A hollow muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
Heart is situated in ?
Mediastinum between left & right lungs
Channels through which blood blows and distributes throughout the body.
Blood vessels
A circulatory fluid within the cardiovascular system.
Outer layer of heart
Inner layer of heart
Middle layer of heart
Chamber of heart that forms the apex
Left ventricle
What is the largest cardiac valve?
Left ventricle
2nd largest cardiac valve
Right ventricle
4th largest cardiac valve
Right atrium
3rd largest cardiac valve
Left atrium
Valves situated between atrium and left ventricle
AV valves
Valve situated between right atrium and right ventricle
Right AV/Tricuspid valve
Valve situated between left atrium and left ventricle
Left AV/Mitral/Bicuspid valve
Which of the following valves resemble the bishop’s miter?
Left AV/Mitral/Bicuspid valve
These are half-moon shaped valves.
Semilunar valves
Valve situated between left ventricle and aorta
Aortic valve
Valve situated between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
Pulmonic valve
Pointed portion of heart directed caudally
Wide portion of the heart directed cranially
Ear-like appendages attached to right atrium and left atrium
Supporting structure of left and right AV valves and is cord-like
Chordae tendinae
Chordae tendinae is attached to ?
Papillary muscles
Papillary muscles is situated inside of ?
Left and right ventricles
Vein and artery that supplies blood to the heart
Coronary blood vessels
Passageway of deoxygenated blood from coronary veins
Coronary sinus
The heart extends _____ on the left side under the _____ rib.
3/5’s, 6th
On an average, the heart weighs about _____ percent of the total body weight.
The apex of heart in this animal is handsbreadth above olecranon.
In horse, the base of heart lies between ____ and ____ on a level with ____ rib cartilage.
3rd; 6th; 16th
Venous blood is carried to the sinus venous of the right atrium by? (Hint: 3 answers)
- Cranial and caudal vena cava
- Vena azygos
- Right and left coronary veins
Trace the flow of blood starting from venous return in heart.
Right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary valve -> Pulmonary artery -> Lungs -> Pulmonary vein -> Left atrium -> Bicuspid valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic valve -> Aorta -> Systemic circulation
The weight of the heart of the horse is approximately ?
100 lbs
Between the cranial and caudal border of heart of horse, which is first convex then become concave ?
Caudal border
Between the cranial and caudal border of heart of horse, which is purely convex ?
Cranial border
This animal has very fatty heart and has two bones.
This animal’s heart is the most pointed among all domestic animals.
This animal’s heart has double apex.
This animal’s heart’s apex is blunt and rounded, making the shape of heart ovoid.
Fibro-serous sac which completely encloses the heart
Outermost layer of pericardium
Fibrous layer
Inner/second layer of pericardium
Serous layer
The visceral surface of serous layer of pericardium faces ?
Heart’s epicardium
The parietal surface of serous layer of pericardium faces ?
Fibrous pericardium
Between fibrous and serous layer, which layer does heart makes an invagination ?
Serous layer
The invagination made by heart in serous layer of pericardium contains fluid called ?
Pericardial fluid/Liquor pericardiii
Pericardial fluid can be found in between of ?
Parietal and visceral pericardium
Pericardium is referred to as epicardium. True or False?
Blood vessels that transport blood that is mostly O2-enated away from the heart
Artery & arterioles
3 arteries that doesn’t supply O2-rich blood
- Pulmonary artery
- Omphalomesenteric artery
- Umbilical artery
Blood vessels that transport blood (mostly deoxygenated) toward the
Veins and venules
3 veins that doesn’t supply deoxygenated blood
- Pulmonic vein
- Omphalomesenteric vein
- Umbilical vein
Microscopic to small blood vessels serving as site for
exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products
between tissues and circulation
Inner layer of blood vessels containing endothelial cells.
Tunica intima
Middle layer of blood vessels containing smooth muscles.
Tunica media
Outermost layer of blood vessels containing connective tissues
Tunica adventitia
What are the solid components of blood ?
- Platelets
- Lymphocytes
Biconcave discs which contain O2-carrying
Trace the RBC formation/erythropoiesis
- Proerythroblast
- Basophilic erythroblast
- Polychromatophilic
- Orthochromatophilic
- Reticulocytes
- Matured RBC
Last stage in the RBC development that is nucleated
Stage in RBC development that is indicator of regenerative anemia.
Serves as soldiers of body capable of fighting infections
Counterpart of neutrophils in avian
Type of granulocytes that has presence of hypersegmented or multi-lobed nucleus
Neutrophils increase when there is _____ infection and decrease when there is _____ infection.
bacterial, viral
Type of granulocytes that has bilobed nucleus
Eosinophils increase when there is _____ infection.
Type of granulocytes that has unilobed to bilobed nucleus
Basophil increases when there is ____ reaction.
Type of agranulocytes that is bean-shaped and can transform into a cell capable of phagocytosis
Monocytes can turn into three types of macrophage. What are these?
- Epithelioid macrophages
- Resident/fixed macrophages
- Mobile macrophages
Between mobile, epithelioid, and fixed macrophages, which is highly phagocytic?
Mobile macrophages
Between mobile, epithelioid, and fixed macrophages, which can form into multi-nucleated giant cell ?
Epithelioid macrophages
Types of giant cell
- Touton
- Langhans
- Foreign body
Resident macrophages of kidney
Extraglomerular mesongial cells
Resident macrophages of skin
Resident macrophages of brain
Resident macrophages of lungs
Alveolar macrophages
Resident macrophages of small intestine
Peyer’s patches
Resident macrophages of liver
Vonn Kupffer cells
Lymphocytes produced in thymus
Lymphocytes produced from Bursa and bone marrow
Between T-cells and B-cells, which produces memory cells and immunoglobulins?
Infectious bursa disease/Gumboro virus occurs because there is not enough T-cell. True or False?
False, B-cell.
Largest antibody containing 5-sided structure which is responsible for primary responses
Most common antibody and can be found in colostrum; 2nd response
Antibody that is monomer in serum but dimer in secretion (tears, saliva, milk, bile, mucuous, etc.)
Antibody that increases when there is allergic or parasitic infection
Poorly understood antibody; antigen receptor to antibody esp. in IgG
Highest secretion of IgG can be found in what animal ?
Between plasma and serum, which has clotting factors ?
Remnants of bone marrow megakaryocytes capable of forming a plug and play a role in clotting mechanisms
Other term for clotting factor # 1
Other term for clotting factor # 2
Other term for clotting factor # 3
Other term for clotting factor # 4
Other term for clotting factor # 5
Proaccelerin (heat-labile)
Other term for clotting factor # 7
Proconvertin (heat-stable)
Other term for clotting factor # 8
Anti-hemophilic globulin/Anti-hemophilic factor A
Other term for clotting factor # 9
Plasma thrombloplastin component/Xmas Factor/AHF B
Other term for clotting factor # 10
Stuart power factor
Other term for clotting factor # 11
Plasma thromboplastin antecedent/AHF C
Other term for clotting factor # 12
Hageman factor
Other term for clotting factor # 13
Fibrin-stabilizing factor
2 main branches of aorta
Thoracic and abdominal aorta
Point of demarcation of thoracic and abdominal aorta
Outline of important blood vessels: Brachiocephalic trunk branches into ? (trace the branching)
Axillary - Musculocutaneous - Brachial - Radial - Medial - Ulnar - Digital
What are the 2 branches of carotid artery ?
Internal and external carotid artery
Branch of carotid artery supplying the internal head structures
Internal carotid artery
Branch of carotid artery supplying the outer head structures
External carotid artery
Outline of important blood vessels: External carotid branches into artery branches into ?
- Auricular
- Palpebral
- Facial
- Dorsal nasal
- Lingual
Outline of important blood vessels: Subclavian artery supplies blood to the branches of ? (Hint: 3 answers)
- Vertebral
- Cervical
- Thoracic
Outline of important blood vessels: Thoracic aorta branches into? (Hint: 5 answers)
- Coeliac artery (stomach, liver, spleen)
- Cranial mesenteric (small intestine)
- Renal (kidney)
- Gonadal (testicular/ovarian)
- Caudal mesenteric (large intestine)
Outline of important blood vessels: Two branches of iliac artery
Internal and external iliac artery
Outline of important blood vessels: External iliac artery branches into ? (Hint: 4 answers)
- Femoral
- Popliteal (knee region)
- Cranial and caudal tibial (leg region)
- Digital
Outline of important blood vessels: Last branch of thoracic aorta
Caudal artery
What is the main systematic arterial trunk?
Subdivisions of aorta
- Ascending aorta
- Aortic arch
- Descending aorta
Ascending aorta of thoracic aorta arises from ____ ventricle; ends by becoming ____ ____ after giving off ____ ____.
left; aortic arch; coronary arteries
What are the branches of ascending aorta of thoracic aorta ?
- Right coronary
- Left coronary
Aortic arch of thoracic aorta begins after origin of ____ ____; ends when vessel comes into contact with ____ ____.
coronary arteries; vertebral column
What are the branches of aortic arch (of thoracic aorta)?
- Brachiocephalic
- Left subclavian
Descending aorta of thoracic aorta arises as continuation of aortic arch and ends by becoming abdominal aorta at ____ ____.
aortic hiatus
What are the branches of descending aorta (of thoracic aorta)?
- 9/10 intercostals
- 2/3 bronchials
- 2/3 esophageals
Abdominal aorta arises as continuation of thoracic aorta at aortic hiatus and ends at ____ lumbar vertebra by dividing into two ____ ____, two ____ ____ and a middle ____.
7th; internal iliacs; external iliacs; sacral
What are the branches of abdominal aorta?
- Phrenics
- Coeliac (gastric, hepatic, splenic)
- Cranial mesenteric
- Renal
- Gonadal
- Caudal mesenteric
- Common iliac
- External iliac
- Internal iliac
Brachiocephalic arises from aortic arch in the ____ planes and passes to ____ inlet ventral to ____; ends by dividing into ____ ____ and ____ ____ ____.
median; thoracic; right subclavian; right common carotid
What are the branches of brachiocephalic ?
- Left common carotid
- Right subclavian
- Right common carotid
The right and left common carotids arise from brachiocephalic. In neck. right lies on ____, left on ____. Both vessels end under ____ of ____.
trachea; esophagus; wing of atlas
What are the branches of common carotid?
- External carotid
- Internal carotid
- Thyroid
- Pharyngeal
- Lingual
- Occipital
Left subclavian arises from ____ ____. Right subclavian arises from _____. Ends at level of ____ rib by becoming _____.
aortic arch; brachiocephalic; 1st; axillary
What are the branches of subclavian artery?
- Vertebral
- Costo-cervical trunk
- Thyro-cervical trunk
- Internal thoracic
Subscapular arises from ____ and passes between _____ and _____ _____ muscles. Ends by supplying ?
axillary; subscapular; teres major
ends by supplying:
1. supraspinatus
2. deltoideus
3. trapezius
4. brachiocephalic muscles
What are the branches of subscapular artery?
- Anterior/cranial circumflex humeral
- Posterior/caudal cirumflex humeral
- Thoracodorsal
- Circumflex scapular
Brachial artery arise as continuation of axillary at distal border of ____ ____. Ends by becoming median under _____ _____ _____.
teres major; pronator teres muscle
What are the branches of brachial artery ?
- Deep brachial/brachial
- Collateral ulnar (proximal)
- Collateral proximal radial
- Collateral distal radial
- Median
Femoral artery arises as continuation of ____ _____ in ____ _____. Ends by becoming _____ between heads of ______.
external iliac; femoral triangle; popliteal; gastrocnemius
What are the branches of femoral artery?
- Common femoral
- Profunda femoris
- Superficial femoral
- Popliteal
Popliteal artery arises as continuation of _____ between heads of _____. Ends on a level with _____-_____ joint by dividing into ?
femoral; gastrocnemius; femoro-tibial
by dividing into:
1. Anterior tibial
2. Posterior tibial
3. Peroneal
Vein that drains almost all of blood from abdomen, pelvis, and pelvic limbs.
Caudal vena cava
Caudal vena cava is formed by confluence of right and left ____ ____ ____ at ____ lumbar vertebra. Opens into _____ part of _____ atrium.
common iliac veins; 7th; posterior; right
What are the tributaries of caudal vena cava?
(1) Common iliac
(2) Lumbars
(3) Deep circumflex iliacs
(4) Internal spermatic (testicular or ovarian)
(5) Renal
(6) Phrenico-abdominals
(7) Hepatic (right, middle, left)
(8) Phrenic
Vein that drains intestines, stomach, spleen, & pancreas. Formed ventral to and to the right of origin of ____ ____ by confluence of two main venous trunks: ?
Ends by entering the ?
coeliac artery;
two main venous trunks:
(1) splenic and gastric veins
(2) cranial and caudal mesenteric veins
ends by entering the:
porta of liver
What are the tributaries of portal vein?
- Pancreatics
- Gastroduodenal (gastric & mesenteric)
Azygous veins drains greater part of chest wall. Arises as unpaired vessels by union of ____ and ____ lumbar veins and passes into thorax along vertebral bodies. Ends by curving towards heart at _____ thoracic vertebra and opening into _____ _____ _____ or _____ _____.
1st and 2nd;
ends by:
6th; cranial vena cava; right atrium
What are the tributaries of azygous vein?
(1) Dorsal intercostals
(2) Vena hemiazygos
(3) Oesopageal vein
(4) Bronchial vein
(5) Left and right intercostal veins