Topic 2: Preventive Dental Homecare Flashcards
Why do we do preventative dental homecare
Critical to the overall success of a professional dental cleaning
Plaque colonize the surface of a tooth within 24 hours of cleaning!
If no home care: periodontal pockets can become recolonized within 2 weeks of dental procedure!
Plaque at the gingival margin & subgingival area = inflammation + subsequent periodontal disease
Maintenance of periodontal health depends on PLAQUE CONTROL AT AND BELOW THE GINGIVAL MARGIN (subgingivially)
Why do we tell clients to do dental homecare
To educate client about the importance of oral care
To gain compliance
Help develop a strong relationship between client and clinic
How do we encourage owners to be compliant with dental homecare
A picture is worth a thousands words! Poster of... Progression of the disease Impact on internal organs Healthy mouths vs diseased mouth model Plastic models Handouts, pamphlets, websites...etc
When do we talk about dental home care with clients
At 1st visit (part of preventive health program) Through Puppy & Kitten packs/kits Yearly exam, talk about teeth, diets Post dentistry, go over the importance During the discharge (Vanier) 2 weeks after ideally (In clinics) GOAL: Prevention! If not done: Get owners to commit to yearly PROFESSIONNAL DENTAL CLEANING!
What is prophylaxis
measure taken to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease
What are the 2 types of dental procedures performed in veterinary dentistry
1) Dental cleaning (prophylaxis) (rarely done)
2) Dental treatment (what we perform most!)
What is active dental care methods
Require participation of the owner with activities like rinsing, toothbrushing
Most beneficial for mesial (front teeth)
what is the passive dental care method
Include treats, Px diet to enhance chewing behaviors
Most beneficial for Distal (back teeth)
May be more effective because of regular compliance
What are 6 types of preventative dental care
- Tooth brushing
- Dental diets
- Treats
- Oral products
- Secure toys
- Natural Home remedies
What are some oral care products
Enzymatic oral care products (Gel, powder, rinse)
Chlorexidine (gel, rinse) (to add in your notes)
Zinc product MAXIGUARD
HMP, Fluoride, Water additive (to add in your notes)
Describe tooth brushing
Most effective means of plaque control!
But only an estimated 1% of clients brush their pets’teeth daily.
Every day: Optimal to slow plaque formation
Every other day: Not as effective for gingivitis
2 times a week: minimal acceptable frequency for patients with good oral health
Focus brushing on gingival margin and interproximal spaces
Important to caution the owner about being bitten
What are 4 tips for toothbrushing compliance with animal
What is the use of the finger brush
will remove plaque, not tartar
e.g.: finger brush, cat tooth brush, gauze squares
Not as effective as bristles, but easier for some clients
Why is tooth brushing still the best way
Bristles go under the sulcus
Massage action strengthens gingiva
Why do we use brushing agents
Need to taste good to improve compliance
Paste: meant to be used on toothbrush
Have a number of function:
Help improve compliance (+ reinforcement)
Can have abrasive material or grit to improve mechanical cleaning action of the brush