Topic 5 - Biological Molecules Flashcards
What is the function of Carbohydrates?
Gives you quick energy
What is the definition of Lipids?
For insulation and a sources of slow energy release
What is the definition of Protein?
For growth
What is the definition of Dietary fiber?
Supports healthy digestion and movement of food through alimentary canal (peristalsis)
What are the 3 types of vitamins and their purpose?
Vit A for eyesight and skin health, Vit C for healing wounds and strengthening connective tissues, Vit D for bone health
What are the 2 types of Minerals and their purpose? (2)
Calcium for bone health, Iron to produce haemoglobin (in red blood cells)
What is the definition of Water?
To maintain osmotic pressure in cells
What are the 3 types of Polymer? (3)
Carbohydrates, protein, lipids (fats & oils)
What are the 3 types of Monomer?
Glucose, amino acid, fatty acids/glycerol
What is the energy experiment in dry food?
Dry foods can be burned and used to heat water to measure the amount of energy released. This experiment isn’t also that accurtue because of the energy released to the environment but can be improved using insulation.
What is the testing reagent for starch and what is it called?
Testing reagent: iodine - Positive result: colour change from orange-brown to blue-black
What is the testing reagent for Glucose and what is it called?
Testing reagent: benedict’s - Positive result: colour change from blue to orange-red
What is the testing reagent for Lipids and what is it called?
Testing reagent: ethanol - Positive result: cloudy emulsion forms
What is the testing reagent for Protein and what is it called?
Testing reagent: biuret - Positive result: colour change from blue to purple
What is a Calorimetry?
Measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a chemical reaction.
What is nutrients?
A molecule found in food which has a specific role in the body essential to life and growth.
Monomer definition?
A small, individual molecule
Polymer definition?
Large molecules made up of many monomers.
What is reagent?
A substance used in chemical analysis or other reactions
Why do humans require energy?
Humans, and other organisms, require energy for: Maintaining body temperature, Making new molecules, Movement (and other life processes!)
How much energy do humans require?
Dependent on their lifestyle, people will require different amounts of energy and will, therefore, eat different amounts and types of food. These requirements can be affected by age, activity levels, metabolism and factors like pregnancy
What is the energy equation?
Energy (joules per gram) = difference in temp x mass of water x 4.2 joules ÷mass of food (g)
What is the test for starch? (2)
- Put a small sample of the first food onto a white tile. Add a few drops of iodine solution.
- Record your results and conclusion in your table
What is the test for sugar? (3)
- Put a small sample of the first food into a boiling tube. Add about 3 cm depth of Benedict’s solution and mix it with the food
- Stand the tube in a very hot water bath and leave it for about 5 min.
- Record the results in the table below
What is the test for protein? (3)
- Chop up or crush a small sample of the first food, and put it into a test tube
- Add about 3 cm depth of biuret solution. Shake the tube or stir with a clean glass rod, to mix the food and biuret solution
- Record you results in the table
Benedicts Results
No sugar = blue
Very little sugar = green
Little sugar = yellow
Medium sugar = orange
High sugar = red
What is the test for Fats? (4)
- Chop or crush a sample of the first food and put it into a very clean dry test tube
- Add enough ethanol to cover the food. Shake the or stir with a clean glass rod to mix the food and ethanol
- Put some water into another clean test tube. Carefully pour some of the ethanol in the tube with food (don’t pour the food only the solution) into the water.
- Record your results in the table