It is made up of parts responsible for respiration, phonation, and olfaction.
Respiratory system
A cylindrical passage enclosed by all the bones of the face.
Nasal cavity
Nasal cavity opens externally at ____ or ____ ____ and communicate with the upper pharynx through the ____ ____ or ____
nostril or external nares, posterior nares or choanae
Nasal cavity is bounded rostrally by? dorsally by ? laterally by? ventrally by ? caudally by?
Rostrally: anterior nares
Dorsally: nasal bone
Laterally: premaxilla and maxilla
Ventrally: palatine
Caudally: posterior nares
What separates the nasal cavity into left and right?
Nasal septum
What is the bony basis of nasal septum?
What is the type of cartilage present in nasal septum?
Elastic cartilage
What are the two turbinates/conchae of nasal cavity?
- Dorsal nasal conchae
- Ventral nasal conchae
Other term for dorsal nasal conchae
Other term for ventral nasal conchae
What are 4 air spaces/meatuses of nasal cavity?
- Superior nasal meatus
- Middle nasal meatus
- Inferior nasal meatus
- Common nasal meatus
Superior nasal meatus is situated at?
Above dorsal nasal conchae
Middle nasal meatus is situated at?
Between dorsal and ventral conchae
Inferior nasal meatus is situated at?
Below ventral nasal conchae
Among the 4 air spaces of nasal cavity, which is the only direct passage between the nostril and the pharynx?
Inferior nasal meatus
Among the 4 air spaces of nasal cavity, which is the main passageway of air from nostril to the choanae?
Inferior nasal meatus
Common nasal meatus is situated at?
Situated between the nasal septum and turbinate bones
Nasal cavity is innervated by what nerve?
CN#1 - Olfactory nerve
It is the common passageway of digestive and respiratory tract.
What are the 3 apertures of pharynx?
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Larngopharynx
In pharynx, it serves as a common passageway of food, water, and air.
Pharyngeal proper
It is a cartilaginous valvular apparatus which is located between the pharynx and trachea.
What are the 3 functions of larynx?
- To regulate air volume in respiration
- To prevent aspiration of foreign bodies
- To act as the organ of voice
How many cartilages make up the larynx?
What are three paired cartilages of larynx?
- Arytenoids
- Curniculates
- Cuneiforms
What are the 3 unpaired cartilages of larynx?
- Epiglottic cartilage
- Cricoid
- Thyroid
What do you call the slit or opening present in the proximal aspect of larynx?
Rima glottis
It covers the rima glottis during deglutition.
What are the 4 divisions of larynx?
- Aditus
- Vestibule
- Rima glottides/rima glottis/rima
- Posterior compartment
A division of larynx considered as the entrance or pharyngeal aperture.
Aditus is bounded in front by ? behind by ? laterally by?
In front/cranially: epiglottis
Behind/caudally: arytenoids
Laterally: Ary-epiglottis folds
In lateral aspect of vestibule, it has ?
- Ventricular folds
- Lateral ventricle which leads into laryngeal saccule
Rima glottis is bounded on either side/laterally by ?
Vocal cords
Among the 4 divisions of larynx, which is the most important for voice production?
Rima glottis
It provides vibration in voice production.
Rima glottis
A division of larynx that is continuous with trachea.
Posterior compartment
What are the 3 extrinsic muscle of larynx?
- Sternothyrohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Hyoepiglottic
What are the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx?
- Cricothyroid
- Dorsal cricoarytenoid
- Lateral cricoarytenoid
- Transverse arytenoids
- Ventricular
- Vocal
Among the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx, which is responsible for tensing the vocal cords?
Among the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx, which is responsible for dilating the rima?
Dorsal cricoarytenoid
Among the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx, its sole purpose is to close rima.
Lateral cricoarytenoid
Among the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx, which is responsible for assisting the closing of rima?
Transverse arytenoids
Among the 6 intrinsic muscles of larynx, which is responsible for closing the rima and loosening vocal folds?
- Ventricular
- Vocal
It is a cartilaginous and membranous tube which extends from the larynx to the hilus of the lungs.
The tracheal rings are composed of what type of cartilage?
Hyaline cartilage
What is the point of tracheal bifurcation?
Primary bronchi has rings. True or False?
Both bronchi and trachea are permanently patent. True or False?
What are the 5 concentric layers of trachea? (outermost to innermost)
- Fascia propria
- Cartilaginous ring
- Fibro-elastic layer
- Muscular layer
- Mucous membrane layer
Bronchial cartilage is made up of what type of cartilage?
Hyaline cartilage
Trace the extension of right and left primary bronchi.
Right and left primary brochi - secondary bronchi - tertiary bronchi - bronchioles - microscopic pulmonary alveoli
Paired structures occupying the greater part of thoracic cavity.
What are the 4 surfaces of lungs and to what organs they face?
- Costal - ribs
- Mediastinal - heart
- Interlobar - lobes of the lungs
- Diaphragmatic - diaphragm
What are the 2 borders of lungs and to what structures they face?
- Dorsal border - thoracic vertebrae
- Ventral border - sternum
It is the wide portion of the lungs.
It is the pointed portion of the lungs.
Why is right lung typically bigger than left lung?
Presence of accessory/intermediate lobe
What are typical 4 lobes of lungs?
- Apical/cranial
- Cardia/middle
- Diaphragm/caudal
- Accessory/intermediate
The root of the lung is composed of structure which
enter or leave the lung at the hilus on the mediastinal
surface. These are ?
- Bronchus
- Pulmonary artery
- Pulmonary veins
- Bronchial artery
- Pulmonary nerves
- Pulmonary lymph vessels
This type of lung has well-developed secondary lobules.
Type 1
Type 1 lung is present in what animals?
Cattle, sheep, goat, and pig
This type of lung has no secondary lobules.
Type 2
Type 2 lungs is present in what animals?
Monkey, dog, and cat
This type of lungs has incompletely developed secondary lobules.
Type 3
Type 3 lungs is present in what animals?
Between normal and fetal lung, which does not crepitates?
Fetal lung
Correct or wrong?
What is the color of normal lung?
Bright pink in color
What is the color of fetal lung?
Pale gray color
What is the texture of normal lung?
Soft and spongy
What is the texture of fetal lung?
Firmer to touch
This animal’s lung is not divided into lobes by deep fissures.
Right lung of horse does not have intermediate lobe. True or False?
The lungs of ox, sheep, pig, and dog are divided by deep fissures. True or False?
The right lung of ox/sheep has intermediate lobe. True or False?
The left lung of ox/sheep has 2 lobes. True or False?
False, 3.
The apical lobe of right lung of ox/sheep receives ___ bronchus from trachea opposite ___ rib.
3rd, 3rd
This animal’s left lung can be regarded as having only two lobes.
In pigs, the apical and cardiac lobes are separated only by ?
Cardiac notch
In pigs, the apical, cardiac, and diaphragmatic lobes are all separated by cardiac notch. True or False?
False, diaphragmatic lobe is marked off by a distinct fissure.
This animal’s lung is divided into 4 lobes by very deep fissures which extend to the root.
Mesothelial or serous lining of the thoracic cavity.
The counterpart of pleura in abdominal cavity is ?
How many pleuras are present in the body?
2 (right and left)
The pleura are attached to the structures by which they cover by ____ ____.
subserous tissue
In the case of parietal pleura which cover the thoracic walls, this subserous tissue is called ____ ____.
Endothoracic fascia
What are the 3 lines of reflection of parietal pleura?
- Vertebral
- Sternal
- Diaphragmatic
Line of reflection of parietal pleura where costal parietal pleura turns ventrally to become mediastinal pleura; thoracic vertebra dorsally.
Line of reflection of parietal pleura where costal parietal pleura turns dorsally to become mediastinal pleura; sternum ventrally.
Line of reflection of parietal pleura where the parietal pleura is reflected
onto the diaphragm caudally.
It is the potential space in thoracic region.
What the 3 divisions of mediastinum?
- Precardial
- Cardial
- Postcardial
The precardial mediastinum contains what body structures?
- Trachea
- Esophagus
- Blood vessels connecting heart with: head, neck,
thoracic limbs - Termination of thoracic duct
- Cardiac and phrenic nerves
- Vagus and sympathetic nerves
- Recurrent nerves
- Thymus
- Lymph glands
The cardial mediastinum contains what body structures?
- Heart and pericardium
- Start of the arterial system and end of the
venous system - Esophagus
- Termination of trachea
- Thoracic duct
- Phrenic, cardiac and pulmonary nerves
- Vagus and sympathetic nerves
- Left recurrent nerve
The postcardial mediastinum contains what body structures?
- Aorta
- Vena azygos
- Thoracic duct
- Esophagus
- Vagus and sympathetic nerves
- Left phrenic nerve
This body structure separates thoracic from abdominal.
Diaphragm is expiratory muscle. True or False?
False, inspiratory.
What are the 3 parts of diaphragm?
- Costal part
- Sternal part
- Lumbar part
The costal part of diaphragm faces the cartilages of ribs ___, ___, and ___.
8th, 9th, and 10th
Sternal part of diaphragm faces sternum at what specific part?
Upper part of the xiphoid
Lumbar part of diaphragm is divided into two parts. What are those?
- Right crus
- Left crus
The right crus of the lumbar part of diaphragm is situated at ___ to the ___ lumbar vertebrae by means of the ____ ____ ____.
1st, 5th, ventral longitudinal ligament
The left crus of the lumbar part of diaphragm is situated at similarly to the ___ and ___ lumbar vertebra.
1st and 2nd
What are the 3 foramina piercing the diaphragm?
- Aortic hiatus/hiatus aortus
- Esophageal hiatus/hiatus esophagii
- Caval foramen hiatus/hiatus vena cava
The aortic hiatus of diaphragm transmits what body structures?
- Aorta
- Vena azygos
- Cisterna chyli
The esophageal hiatus of diaphragm transmits what body structures?
- Esophagus
- Esophageal branch of gastric artery
- Vagus nerves
The caval foramen hiatus of diaphragm transmits what body structures?
Vena cava
What are the 3 divisions of the respiratory system in relation to immune defense?
- Conductive system
- Transitional system
- Gas exchange system
This division of respiratory system extends from nasal cavity to bronchi.
Conductive system
What is the main defense of conductive system?
Mucous production/mucous ciliary clearance
The cilia in conductive system propels downward direction. True or False?
False, upward direction.
Transitional system of respiratory systems involves what body structures?
Bronchioles to lungs
What is the main defense of transitional system?
Clara cells (destroys retained particles)
Gas exchange system of respiratory system involves what body structures?
Microscopic pulmonary alveoli in lungs
What are the main defenses of gas exchange system?
- Alveolar macrophages
- Intravascular pulmonary macrophages
The defense mechanism of respiratory system involves three main processes. What are those?
- Deposition
- Clearance
- Retention
It is the process of defense mechanism where trapping of particles in upper and middle respiratory passages occur.
It is the process of defense mechanism where removal of trapped particles occur.
It is the process of defense mechanism involving the difference between deposited and cleared particles.
Olfaction of respiratory system is made possible by?
Chemoreceptive cells of nasal epithelium