Topic 5 Attention pt 2 Flashcards
In Posner’s orienting task with exogenous source, what happens to the reaction time to the valid and invalid cues when the cue-to-target-interval began to increase?
valid cue: when cue-to-target interval began to increase, reaction time decreased , then increased
invalid cue: when cue-to-target interval began to increase, reaction time decreased
eventually invalid cue with a larger cue-to-target interval had the faster reaction time
true or false: attention happens both in the cortex as well as subcortical areas
true: attention happens in the cortex and subcortical areas like the thalamus
What is V4 interested in?
both color and shape
When comparing V4 to V1, which will have a larger receptive field?
Receptive fields are larger in V4 and the neuron
response is quite specific (eg, response to horizontal red rectangles)
Neurons tuned to a specific orientation will fire more at a certain orientation when there is attended stimulus versus an unattended stimulus. This is a ________ effect.
This is a multiplicative effect. The curve does not fire more when we have undesired orientations, only fires more with stimulus attending to desired orientation (eg, only fires more at 120 degrees)
what happens to your “keys” neuron activity when you are looking for your keys in the dark with a flashlight and don’t find your keys?
no increase in neuronal activity for “keys” whether or not you use a flashlight or not
what happens to your “keys” neuron activity when you are looking for your keys in the sun with a flashlight and you find your keys?
your neurons for “keys” will fire whether or not you shine your flashlight on the keys or not.
In other words, your neurons for “keys” will fire whether or not you are attending to it.
When will the firing of neurons for “keys” be most beneficial? In other words, when does directing our attention to a stimulus helps?
It will be most beneficial if we are trying to find a faint stimulus; if the stimulus is there but we cant see it. This is when it is crucial to use our attention.
This gives us our peak of our inverted U
Attention has the biggest effect for ____ stimuli. Why is this?
Attention has the biggest effect for faint or medium stimulus. This is because attention enhances signal to noise ratio
Attention enhances ________.
Attention enhances signal to noise ratio
responding to facial recognition is a _____(higher/lower) level visual attention
it is a higher level visual attention whereby the fusiform face area is more active when you attend to faces than when you don’t attend to faces.
What does it mean when we are able to detect faces in visual attention?
It means we can not only identify spaces, but also objects as well
attention is not being directed to a location in space, but a particular type of object.
When given 2 stimulus, will neurons in V1 respond to both stimulus?
some neurons in V1 will respond to stimulus 1 (eg, blue), and other neurons in V1 will respond to stimulus 2 (eg, yellow)
because receptive fields in V1 are smaller, so different neurons in V1 will respond to blue and yellow stimulus
When given 2 stimulus, will neurons in V4 respond to both stimulus?
receptive fields are larger in V4, therefore
the same neurons will be responding to both of these stimuli in V4.
Say areas V1 and V4 are associated with stimulus 1. What happens if we are not attending to this stimulus?
One area fires more while the other one fires less. Then they swap.
They will be out of sync