Topic A: Intellectual Flashcards
What are the 5 aspects associated with intellectual development?
Language development
Problem Solving
Moral development
Abstract thoughts and creative thinking
When does the fastest learning occur in infancy/early adulthood?
Ages 2-5
Name the intellectual milestones for birth, 3, 5 and 8
Birth- use all senses
3 - count, recognize colours
5 - start to read + write,
8 - think more deeply, reason
Name the stages of language development at 3m, 12m, 2, 3, 4 and 5
3m - babbling noises
12m - imitate sounds
2 - two- word sentences ‘ma-ma’
3 - simple sentences ‘I want drink’
4 - clear sentences with bad grammar
5 - full adult grammar and use language effectively
How can language be promoted for infants?
Blow bubbles, picture books and listen to other kids
How can language be promoted for young children?
Circle time, group activities, home corner, imaginary play
How can language be promoted for adolescence?
reading range of books, group projects, discuss ideas and deliver presentations
What is object permanence?
The idea that an object still exists even if a child can’t see it
What is abstract logical thinking?
the ability to solve problems with imagination instead of practically
What is egocentric thinking?
A child’s inability to see a situation from another point of view
What is concrete logical thinking?
the ability to solve problems providing an individual can see the issue involved
What are the ages and names of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Sensorimotor 0-2
Preoperational 2-7
Concrete operational 7-11
Formal operational 11-18
What occurs in sensorimotor and how can this be promoted?
- object permanence develops around 8 months
- Promote by playing peekaboo and play with toys that make sound
What occurs in preoperational and how can this be promoted?
- development of language, egocentric thinking and parallel play
- Promote by playing house or dress up and promote conserving by using toys that change shape
What occurs in concrete operational and how can this be promoted?
- develop ability to conserve, less egocentric, concrete logical thinking
- Promote by read books with limited characters, group work, counters to solve problems