[Topic 10] Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds Flashcards
The word ______ comes from the word salt.
Properties of salts (7)
- white, crystalline powder
- water-soluble
- melts at 801 deg Cel
- specific gravity of 2.165
- non-combustible
- low toxicity
- contains magnesium compounds
Melting point of salt
801 degrees celsius
Specific gravity of salt
Uses of salt (5)
- Industry - serves as a raw material
- Food - seasoning
- Water Treatment - water softening
- Roads - prevent the build-up of ice
- Textile - dyeing of materials
Ways of manufacturing salt (3)
- Solar Evaporation
- Rock Salt Mining
- Solution Mining
This way of manufacturing has a purity of 99%.
Solar Evaporation
This way of manufacturing has a purity of 95-99.5%.
Rock Salt Mining
This way of manufacturing has a purity of 98%.
Solution Mining
Process of solar evaporation
Evaporation > Precipitation > Crystallization > Harvesting > Storage > Processing (washing & drying) and Packaging > Distribution
It is the generic name used to describe any product produced in an acid-base reaction.
Salt became the root for the Latin word _______.
These gave salt its yellow, red, blue, or purple color to otherwise transparent salt crystals.
- MgCl2
- MgSO4
- MgBr2
Raw material of solar evaporation
sea water or natural brine
The process in solar evaporation that gives salt high purity.
This method is used for rock salt mining
Room and Pillar Mining
The rock salt is initially size-reduced and screened before it is lifted to surface.
Rock Salt Mining
Raw Materials for solution mining
water and salt deposits
Water is pumped down to dissolve the salt underground. The resulting brine solution is then sent back to the surface for refining and processing.
Solution Mining
Three Processes to process and refine brine (3)
- Vacuum Pan System
- Grainer System or Open Pan System
- Alberger System
In vacuum pan system, brine is concentrated through the use of ________.
multi-effect evaporator
Typically how many effects are utilized in vacuum pan system?
3-4 effects using co-current steam
A long open pan heated by steam running through pipes immersed in the brine.
The main difference between the grainer and vacuum pan system.
Evaporation Process
Combination of the vacuum pan and grainer system.
Alberger System
The brine is heated in a series of heaters using steam produced from flashers.
Alberger System
It is important in preparation of IV and saline solutions and as a chemical agent for drug formulations.
Pharma-grade salt
One major miscellaneous sodium compound.
Sodium sulfate
Sodium sulfate is called ______ when anhydrous and Glauber’s salt are hydrated.
salt cake
It is used as a bulking and anti-caking agent in detergent powder for ease of use and prevent clumping of particles together.
sodium sulfate
It is a white crystalline solid that is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid.
Sodium sulfate
Reaction of NaHSO4 with NaCl that produces sulfate and HCl gas.
Mannheim Process
Reducing agent in tanning industry, chemical intermediates
Sodium Bisulfate
bleach for wool and silk, antichlor after bleaching yarns
Sodium sulfite and Bisulfite
Dyeing and printing
Sodium Hydrosulfite
Reducing agent in amino compounds, dyes, leather depilatory
Sodium sulfide
photography, antichlor for bleaching cellulose products
Sodium thiosulfate
ore flotation, dyestuff, leather depilatory
Sodium hydrosulfide
diazotization of amines
Sodium nitrate
silica-based catalyst, glass, silica gels, soaps, and detergents
Sodium silicates
oxidizing agent, bleaching
sodium peroxide
sodium perborate
dehydrating agent, strong base
sodium amide
treating gold ores, case-hardening steel, electroplating
sodium cyanide and ferrocyanide