Tophat Digestive System Vocab Flashcards
os, oris,
n. mouth
n. mouth
os, oris,
labium, -i,
n. lip
n. lip
labium, -i,
bucca, -ae,
f. cheek
f. cheek
bucca, -ae,
palatum, -i,
n. palate
(L. the roof of the mouth, taste)
n. palate
(L. the roof of the mouth, taste)
palatum, -i,
raphe, -ae,
f. raphe
f. raphe
raphe, -ae,
f. gum
gingiva, -ae,
saliva, -ae,
f. saliva
(L. spittle)
f. saliva
(L. spittle)
saliva, -ae,
dens, dentis,
m. tooth
m. tooth
dens, dentis,
corona, -ae,
f. crown
f. crown
corona, -ae,
cuspis, cuspidis,
f. cuspid
f. cuspid
cuspis, cuspidis,
radix, radicis,
f. root
f. root
radix, radicis,
lingua, -ae,
f. tongue
f. tongue
lingua, -ae,
uvula, -ae,
f. uvula
(L. little cluster of grapes)
f. uvula
(L. little cluster of grapes)
uvula, -ae,
tonsilla, -ae,
f. tonsil
f. tonsil
tonsilla, -ae,
fauces, -ium,
f. fauces
(L. throat, gullet)
f. fauces
(L. throat, gullet)
fauces, -ium,
pharynx, pharyngis,
f. pharynx
f. pharynx
pharynx, pharyngis,
oesophagus, -i,
m. esophagus
m. esophagus
oesophagus, -i,
gaster, gastris,
f. stomach
f. stomach
gaster, gastris,
fundus, -i,
m. fundus
(L. ground, base, bottom)
m. fundus
(L. ground, base, bottom)
fundus, -i,
ruga, -ae,
f. ruga
(L. a wrinkle)
f. ruga
(L. a wrinkle)
ruga, -ae,