- small group
- thermohpilic-hyperthermophilic, chemolithotrophic
- hot environments
- obligate anaerboes except G. Aquifex
Phylum 1- Aquificae
derive their energy by oxidizing inorganic molecules
- G -
- can live 95 C
- GOT 85 C
- thermophilic and hyperthermophilic
- chemolithoautotrophs - Kreb’s for CO2 fixation
- hydrothermal environments
- aerobic, only low quantities of O2
- non-sporulating
- motile
- metabolic versatility
- H2S or S2O32 (thiosulfate) as energy source/substrate
G. Aquifex
phylum if Genus Aquifex
- aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria
- best studied: G. Thermus G. Deinococcus
Phylum 2 - Xenobacteria
- G -
- thermophilic
- immotile/motile w/ flagella
- more activte at higher temp.
- more thermostable than most other enzymes
- GOT 70 C-75 C (min: 37-45 C, max: 79 C)
- some w/ lower GOT, ~6O C (min: 35-40 C, max: 70 C)
- GOpH 7.5-8.0
- GOpH for thermus trains 5.1-9.5
G. Thermus
Genus Thermus
Genus Deinococcus
Genera of Phylum Xenobacteria
- incapable of fermentation
- growth substrates: carbohydrates, amino acids, carboxylic acids, and peptides
- monosaccharide - source for single carbons ; pentoses not metabolized
- most Icelandic strains - use sucrose and & maltose, 2 strains - glucose
- proteins hydrolyzed vary by the isolates
- elastin, fibrin, and casein - used by many high temp. strains
- Nitrate - terminal electron strains
- grows anaerobically in the presence but not in the absence of nitrate.
Thermus Strains
- G -
- cell structure w/ tripartite cell envelope
- tripartite CE - plasma membrane, thin middle layer, thicker, irregular outer layer.
- produces Taq DNA
- complete Kreb’s cycle - glyoxylate bypass, isocitrate lyase, malate synthase
Thermus aquaticus
major enzyme used in Polymerase Chain Reactio (PCR) techniques for amplifying DNA
- G -
- curved, rod
- 1-2 um length, 0.5-0.75 um dm
- chemolithoautotroph
- obligate anaerobe
- motile w/ monotrichous
- unique lifestyle & biochemistry
- eats arsenic
- arsenate for respiration ; most oxidized form of arsenic
- acetate & arsenite - electron donors for energy
- environments rich in arsenite
Chrysiogenes arsenatis (Phylum 3 - Chrysiogenetes)
- small phylum
- chemotrophic & autotrophic
- best studied genera: Thermomicrobium & Chloroflexus
Phylum 4 - Thermomicrobium
- 2 G - chemotrophic species
- lipids made up of 1,2-dialcohols instead of glycerol
Genus Thermomicrobium
- G -
- thermophilic
- filamentous
- anoxygenic phototroph (do not produce O2)
- GOT 35-70 C
- in alkaline hot springs - thick mats
- photosynthesis carried out via bacteriochlorophyll a
- grows in the dark by chemo-organotrophic by aerobic respiration
- ancient genus w/ photosynthetic metabolism
- part way b/w the Purple and Green Sulphur Bacteria
- may be one of the earliest photosynthetic bacteria
Genus Chloroflexus
- survive in the dark if O2 is available
- grew in the dark - dark orange
- grew in sunlight - dark green
Chloroflexus auranticus
- photosynthetic
- 2nd org in ext. - produces O2 as byproduct
- allowed aerobic organisms to develop
- in water
- once thought to be blue-green alage
- green from chlorophyll
- blue from phycocyanin
- phycoerythrin - red ; red+green = brown (some)
- soils, rock, freshwater
- in desert - dormant most of the time
- in aqua. env. - thick mats
- high tolerance of heat and low pH = main autotrophs in hot springs
- symbioses with liverworts, cycads, and ferns
- fungi - best/known symbiosis ; produces lichens
- 1st org. to release O2 into the atmosphere
Phylum 5 - Cyanobacteria
- Stigonema
- Nostoc
- Anabaena
- Hapalosiphon
Important genera of Phylum 5 - Cyanobacteria
- Filamentous w/ solitary filaments
- free clusters/macrscopic mats
- cylindrical, longer than wide (2-10 um in dm)
- pale/bright blue-green or olive-green
- heterocyst-forming
- photoautotrophic > oxygenic photosynthesis
- in long filaments of vegetative cells
Genus Anabaena
- Durng times of low env. nitrogen, 1/10 cells -> heterocyst
- supplies neighbouring cells with fixed nitrogen for products of photosynthesis (can no longer perform)
- nitrogenase is unstable in the presence of O2, O2 na nitrogen must be separated
- heterocycts maintain a low level of O2 within the cell
- builds 3 additional layers outside the cell wall = enlarged & rounded apperance
- the rate of O2 diffusion into heterocycts is 100 times lwoer than of vegetative cells
- 1 layer creates an envelope polysaccharide layer - nitrogen is fixed in an oxygen-restricted milleu
- to lower O2 within the cell, photosystem II is eliminated, and the rat of respiration is increased.
- small phylum
- 17 species
- “Green Sulphur Bacteria”
- contain bacteriochlorophyll a & c/d/e
- LE trapped by BC c, d, & e is chanelled to BC a
- BC a- site of photosynthesis
Phylum 6 - Chlorobia
- G -
- obligate anaerobe
- photoautotrophic
- inc. green sulphur bacteria
- photolithotrophic oxidizers of sulfur
- uti. noncyclic ETC
- non-motile
stagith/curved rod - GOpH 6-7
- habit of “consorting” with other larger, non-phototrophic bacteria
Genus Chlorobium
will be in consrt with a single non-chlorobium cell
Chlorobium spp.
- aggregation
- more than just casual groupings because both Chlorobium and non-Chlorobium cekks divide at the same time
- unknown ecological signifiance
- thermophilic
formes dense microbial mats in hot springs with a high sulphide content
Chlorobium tepidum
- G -
- 2nd largest group
- 1534 species, 32.3% of all known bacteria
- Purple Phototrophic Bacteria
- Nitrifying Bacteria
- Spirilla
- Methanotrophs
- Acetic Acid Bacteria
- Free living Aerobic
- Nitrogen Fixers
- Enteric Bacteria
- Bioluminiscent
- Rickettsias
Phylum 7 - Pseudomonadota (Proteobacteria)
- inc. Escherichia
- G -
- non-sporulating
- non-motile/motile w/ peritrichous flagella
- facultative anaerobes
- oxidase-negative
- relatively simple nutritional requirements
- end products, e.. fermenting sugars
Enteric Bacteria
- in intestinal tract of humans & warm-blooded animals (non-dominant)
- nutritional role in the iT - synthesizing vitamins (Vit. K)
- facultative anaerobe
- help consume O2 = rendering the large intesting, anoxic
- mesophilic
- GOT 37-39 C
Genus Escherichia
- bacilli
- straight, rod-like form
- 0.4-0.7 um (1-3 um) in size
- singly or in pairs
- motile
Escherichia coli
- all G + except G. Mycoplasma
- largest group of bacteria
- 2475 species
- 255 genera
- 40% of are in just 6 genera
- divided into their GC ratio
- either High GC or Low GC
Phylum 8 - Firmicutes
G. Lactobacillus - 100 sp.
G. Mycoplasma - 110 sp.
G. Bacillus - 114 sp.
G. Clostridium - 146 sp.
G. Streptomyces - 509 sp.
G. Micrococcus
Genera of Firmicutes w/ numer of species each
ratio of Guanine and Cytosine to Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Thymine in the cell
(G+C)/(G+C+A+T) x 100
GC Ratio
- spherical
- Family Micrococcaceae
- 0.5-3.5 m in dm
- non-motile
mesophilic - chemoheterotroph
- aerobically producing acid from glucose
- forms tetrad or irregular clusters
Genus Micrococcus
- tiny, slender bacilli (rod-shaped)
- non-motile
- in chains
- facultative anaerobe
- GO7 30 C-40 C
- young colonies have smooth, convex, and translucent appearance
- hydrolyze esculin and ferment carbohydrates
- microaerophilic/anaerobic
- more resistant to acidic conditions than other lactic acid bacteria
- can grow at as low as pH 4
- oxidase & catalase-negative
- selectiively soalted from natural materials by use of acidic-rich carbohydrate-containing medium (tomato juice-peptone sugar)
Genus Lactobacilli
- family Clostridicaceae
- rod-shaped
- in pairs or small chains
- pleomorphic
- mesophilic chemoorganotroph
- non-motile/w/ preitrichous
- anaerobic energy-yielding mechanisms
- ferment sugar - butyric acid as major end product
- vegetative cells are formed
- most are obligate anaerobes or aerotolerant
- filamentous growth
Genus Clostridium
- G - (without cell wall)
- phylogenetically related to low GC, gram + bacteria
- small
- non-motile
- highly pleomorphic
- small coccoid elements, large, swollen, filamentous forms or variable lengths, often high-branched
- carbohydrates as energy sourrce
- growth factors: range of vitamins, amino acids, purines, & pyrimidines
- some are stricly respirratory
- others are facultative/obligate anaerobes
- mesophilic
Genus Mycoplasma
- pleomorphic
- branching/filamentous growth
- in simple mineral salts medium w/ ammonium as nitrogen source
- glycerol/acetate - sole carbon source
Genus Mycobacterium
- Chlamydiaceae - smaller of the 2 families w/ 3 species, all in G. Chlamydia
- all 3 are obligate parasites of warm-blooded animals
- all sp. under Chlamydiaceae ar pathogenic
Phylum 9 - Planctomyces and Allies
- small but distinct family of bacteria
- 4 genera, 10 species
- reproduce stalk made of protein
- budding bacteria
- stalk- means of attachment to substrates
- primarly aquatic aerobic chemoorganotrophs
- little is known about its ecology
Family Planctomycetaceae
G. Pirellula
G. Planctomyces
G. Gemmata
G. Isophaera - gliding filamentous form
Genera of F. Planctomycetaceae
- G - (w/o peptidoglycan)
- facultaitve anaerobe, chemoorganotroph
- spherical, ovoid shape
- 1-1.5 um long
- most - mesophile
- few - thermophile
- budding reproduction
- flagella for locomotion
- phylogenetically “stalked”/”appendaged”
- fresh, marine, brackish water, saltwater, cattle manure, garbage dumps, rice paddies
- stalk at the non-reproductive end - aids in their attachment to one another during budding
Genus Planctomyces
causes a varitey of respiratory problems similar to pneumonia
Chlamydia pnuemoniae
causes trachoma, the leading cause of blindness in humans, as well as otitis, a non-gonooccal urethritis, urethral inflammation, Lymphogranuloma venereum, and cervicits
Chlamydia trachomatis
- in birds, occasionally mammals, including humans
- causes epidemic Psttaacosis in birds, particularly parrots, as well as pneumonia, arthritis and conjunctivitis in young mammals such as kittens, calves, foals, and piglets
Chlamydia psittaci
- G -
- chemoheterotrophic
- mesophilic
- most - tightly-coiled, long, slender shape
- 1 or more flagella (up to 100) at the end of their cells
- movement when flagella are rotated
- larger sp. - 0.25 mm long, 0.00075 mm in dm (Spirochaeta flicatilis)
Phylum 10 - Spirochetes
G. Spirochaeta
G. Treponema
G. Leptospira
G. Leptonema
G. Borrelia
G. Cristispira
Genera under phylum Spirochetes
- common in ponds and lakes
- some are endosymbionts of animals, termites
Genus Spirochaeta
- only species (genus) which lvies generally within the “style” of molluscs, clams and oysters
Genus Cristispira
G. Leptospira
G. Leptonema
2 aerobic genera of Phylum Spirochetes
an internal parasite of mammals
Leptospira interrogans
- normally found in rodents but can infect both humans and dogs
- in humans - leptospirosis - disease of the kidneys which can be fatal
- obligate aerobe
- extremely thin, tighlt-coiling spirochetes
- has special sort of flexous movement
- inc. pathogenic leptospire L. interrogans, and free-living leeptospire L. iblexa
Genus Leptospira & Genus Leptonema
- microaerophilic
- cont. most pathogenic sp of Spirochetes
- most sp. are parasites in animals
- periplasmic flagella (endoflagella)
- long, flexible, helical-shaped
- internal structure - distinctive corkscrew motion
- super thin peptidoglycan layer enclosed in outer membrane
Genus Borrelia
causes relapsing fever in humans, commonly transmitted viaa the body louse
Borrelia recurrentis
- Lyme disease - traansmitted by ticks
- DNA is linear (only in eukaryotes)
Borrelia burgdorferi
flagella that is located between the outer membrane and protoplasmic cylinder
- small phylum
- inc. many major rumen bacteria
- G. Fibrobacter
Genus Fibrobacter
- G -
- no genune cell wall, inst. a distinct cell envelope
- several flagella throughout their length for mobility
- fbrogranules in cytoplasm
- chemoheterotrophic
- anaerobe
- mesophilic
- rod-shaped
- non-motile
Phylum 11 - Fibrobacteres
- 3rd largest phylum
- 130 sp., 20 genera
- obligate aerobes & obligate anaerobes
Phylum 12 - Bacteroides
- G -
- commensals in the guts of animals
- obligate anaerobes
- heterotrophic
- mesophilic
- non-motile
- rods
- most common bacteria in human large intestine
- 1010-1011 cells per gram of feces
- some are pathogenic > GI disorders
Genus Bacteroides
- G -
- cell wall - innrer plsma membrane, thin peptidoglycan layer, and an outside layer
- rod-shaped bacilli
- tiny-medium ; 0.5x1.3 um in size
- chains/clusters
- single cells, in pairs, or together
- primarily aquatic sp.
- in food-processing plants
- chemoorganotrophic
- mesophilic
- aerobic
Phylum 13 - Flavobacterium
believed to be a cause of infant meningitis
Flavobacterium meningosepticum
- widespread soil species
- habitt of attaching to cellulose strands before digesting them
- both genera are obligate anaerobes
- cellulose degraders in aerobic environments
Phylum 14 - Sphingobacteria
G. Cytophaga
G. Sporoocytophaga
2 Genera of P. Sphingobacteria
- G -
- rod-shaped
- move by gliding
- flagella not necessary for motility
- chemoorganotrophic
- mesophilic
- pathogenic
Genus Cytophaga
causes Columnariss dieases
Cytophaga columnaris
causes cold-water disease
Cytophaga psychrophila
- G -
- small phylum
- most are in G. Fusobacterium
- heterotrophic
- mesophilic
- anaerobic
- non-motile
- filamentous
- secondary colonists on the dental plaque on your teeth
- formed by species of Streptomyces - thickens and reinforces the bacterial attack on the teeth
Phylum 15- Fusobacteria
- G -
- non-sporulating
- slender, tapered-end bacilli
- anaerobic
- opportunistic pathogen (in the normal flora of humans and animal)
- numerous animals may grow into experimental models of infection
Genus Fusobacterium
- G -
- recently described phylum
- heterorophic
- mesophilic
- facultative anaerobe
- non-motile
- pleomorphic
- budding for reproduction
- freshwater, soil env., human feces
- appendaged ; utilized prosthecae to stick to the cells of its host
- in association w/ eukaryotic hosts
- cause of verrucae on the feet and hands
Phylum 16 - Verrucomicrobia
G. Chlamydiae
G. Lestisphaerae
2 sster phyla of P. Verrucomicrobia
- glycoside hydrlases are abundant
- upper lake
- has unique class of genes for cytochrome c synthesis (typ. thought to be in P. P anctomyces)
- evolutuonary relationships w/ the PVC superphylum
Genus Verrucomicrobium
PVC superphylum
- round
- clusters
- G -
P. Firmicutes
C. Bacilli
O. Bacillales
F. Staphylococcaceae
G. Staphylococcus
SP. Aureus
Staphyloccous aureus
- rod-shaped
- chains
- G +
P. Bacilliota
C. Bcilli
O. Bacillales
F. Bcillaceae
G. Bacillus
SP. subtillis
Bacillus sp.
- spherical/helical
- single
- G -
P. Pseudomonadota
C. Betaproteoabacteria
O. Nitrosomondales
F. Spirillaceae
G. Spirillum
SP. voluntans
Spirillum sp.
- round
- chaiins
- G +
P. Bacilliota
C. Bacilli
O. Lactobacillales
F. Streptococcaceae
G. Streptococcus
SP. anginosus
Streptoccous sp.