vascular plants
Tracheophytes all have a ____, with ______, and _____ (xylem and
phloem) that function like _____ to conduct food, water, and nutrients throughout the plant.
well-developed root-shoot system
highly-specialized roots, stems,and leaves
specialized vascular tissue
miniature tubes
Because ferns and fern allies posses _____, they can grow to be much ____ and ____ than the bryophytes
true vascular tissues
The ferns and fern allies (______) mark two major evolutionary strides
non-seed tracheophytes
In these and in all more
advanced plants, the ____
now becomes the _____.
leafy green diploid sporophyte
dominant stage
The tiny gametophyte may be either ____ (like the fern prothallus) or _____ (like the gametophytes of some lycopsids), and is generally ____ and _____ of the _____.
parental sporophyte
Unlike the vascular sporophytes, the gametophytes have no
____ at all. These gametophytes are therefore ____, and develop best in ___, where they
can absorb ____ directly from their surroundings.
vascular tissues
very small
moist areas
ferns and allies possess vascular tissue (xylem and
phloem). However, the ____ lacks vessels.
_____ are the water transport cells.
ferns and allies
The _____ phase is dominant; the _____ is reduced, free living
in ferns and allies, spores are produced in ____
do ferns and allies produce seeds?
____ are the dispersal agents, not seeds
_____ (most Polypodiophyta)have a sporangium with a single
layer of cells
Leptosporangiate ferns
_____ (Lycopodiophyta, Psilophyta, Equisetophyta) have sporangia with multiple cell layers.
Eusporangiate ferns & allies
4 divisions of ferns and fern allies
a. Lycopodiophyta,
b. Equisetophyta (Sphenophyta),
c. Psilotophyta and
d. Polypodiophyta or Pteridophyta
3 families in D. Lycopodiophyta
Lycopodiaceae (Club mosses)
Selaginellaceae (Spike moss)
Isoeteaceae (Quillworts)
also called ground pine
club moss
- consist of 400 species of seedless vascular
plants - With branching rhizome (horizontal stems) sends up aerial stem less than 30 cm tall
- With tightly packed , scale like leaves known as
microphylls - Sporangia occur on surface of leaves called
sporophylls - sporophylls are grouped into club shaped cones
or strobili - are homosporous (one kind of spore)
club moss
- approximately 700 species
- Species of Selaginella occur in two vegetative
forms - Some have spirally arranged vegetative leaves
that are “isomorphic” of only one size and shape. - Other species are prostrate, have leaves that are “dimorphic”, of two forms, arranged in four
rows: two lateral rows of larger leaves and two
upper, or dorsal, rows of smaller leaves.
spike moss
- the sporophylls bear enlarged microsporangia
and megasporangia on the upper side of the sheathing base; - male sporophylls microsporophylls) are usually located in inner to the female sporophylls
(megasporophylls). - The size and sculpturing pattern of the spores can be an important feature in identifying different species of Isoetes
quill worts
division of ferns and allies
With one family Equisetaceae
* “Scouring Rush” or Horsetail family
* Remaining species is the genus Equisetum
* Erect,
* Homosporous
* Herbs with hollow, jointed, fluted silicaceous stems,
* leaves reduced to whorled scales at the nodes,
* sporangia borne in terminal strobili, spores
containing chlorophyll
D. Equisetophyta
division of ferns and allies
With one family : Psilotaceae - Whisk fern family
* Herbaceous, dichotomously branched,
* stems developing from rhizome;
* A branched rhizome has rhizoids, an a mutualistic
mycorrhizal fungus
* homosporous, sporangia which are located at the
ends of short of branches
* lateral on stem are tiny scales fork a pair of scales.
D. Psylotophyta
true ferns
D. Polypodiophyta/Pteridophyta
division of ferns and allies
second largest division of the plant kingdom
* more than 12,000 species of ferns live today
* a fern sporophyte consists of a stem, which is often
called a rhizome
* Large conspicuous leaves are termed as fronds or
* Fronds are divided into leaflets or pinna and
* includes 5 families :
D. Polypodiophyta/Pteridophyta
5 families under D. Polypodiophyta/Pteridophyta
grape fern family
cinnamon fern family
fern family
waterclover fern family
water fern family