Toddlers Flashcards
ages 12-36 months
Rate of weight gain decreases (slimmer)
typically are bow legged and have protruding abdomen
12 months
what months should a toddler come to see the Dr?
12, 15, 18, 24, and 30 months. Then 3yr visit at 36 months
What growth chart to use for toddlers?
WHO Growth chart until 2 years old, then switch to CDC growth chart
When does the anterior fontanelle close? Posterior?
Anterior fontanelle closes 18-19 mos
Posterior fontanelle closes 12 months
Average weight 26-28 lbs (remember avg wt is just over the age in months)
Avg height 34-35 inches
Avg head circumference 19-19.5 inches
24 months
(first tooth usually erupts at _____ mos, then add one tooth per month)
6-8 teeth at______ m months
6 months
12 months
Complete set of primary teeth at _______
Second molars usually erupt by _____
24 months
3rd year
Visual acuity at age 2:
What age?
fine motor development = pincer grasp
12 months
What age?
fine motor development = tower of 4 cubes, imitates scribbling puts blocks in large holes, drinks from a cup, takes off socks,
gross= directed throwing, walks well independently, climbs into adult chair
18 months
What age?
fine motor development = tower of 7 cubes, circular scribbling, folds paper once, puts blocks in large holes, turns doorknobs, turns pages one at a time, unbuttons or unzips large fasteners , puts on coat witha ssistance
24 months
What age?
fine gross development = throws overhand, runs well , kicks ball, walk up and down stairs (places both feet on each step)
24 months
What age?
fine motor development = tower of 9 cubes vertical and horizontal strokes, imitates circles, can button large buttons, uses fork in a fist, twists jar lids
30 months
What age?
gross motor development = jumps off ground with both feet
30 months
What age?
fine motor development = tower of 10 cubes, imitates bridge of 3 cubes, snips with scissors, brushes teeth (not well ), puts shoes on feet
36 months
What age?
gross motor development = broad jumps, walks up stairs alternating feet, pedals tricycle, balances on one foot 2-3 seconds
36 months
What age?
Gross motor= walks w/ one hand held, stands alone momentarily
12 months
At _____ months, 25% of speech is intelligible to strangers
24 months
Communication development is rapid between___________ months
12 and 36 months
receptive language development
what age range?
Follows simple one-step commands, Understands new words weekly, Increased interest in named pictures, Differentiates environmental sounds, Points to familiar objects and body parts when named, Understands simple questions, Begins to distinguish “you” from “me”
12- 18 months
Expressive language development
what age range?
All vowels and many consonants present Increased use of true words Jargon is sentence-like Shows “no” behavior Names a few pictures 10 words Imitates non-speech sounds (click, tongue click, dog bark) Names some body parts
12- 18 months
receptive language development
what age range?
Follows 2-step commands
Rapidly increasing vocabulary
Enjoys simple stories
Recognizes pronouns
18 - 24 months
Expressive language development
what age range?
Imitates 2-word combination Dramatic increase in spoken vocabulary Speech combines jargon and words Names self Answers some questions Begins to combine some words
18-24 months
Expressive language development
what age range?
Jargon reduces 2-3 word sentences Repeats 2 numbers Increased use of pronouns Asks simple questions Joins songs and nursery rhymes Can repeat simple phrases and sentences
24-30 months
receptive language development
what age range?
Undersants prepositions in and on
Seems to understand most of what is said
Understands more reasoning
Identifies object when given function
24-30 months