Topic 3: Cell structure and EM images Flashcards
Name the 1 type of prokaryotic cells (1 type)
- Bacteria
Name the 4 types of eukaryotic cells (4 types)
- Animal cells
- Plant cells
- Fungi (e.g. yeast)
- Protoctists (e.g. Amoeba)
Name all the parts of a prokaryotic cell
10 parts
- Mesosome
- Plasmid
- Slime capsule
- Pilli
- Flagellum
- Ribosome
- {Circular DNA/circular chromosome}
- Cell membrane
- Cell wall
- Cytoplasm
What is the mesosome? (1 point)
Function of mesosome? (1 point)
- Infolding of cell surface membrane
1. Site of respiration
What is a plasmid? (1 point)
- A small circle of DNA
What is the slime capsule? (1 point)
Purpose? (2 points)
- Slimy layer on surface of cell
- for protection
- and to prevent dehydration.
What are pili? (1 point)
Purpose? (1 point)
- Thin, protein tubes
1. allow bacteria to adhere to surfaces.
What is a flagellum? (1 point)
Purpose? (1 point)
- Hollow cylindrical thread-like structure
1. rotates to move the cell
Function of ribosome? (1 point)
- Protein synthesis
Function of {circular DNA/circular chromosome}? (1 point)
- carries genetic material
Function of cell membrane? (1 point)
- regulates the transport of materials entering and exiting the cell
What does the cell wall contain? (1 point)
- Contains peptidoglycan, a type of polysaccharide and polypeptide combined.
What is the purpose of the cell wall? (1 point)
- provides tensile strength and protection against mechanical and osmotic stress
What takes place in the cytoplasm? (1 point)
- Chemical reactions
What do prokaryotic cell not have?
6 things
- True nucleus
- Mitochondria
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Chloroplasts
- Golgi apparatus
What to prokaryotic cells always have?
5 things
- Cell wall (made of peptidoglycan, the cell walls of plants are made of cellulose microfibrils)
- Ribosomes
- Cytoplasm
- Cell surface membrane
- {Circular chromosome/circular DNA} (free in cytoplasm)
What do prokaryotic cells sometimes have?
4 things
- Flagella (plural of flagellum) (for movement)
- Plasmids (extra genes)
- Pili
- Slime capsule
Name all the parts of a eukaryotic cell
12 parts
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Ribosomes
- Mitochondria
- Centrioles
- Cytoplasm
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Cell membrane
- Golgi {apparatus/body}
- {Golgi vesicle/lysosome}
- {DNA/chromatin}
- Nucleolus
- Nucleus
Give nucleus description (3 things) and function (1 point)
- Surrounded by a DOUBLE MEMBRANE containing PORES.
- Nucleoplasm contains DNA.
- Contains one or more nucleoli.
1 (this point is important). DNA contains {genetic/triplet} code that contains information for the synthesis of proteins.
Give nucleolus description (1 point) and function (1 point)
- Dense body within the nucleus.
1. Makes rRNA for making ribosomes
Give ribosome description (2 points) and function (1 point)
- Very small organelle with 2 subunits,
- made of RNA+protein.
- Protein synthesis
Give rough ER description (2 points) and function (2 points)
- Interconnected membrane-bound sacs called cisternae
- with ribosomes attached
- Protein synthesis
- Protein folding
Give smooth ER description (2 points) and function (1 point)
- A system of interconnected tube-like structures
- with NO attached ribosomes.
- Makes and processes lipids
Give golgi {apparatus/body} description (2 points) and function (1 point)
- A group of 3 or more curved membrane-bound sacs, called cisternae, of decreasing size
- with ribosomes attached.
- Modifies proteins and lipids from ER
Give {lysosomes/golgi vesicle} description (2 points) and function (1 point)
- Spherical sacs surrounded by a single membrane,
- containing digestive enzymes.
- Destroys old cells and organelles.
Give mitochondrion description (3 points) and function (1 point)
- Oval shaped with a DOUBLE MEMBRANE.
- Inner membrane folded to form CRISTAE.
- Inside is the MATRIX containing DNA AND RIBOSOMES.
- Aerobic respiration which makes ATP and releases oxygen.
Give centrioles description (2 points) and function (1 point)
- Small hollow cylinders
- made of microtubules.
- Form the spindle for cell division
Give cell membrane description (1 point) and function (1 point)
- Surface layer made of a phospholipid bilayer, proteins and cholesterol.
- Regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell.
Key Summary: Similarities of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
(Both have 4 things)
Both have:
- cell membrane
- cytoplasm
- ribosomes
Key Summary: Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
(3 differences)
- Prokaryotic cells have smaller 70S ribosomes, eukaryotic cells have larger 80S ribosomes.
- Prokaryotic cells have NO membrane bound organelles (eg. nucleus), but eukaryotic cells do
- Prokaryotic cells have a circular chromosome not associated with histones, eukaryotic cells have linear chromosomes associated with histones