multimedia Flashcards
Lossy file format for audio.
Tools to control placement of objects in presentation or DTP software.
Lossy file format for video.
Bit depth
Refers to the number of colours in an image.
bit rate
Amount of data used to represent a single sample in a video or audio file.
bitmap graphics
Graphics composed of rectangular grids of pixels.
blue screen
Technique used to replace part of a video image matching a certain colour with computer graphics.
Lossless file format for audio.
Temporary storage area used to store video or audio data ready for playing.
Technical graphics software used to design products for manufacture.
Graphics created entirely on a computer, using 2D or 3D graphics software.
Acknowledge to a piece of work used as a source.
Graphics technique which copies one part of an image to another, often to remove something from the image.
colour balance
Graphics filtering for altering the tones and intensities of colours in an image.
colour depth
Refers to the number of colours in an image.
colour levels
Graphics filtering for altering the tones and intensities of colours in an image.
Colour management
Ensuring printed output colours accurately match those on the screen.
colour profile
Used as part of colour synchronisation to specify how a device represents colour.
Colour synchronisation
Ensuring printed output colours accurately match those on the screen.
composite image
Image which was created from several separate images.
Reduction in the amount of data used to store a file.
Computer Aided Design
Technical graphics software used to design products for manufacture.
Computer Generated Imagery
Graphics created entirely on a computer, using 2D or 3D graphics software.
Legal concept which protects intellectual property from authorised copying, alteration, or use.
Creative Commons
Licensing system for authors who wish to distribute their work freely.
Taking a small part , subset, of an image.
desktop publishing software
Software used for laying out text and images on pages. Commonly used for books, magazines, and brochures.
digital effects
General name for operations performed on an image using graphics software.
Digital Rights Management
Software which restricts the actions a user can perform with a file, such as copying or printing.
The process of converting analog data into digital computer data.
File format for documents, used by Microsoft Office.
dots per inch
Also known as printer resolution. The number of dots of colour a printer is capable of producing in a certain amount of space.
Also known as printer resolution. The number of dots of colour a printer is capable of producing in a certain amount of space.
Software which restricts the actions a user can perform with a file, such as copying or printing.
Software used for laying out text and images on pages. Commonly used for books, magazines, and brochures.
fair use
Exceptions to copyright law that allow copying in certain limited circumstances.
General name for operations performed on an image using graphics software.
Lossless file format for audio.
Image effect found in most graphics software.
Area of a document which appears the same on every page.
Lossless file format for images.
GNU Free Documentation License
Licensing system for authors who wish to distribute their work freely.
green screen
Technique used to replace part of a video image matching a certain colour with computer graphics.
Area of a document which appears the same on every page.
image editor
Software used to create or edit bitmap graphics.
intellectual property
Refers to creations of the mind , non-physical property such as photographs, music, stories, and films.
Lossy file format for images.
Technique used in graphics software to place digital images or effects on top of each other to build up a final image.
lossless compression
Compression technique in which the original file is completely recoverable, with no loss of quality. Compare lossy compression.
lossy compression
Compression technique in which some file data is sacrificed in order to reduce file size.
master page
A template page which is used to include standard features ,such as page numbers or a header, on each page of a document in a consistent manner.
Unit used to measure the resolution of digital cameras. Refers to 1 million pixels.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. System for communication between musical hardware and software applications.
Effect that transforms one image into another over a series of frames.
motion capture
A system used to capture human movement into a computer by attaching sensors to an actor and tracking their location.
Lossy file format for video.
Lossy file format for audio.
Lossy file format for video.
Lossy file format for video.
object oriented graphics
Graphics which are stored as a series of mathematical shapes and properties that can be independently manipulated at any time.
File format for documents, used by LibreOffice.
Common file format for the exchange of documents, which appears on screen exactly as it will appear on the printer.
Individual dots which make up bitmap graphics.
pixels per inch
Number of pixels displayed in each inch of screen output.
plain text file
File format that stores characters using ASCII or Unicode encoding.
Lossless file format for images.
Portable Document Format
Common file format for the exchange of documents, which appears on screen exactly as it will appear on the printer.
Number of pixels displayed in each inch of screen output.
raster graphics
Graphics composed of rectangular grids of pixels.
Refers to the number of pixels in an image.
Rich Text Format
File format for documents, which can store text and some basic formatting information.
Image effect found in most graphics software.
File format for documents, which can store text and some basic formatting information.
sample rate
Number of samples taken each second when recording sound.
Changing the size of an image.
selection tools
Tools in graphics software for selecting only a subset of an image.
streaming media
Video or audio data that is played while it is downloading.
Standard file format for vector image data.
A page which is used to include standard features, such as page numbers or a header, on each page of a document in a consistent manner.
text file
File format that stores characters using ASCII or Unicode encoding.
Lossless file format for images.
true colour
Image with 24 bit colour depth.
File format that stores characters using ASCII or Unicode encoding.
The proficient use of fonts, font sizes, and font properties such as leading and kerning to display text in an appropriate manner.
vector graphics
Graphics which are stored as a series of mathematical shapes and properties that can be independently manipulated at any time.
video CODECs aka coder-decoders
Software required to view certain compressed video and audio formats.
virtual actors
Animated characters used in films, created entirely using computer graphics software.
Lossy file format for audio.
The process of adding an author name or logo into an image to identify its owner and prevent intellectual property theft.
Lossless file format for audio.
Lossy file format for video.
What You See Is What You Get. Refers to programs that present their output onscreen exactly as it will appear when printed.
zip file
Compressed file format for general data.