software Flashcards
Application software for managing finances.
application software
Software which allows users to produce work, such as documents and presentations.
application suite
Collection of application programs that perform related tasks, sold together.
See wizard.
audio software
Application software for creating, recording, and editing sound.
automatic recalculation
Spreadsheet feature that updates results when cells are changed.
Spare copy of data to be used in the event of an emergency.
Software used to view web pages.
Business Software Alliance
Organisation that works to reduce illegal copying of software.
Error or mistake in a program.
closed source
Software whose source code is not publicly available.
cloud computing
System whereby application software and data are stored on a remote Internet server.
command line interface
System the user controls by typing in commands.
commercial software
Software which is sold for profit.
Idea that two systems work together and can share hardware, software, or data.
concurrent licence
Software licence that allows a specific number of copies to be used at one time.
Law protecting intellectual property from unauthorised copying.
Hardware or software that works on multiple operating systems.
database software
Application software for creating, recording, and finding large collections of data.
Process of reducing disk fragmentation.
desktop publishing software
Application software used to lay out pages for printed publications.
device drivers
Utility software used by the operating system to communicate with peripheral devices.
See desktop publishing software.
See end user licence agreement
end user licence agreement
Licence agreement for software that sets out the users rights and responsibilities.
Federation Against Software Theft
Organisation that works to reduce illegal copying of software.
Hardware or software that controls access to a network.
Problem that occurs as files are saved on non-contiguous sectors on a disk.
free and open source software
Software whose source code is freely available and can be changed and distributed.
Software which is distributed for no cost.
frequently asked questions
List of questions and answers often found in manuals and help screens.
Full backup
Backup that copies all data from a system.
Graphical User Interface
System the user controls using a mouse to click on icons, buttons, and windows.
graphics software
Application software for creating and editing images.
See Graphical User Interface.
Incremental backup
Backup that copies only the changed data since the last backup.
mail merge
Automatically customising a standard letter with individual names and addresses.
See Menu Driven Interface
Menu Driven Interface
Interface that presents a series of pre-defined options to the user.
multi-user licence
Software licence that allows a specific number of copies to be used at one time.
multimedia software
Application software for creating and editing presentations, animations, and video.
open source
See free and open source.
operating systems
Software that manages the computer system and controls the hardware.
Refers to a particular combination of hardware and operating system.
presentation software
Application software for creating slides used for lectures, presentations, and lessons.
product activation
Process of registering software online before it can be used, to reduce illegal copies.
productivity software
See application software.
public domain
Software to which the author has waived all rights.
read me file
Help file containing latest updates and information about using a system.
restore (a backup)
Copying data from a backup copy back to the main system.
safety critical system
System whose failure could result in injury or loss of life.
serial number
Registration number needed during software installation, used to reduce illegal copies.
Software which is free to use initially, but which must be pay for if use continues.
single-user licence
Software licence that allows the use of only a single copy on a single computer.
site licence
Software licence that allows an organisation to use software on an unlimited number of computers.
source code
Instructions that make up the software, entered by the programmer using a programming language.
spreadsheet software
Application software for performing numerical calculations and analysis.
Step by step help on using a system.
User interface
Method used to communicate with a computer system.
utility software
Software used to perform maintenance jobs such as defragmenting disks.
video editing software
Application software for creating and editing video.
voice controlled interface
Ability to operate a computer by issuing spoken commands.
web development software
Application software for creating HTML pages for web sites.
Web-based software
See cloud computing.
Step by step help system to guide a user through a task.
word processing software
Application software for creating written documents such as letters or essays.