politics and government Flashcards
politics and government
Software which processes video camera data to read vehicle number plates and compare it to those stored in a database.
augmented reality
Overlapping layers of computer data with images of the real world.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Software which processes video camera data to read vehicle number plates and compare it to those stored in a database.
battlefield network
Large scale network gathering information from soldiers, vehicles, and maps to provide an overall view of the battlefield.
Use of fingerprints, retina scans, or other body features as an authentication mechanism.
black boxes
Closed system whose internal operation cannot be inspected.
black list
List of banned web sites in a filtering system.
Children Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
US Law requiring schools to filter Internet content to protect children.
content rating
System whereby web site content is categorised so that filters can block it if necessary.
Using computer hacking techniques to commit acts of terrorism.
Using computer hacking techniques to commit acts of war.
Denial of Service attack
Flooding a computer system with data so that it cannot respond to genuine users.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Law designed to improve copyright protection for media companies, and make it illegal to bypass copy protection systems such as DRM.
Direct Recording Electronic
Voting machines where users cast votes by touching a screen.
Law designed to improve copyright protection for media companies, and make it illegal to bypass copy protection systems such as DRM.
DNA database
A database, often national, that contains DNA samples taken from people arrested by the police.
System for translating domain names into IP addresses.
DNS Poisoning
Technique used by criminals to alter DNS records and drive users to fake sites, to committing phishing.
DRE voting machine
A type of electronic voting machine that allows the user to vote by selecting the candidates name using a touchscreen.
An unmanned aerial vehicle often used by the military for surveillance operations.
Passport with a microchip containing biometric features, and RFID technology to transmit these to immigration control.
An online petition that can be signed by people supporting a cause.
electronic voting
Any use of IT to count or cast votes in an election.
false negative
When a system incorrectly rejects an action instead of accepting it.
false positive
When a system incorrectly accepts an action instead of rejecting it.
Software which blocks some Internet content, based on a series of rules or lists of content.
Software or hardware used to control data entering and leaving a network.
future warrior
Information technology designed to improve a soldier’s understanding of the battlefield around him.
System of satellites that allows a user to determine their position on Earth using a special receiver.
Internet voting
Systems which allows users to vote over the Internet.
Internet Watch Foundation
Organisation that works with British ISPs to block access to illegal content on the Internet.
IP address
Unique address assigned to every computer on a network.
Organisation that works with British ISPs to block access to illegal content on the Internet.
keyword filter
Filter that blocks web pages containing specified key words.
Online donations collected in small amounts, but which add up when contributed by thousands of users.
mission creep
When the use of an IT system extends beyond its original purpose.
mixed reality
Combination of virtual reality and real life training.
online voting
Casting votes over the Internet.
open government
Use of IT to publish data about government operations, improving transparency.
optical scanning electronic voting system
Voting machines which count paper ballots cast by voters.
Voting machines where users cast votes over a network like the Internet.
precision guided weapons
Weapons that use IT to improve their accuracy or effectiveness.
Public Network Direct Recording Electronic
Voting machines where users cast votes over a network like the Internet.
System of tags which contain data that can be read from a distance using radio waves.
Based on computer models, gives users experience of events such as flying a plane.
smart weapons
Weapons that use IT to improve their accuracy or effectiveness.
software verification
The use of experts to examine the source code of a program to check that it works correctly.
tactile feedback
Output from a computer system in the form of force, movement, or resistance.
An unmanned aerial vehicle often used by the military for surveillance operations.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
An unmanned aerial vehicle often used by the military for surveillance operations.
Describes the location of an item, such as a web page, on the Internet.
virtual reality
A virtual world which the user views using a special headset, and may participate in using specialist input devices.
virtual reality headset
Primary output device used by a virtual reality system.
Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails
An electronic voting system that produces a paper receipt of the vote cast, allowing a recount if necessary.
An electronic voting system that produces a paper receipt of the vote cast, allowing a recount if necessary.
weighted filter
A filter which considers the words in a page as well as the context in which they appear.
white list
List of allowed web sites in a filtering system.
wired soldiers
Information technology designed to improve a soldier’s understanding of the battlefield around him.