How big are the nozzle tips on the cockloft nozzle
What is the reach of the cockloft nozzle
60 feet in either direction
Is the cockloft nozzle a primary attack tool
What must be in place for support and protection of the members operating the cockloft nozzle
Conventional handline
Who carries the Cockloft nozzle
How long is the cockloft nozzle
5 feet
Can you remove the 1/2 tips on the cockloft nozzle
Not to be removed
What must be done before operating the cockloft nozzle
- Roof MUST be vented
* Precautionary line in place
How does the cockloft nozzle connect to a standard nozzle
*Remove the MST
What is the preferred method of placement of the cockloft nozzle
Insert nozzle into the cockloft from just inside the apartment door
What size opening is needed in the ceiling to operate the cockloft nozzle
3 x 3 opening
How much vertical clearance do you need to operate the cockloft nozzle
At least 4 inches of vertical clearance above the top of the ceiling joists
How do you operate the cockloft nozzle
Back and forth motion
If it is necessary to fully rotate the cockloft nozzle in which direction is this done
Rotate only in a CLOCKWISE direction
For large cockloft areas Chiefs should consider
Multiple cockloft nozzles
What members shall be assigned to each cockloft nozzle
Truck company members to pull ceilings
In the case of an advanced fire on arrival where there are no roof operations occurring the cockloft nozzle is
Not safe and is not a replacement for LCS whether ground based or aerial