The coracoid element of mammals has become fused to the scapula. True or False?
This structure is either completely absent or is a small rudiment embedded in the brachiocephalic muscle.
Because of clavicle being rudimentary, the forelimb are united to the trunk by ___. This union is classified as ___.
muscles, synsarcosis
Give the 8 muscles under synsarcosis.
- Serratus ventralis
- Trapezius
- Latissimus dorsi
- Rhomboideus
- Superficial pectoral
- Deep pectoral
- Omotranversarius
- Brachiocephalic
This is the only extensor muscle affecting the shoulder joint.
What are the nerves that supply brachiocephalicus?
- Axillary nerve
- Accessory nerve
- Cervical nerve
What are the flexor muscles that affect the shoulder joint?
- Deltoideus
- Teres major
- Teres minor
What is the nerve supply of deltoideus?
Axillary nerve
What is the nerve supply of teres major and minor?
Axillary nerve
Apart from the three flexors, this muscles also help in the flexion of shoulder.
Latissimus dorsi
This the nerve supply of latissimus dorsi.
Thoraco-dorsal nerve
What are the fixer muscles that affect the shoulder joint?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Subscapularis
The supraspinatus is inserted to ?
Both medial and lateral tuberosities of the humerus
The infraspinatus is inserted to ?
Lateral tuberosity of the humerus
The subscapularis is inserted to ?
Medial tuberosity of the humerus
Supraspinatus and infraspinatus are supplied by what nerve?
Suprascapular nerve
The subscapular is supplied by what nerve?
Subscapular nerve
What are adductor muscles that affect the shoulder joint?
- Superficial pectoral
- Deep pectoral
What are the nerve supplies of superficial and deep pectoral?
Pectoral nerve
What are the elevators of shoulder?
- Trapezius
- Rhomboideus
Trapezius is supplied by what nerve?
Accessory nerve
Rhomboideus is supplied by what nerve/s?
- 6th cervical nerve
- 7th cervical nerve
What are the flexor muscles that affect the elbow joint?
- Brachialis
- Biceps brachii
- Coracobrachialis
Biceps brachii and coracobrachialis are supplied by what nerve?
Musculo-cutaneous nerve
Brachialis is supplied by what nerves?
- Medial nerve
- Radial nerve
What are the extensor muscles that affect the elbow joint?
- Triceps
- Anconeus
- Tensor fasciae antibrachii
The extensor muscles of elbow joint are supplied by what nerve?
Radial nerve
What are the adductor muscles that affect the hip joint?
- Gracilis
- Adductor femoris
- Pectineus
- External obturator
This is the nerve supply of adductor muscles that affect the hip joint.
Obturator nerve
What are the abductor muscles that affect the hip joint?
- Superficial gluteal
- Middle gluteal
- Deep gluteal
What is the nerve supply of gluteal muscles?
Gluteal nerve
What are the flexor muscles that affect the hip joint?
- Sartorius
- Ilio-psoas
- Quadriceps femoris
- Tensor fasciae latae
What are the muscles included in quadriceps femoris?
- Medial vastus
- Lateral vastus
- Intermediate vastus
- Rectus femoris
What is the nerve supply of tensor fascia latae?
Cranial gluteal nerve
Excluding tensor fascia latae, what is the nerve supply of other three flexor muscles affecting the hip joint?
Femoral nerve
What are the extensor muscles that affect the hip joint?
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Quadratus femoris
- Internal obturator
- Gemellus
What is the nerve supply of extensor muscles that affect the hip joint?
Sciatic nerve
What are the muscles attached to ischium?
- Adductor femoris
- Bulbo-cavernous
- External obturator
- Internal obturator
- Ischial cavernous
- Ischial urethral
- Retractor ani
- Gracilis
- Quadratus femoris
- Semimembranosus
- Semitendinosus
The suspensory ligaments of the ____ and the ____ are also attached to the ischium.
penis, crurae of penis
What are the extensor muscles affecting the tarsus and digit?
- Extensor digitalis longus
- Peroneus longus
- Extensor digitalis bravis
- Peroneus tertius
- Anterior tibia
What are the superficial flexors affecting the tarsus and digit?
- Gastrocnemius
- Plantaris
What are the deep flexors affecting the tarsus and digit?
- Flexor digitalis longus
- Posterior tibial
- Flexor hallucis longus
What is the nerve supply of deep flexors that affect the tarsus and digit?
Tibial nerve
Quadriceps femoris has ___ heads.
What are the 4 heads of quadriceps femoris?
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus lateralis
- Rectus femoris
This muscle is regarded as flexor of the hip.
Quadriceps femoris
It is a small muscle at posterior side of hip joint and regarded as extensor of hip.
Quadratus femoris