System that deals with reproductive system or reproduction
Genital system
System that deals with urinary excretion
Urinary system
Other term for urogenital system
Urogenital system/Apparatus urogenitalis
Remnant structure that gives rise to male reproductive system
Wolffian ducts
Remnant structure that gives rise to female reproductive system
Paramesonephric/mesonephric/mullerian ducts
What are the primary functions of urinary system?
- Removal of waste
- Regulates the composition of blood plasma
- Elimination of urine
Paired, reddish-brown organ which are generally bean-shaped.
Kidneys are located at the ____ part of abdominal cavity, at the side of ____ and _____ _____ just ventral to first few _____ vertebra.
dorsal; aorta; vena cava; lumbar
Kidneys usually extend from lumbar ____ to lumbar ____ ventrally.
In most domestic animals, left kidney is more cranial than right. True or False?
False, other way around.
Fibroconnective tissue covering of kidney
Renal capsule
Indented portion of kidney where renal artery, renal vein, and ureter enter.
Renal hilus
Interdigitations of renal pyramids
Renal papilla
Structure situated between renal papilla
Minor calices
Minor calices fuse to form ____ calices which is continuous with ____ ____.
major; renal pelvis
What are the regions of the kidney?
- Renal cortex
- Renal medulla
- Renal pelvis
Functional or structural unit of kidney
Two components of renal corpuscles
Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
Part of nephron that filters blood from afferent and efferent arteriole
Part of nephron that collect the filtrate from glomerulus
Bowman’s capsule
Part of nephron that reabsorbs glucose & amino acidsd
Proximal tubules
Part of nephron that is the target site for diuretic agents and anti-diuretic hormones
Distal tubules
Give the different renal blood vessels.
- Renal artery and veins
- Interlobar arteries and vein
- Arcuate arteries and vein
- Interlobular arteries and vein (afferent and
efferent arterioles)
Tubes that connect renal pelvis of the kidney to urinary bladder
Narrow muscular portion o the excretory ducts of the kidneys
Each ureter leaves the renal pelvis and ends by penetrating the _____ wall of the bladder at an _____ angle.
dorsal; oblique
The end of the ureters is valved. True or False?
What prevent regurgitation in ureters?
- Valve
- Oblique angle
Hollow pyriform/pyramidal muscular sac lying on the pelvic floor which serves as temporary storage site for urine
Urinary bladder
According to the distension of urinary bladder, it can extend onto ____ abdominal wall.
Which aspect of urinary bladder bloats when filled with urine?
Ventral aspect
Main part of the urinary bladder having a dorsal and ventral surface.
The constricted portion of the urinary bladder continuous posteriorly with the urethra.
The blunt, flask-shaped anterior extremity of urinary bladder that is attached to the urethra.
It is the scar on the fundus which indicates the fetal attachment of the urachus.
During embryonic and fetal development, urinary bladder is connected to the umbilicus by way of _____.
The triangular area in the vicinity of the neck of urinary bladder; formed by mucous membrane.
What structure dictates the need to urinate?
Three peritoneal folds keeping the urinary bladder in position
a. Middle umbilical folds
b. Two lateral umbilical folds
This structure commences at the neck of the bladder and terminates at the exterior.
The only accessory gland present in dog
Prostate gland
Portion of urethra extending from bladder to ischial arch; internal inside abdominal cavity
Pelvic urethra
Portion of urethra extending from ischial arch to glans penis; exterior near penile region
Extra-pelvic urethra
UTI are more common in females due to ?
Length or relative size of their urethra
Female urethra is short and dilatable. True or False?
Renal pelvis of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra are lined with what type of epithelium?
Transitional epithelium
Near the urethral orifice, the usual type of epithelium changes into what epithelium?
Stratified squamous epithelium
This animal’s kidney has no renal pelvis.
This animal’s kidney is lobulated.
Within this animal’s kidney, the minor calyces embrace the renal papillae leading into major calyces into ureter.
Ox, pig
The renal papillae of this animal is fused to form renal crest.
Horse, sheep
The right kidney of horse is in what shape?
The left kidney of horse is in what shaped?
This animal’s kidney is bean-shaped and its renal crest has two projections namely dorsal & ventral buttresses.
This animal’s kidney is bean-shaped and its renal pyramids are fused but their papillae are separate.
This animal’s kidney is bean-shaped and its renal pyramids fused into renal crest.
The renal crest of this animal’s kidney projects into distinct renal pelvis.
The subscapular renal vessels found in the kidneys of Felidae
Stellate veins