
Internet monitoring
Technology to monitor Internet data sent and received, usually by employees.
Content on a LAN which is only available to members of an organisation.
key logger
Software or hardware which records all key strokes on a computer system.
keystroke monitoring
Software or hardware which records all key strokes on a computer system.