Middle Aged Adult- module 9 Flashcards
RX used to help with BPH
alpha-adrenergic antagonists (alpha-blocker)–> relax bladder neck muscles and muscle fibers in prostate to allow for easier urine flow (Flomax, Rapliflo)
The goal is to alleviate symptoms and slow progression. If no improvement refer to urologist (maybe TURP procedue)
EKG level for low risk pts ?
intermediate/ high risk?
Rating level for screening skin cancer - counseling
Rating for cholesterol screening of adults 40-75 years with no hx of CVD, 1 or more risk factors, and calculated 10 year CVD event risk of 7.5% to 10 %
what would you recommend?
Level C
low to moderate statin dose recommended
Urinary frequency, urgency, difficulty
Difficulty starting urination
Dribbling AND straining with incomplete bladder emptying
Rating level for alcohol? age?
18 years. B Rating
Erikson’s Stage of Development 40-65 years
Generativity vs. Stagnation
BRCA Testing Recommendation for pts with family hx breast, ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal cancer→ should receive genetic counseling BEFORE testing
4 things rated D (do not screen) if asymptomatic
COPD → spirometry
Ovarian CA
Pancreatic CA
Thyroid CA
Possible causes of \_\_\_\_\_ Meds: antidepressants, antihypertensives Diabetes Dyslipidemia Endocrine problems Opioid abuse Hormonal imbalance Neurologic issues Chronic renal failure
Erectile Dysfunction
PLISSIT Sexual Dysfunction Assessment Model to evaluate pts need and help with intervention (helps recognize pts sexual concerns)
P= give permission to preserve sexual traditions LI= limited information about anatomical aspects of sexual function SS= specific suggestions IT= intensive therapy
Colon CA screening interval and considerations Stool DNA (with FIT)
3 years Specificity lower 87% (more false-positive) 92% sensitivity ABN results need colonoscopy Covered by Medicare
What do women with uterus need to add to TX?
must add progesterone to any estrogen taken
Rating level for screening PVD (ankle brachial index)
Rating level for screening vit d deficiency
Screening level for Obese patients with increased CVD risk
Rating level for screening OSA (sleep studies)
Prostate produces fluid for semen. If enlarged constricts urethra.
According to ACS women aged 55 and older should get a mammogram how often?
Choice to switch to every 2 years or continue every year
Screening level for colon cancer in ppl 76-85
Consider overall health and prior screening hx
in whom are mammogram false positives more common
women who are younger, have dense breasts, and are taking estrogen
Second leading cause of CA death in US
Median age death: 73
Colon Cancer
rating level for drug screen > 18 years?
Rating level for screening thyroid dysfunction
Rating level for screening syphilis if at increased risk
Factors that increase the risk of breast CA
BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation in self or first-degree relative
Risk assessment tools reveal risk of 20-25% or greater
Radiation therapy to chest between 10-30years old
Genetic diseases (Li-Fraumeni, Cowden, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba)
*USPSTF guideline for average women (not high risk) breast cancer screening (mammogram) age 50- 74
What does it mean when FSH and LH are both elevated?
if LH decreased or normal?
both= primary testicular disorder
if LH decreased or normal= secondary pituitary disorder
ACS recommends women with______chance of developing breast CA have yearly mammogram AND MRI
moderate risk (15-20%) should also consider MRI
USPSTF recommends selectively offering or providing service to individual pts based on professional judgement and pt preferences. moderate certainty of small net benefit
Grade C
mammogram rating level for women aged 75 and older?
no current recommendation for screening. Calculate 10yr risk of CVD. No optimal screening interval established
Healthy People 2020
Men age 35
Women age 45
Unless increased risk then start screening at age 20
Cholesterol in middle age
Rating level for lung cancer for ages 55-80
30 ppy hx smoking
Currently smoke
Quit within 15yrs
Level B
Age-Related Menopause Health Concerns (d/t decreased estrogen levels)
bone health CV risk Weight changes (gain) Cancer risk Sexual dysfunction *ask patients if they are using any herbal treatments
What is important to remember about testosterone?
bound to protein→ need to know how much-unbound testosterone is available for use
FREE TESTOSTERONE is the unbound form (check both)
Rating level for screening CKD (Creatinine, GFR)
Screening level for Prostate Cancer age 55-69* (non high risk)
weigh risk/ benefits with pt
- talk to them about PSA-> threshold for biopsy
could be 55? 69?
What sexual history to obtain for ED evaluation?
Onset, duration, circumstances
Erection quality
Changes with ejaculation, libido, curvature of penile shaft
Multiple partners?
Rating level for screening Hep C
High risk population/ no vaccine available
Rating level for screening HSV
Rating level of screening for Gonorrhea/ chlamydia for men
USPSTF recommends against this service. no net benefit/ harms may outweigh the benefits
Grade D
USPSTF concludes that current evidence is insufficient to access benefit/ harms of the service
Grade I
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause Symptoms
Decreased lubrication pain with sex bleeding after sex decreased arousal, orgasm, desire irritation/ burning/ itching of vulva or vagina painful urination urinary frequency/ urgency
Rating level for screening HIV in agres 15-65
Yearly or sexual contact
What can help tx Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
Hormone therapy for moderate to severe symptoms
vaginal moisturizers and lubricants can help alleviate symptoms and painful intercourse
Colon CA screening interval and considerations CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy)
5 years
Low dose CT
Still being studied- not widely available
If anything ABN colonoscopy is required
FDA approval of hormonal therapy
Moderate to severe hot flashes/ night sweats
symptoms of vaginal atrophy
prevention of osteoporosis
- oral pills/ tablets, transdermal patches, topical creams/ gel/mist, vaginal rings
BRCA Testing Recommendation for pts with family hx not associated with increased risk
Vaccine schedule for middle age
1 dose and then booster every 10 years
Rating level for screening Oral cancer
Permanent cessation of menses for 12 consecutive months
Decline in ovarian follicles and estrogen production
↓ovulation =↓ progesterone
Rating level of screening for Gonorrhea/ chlamydia for women < 24 or at increased risk
USPSTF guideline for average women (not high risk) breast cancer screening (mammogram) before age 50
biennially with risk/ benefit discussion
What physical exam and diagnostics to evaluate for ED?
PE: genital anatomy and ID any related abnormalities
Diagnostics: tx underlying cause. HbA1C, lipid profile, hormone profile
mammogram rating level for women aged 50-74
How often?
Biennial (every other year)
Screening level for colon cancer in ppl aged 50-75 years
- Colon CA screening interval and considerations
10 years * Bowel prep required Anesthesia recommended Biopsies obtained Polyps removed Able to visualize proximal colon
when can flexible sigmoidoscopy not be used?
Risk: colonic perf, bleeding. Lower than colonoscopy
Not widely available in US
Secondary causes of Hypogonadism
Secondary causes: age, genetic conditions, pituitary tumor, alcoholism, corticosteroid use, chronic diseases (HIV)
In what population is it more common to miss up to 20% of negatives (false negatives) in mammograms
women with dense breasts
ASA rating level for ppl < 50
women notice physical changes a/w fluctuating hormone levels
Varying cycle length with unpredictable flow
↑ levels of FSH
Anovulatory cycles
Hot flashes (vasomotor symptoms caused by decreased estrogen), night sweats, decreased libido, sleep difficulties
CAGE Acronym
Cut Down
Eye Opener
USPSTF recommends the service. high certainty that net benefit is substantial
Grade A
when can a stool DNA fit test (cologuard) not be used?
Hx polyp
ABN screening in past 6 months
Fam Hx colon CA
how often should someone be screened screened for colon cancer if hx of adenomatous polyps
screened Q3-5 years
Rating level for screening Hep B
only screen high risk population
Rating level for hearing and vision screening in middle age adults
OTC medications that can cause urinary sx
- Anticholinergics
- Sympathomimetics
- Diuretics -
Anticholinergics (benadryl) → impair bladder contractility
Sympathomimetics (pseudoephed) → increase urinary outflow resistance
Diuretics (lasix) - more urinating
Protein produced by cells of prostate gland
Not developed as a screening tool
Benign conditions can cause elevation (prostate infection, UTI)
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Vaccine schedule for middle age
ASA rating level for
- Age 50-59 and 60-69 with > 10% 10 year CVD risk
50-59= B 60-69= C
When to refer to endocrinologist based on T level?
T (>300ng/dl)
Colon CA screening interval and considerations
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
5 years Bowel prep required Can be done w/o anesthesia ↓sen & specifity Better option if combined with FIT
what is no longer recommended by USPSTF or ACS
Clinical Breast Exam and Self-Breast Exam
Reduced libido, ED, reduced muscle mass/strength, increased truncal adiposity, osteoporosis, depression, fatigue
CM of Hypogonadism
Rating for cholesterol screening of adults 40-75 years with no hx of CVD, 1 or more CVD risk factor, and calculated 10 year CVD event risk of 10% or greater
what would you recommend?
Level B
low to moderate statin dose recommended
Primary Causes of Hypogonadism
Primary causes: injury, infection, loss of testicles, chemo/radiation, genetic abnormalities (Klinefelter’s)
What medical hx is important to evaluate for ED?
DM Smoking HTN/dyslipidemia renal/liver/vascular disease Psychiatric disorders
A Rating, Start at age 18. take at home before treating
Blood Pressure
rating level for Depression
PHQ-2 then PHQ-9 if needed
Screening level for Prostate Cancer age 70+ *
Recommended against
Typically not treated at this age
Rx treatmenet of hypogonadism
- Caution in whom?
testosterone replacement CI in pts with breast/prostate CA,
Caution: BPH, LUTS, cardiac/renal/hepatic disease, or worsening OSA
IM once weekly or every other week
Once a pt starts replacement therapy the testicles will stop production, does increase after continued supplementation.
Is expensive and causes mood swings
Low sensitivity (determining who really has CA) and high specificity (high false negative) Poor inter-rater reliability Not endorsed by USPSTF for the asymptomatic individual→ consider sx: change in stream, urinary frequency
Digital rectal exam for prostate ca
non-invasive tumor with cells that may become cancerous in the lining of breast ducts. Argument that this is overidentified and leads to over treatment
DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ)
B Rating
Age 40-70 yrs
RF: Overweight or obese, Fam. hx DM, PCOS
Consider: American Indians Alaskan Natives
Asian Americans
Pacific Islanders
Blood Sugar = B Rating for middle aged adults
What physical exams are needed to evaluate for BPH
Digital Rectal Exam (to rule out prostatitis or nodules present)
Genital Urinary Exam
Labs: UA, creatinine (to check renal fx) , PSA (infection or neoplasm in prostate? )
According to ACS women aged 45-54 should get a mammogram how often?
Every Year
Average onset of Menopause
age 51 (40-58)
USPSTF recommends the service. High certainty of moderate - substantial benefit
Grade B
Diagnostics for Hypogonadism - when to draw testosterone lab? subsequent draws?
testosterone level (needs to be drawn at the highest point of circadian rhythm– typically 8-11 AM. Subsequent blood draws need to be done at the same time of day. Time frame matters less as the patient ages.
Colon CA screening Guiac-based fecal occult blood test (gFOBT). interval and considerations
1 year
No bowel prep (some dietary restrictions)
Done at home
Low sensitivity & specificity
Increased Risk for Colon CA → earlier or more frequent screening
Hx colorectal CA or adenomatous polyps
IBD (Crohn’s or UC)
Fam Hx colorectal cancer or polyps
Fam Hx hereditary colorectal CA syndrome
Colon CA screening Fecal immunochemical test (FIT)
interval and considerations
1 year Improved Sen & Specificity Single specimen Done at home No bowel prep
Many cases are asymptomatic
Most cases not aggressive
Prostate Cancer
Failure of testes to produce adequate levels of testosterone (androgen deficiency)
Prevalence 39% over age 35
what can cause premature menopause?
chemotherapy, oophorectomy, medication SE, radiation, or impaired ovarian function
why are Breast MRIs not recommend as routine screening
Higher risk false positives
More expensive/ not routinely covered by insurance
How often should you screen for lung cancer with LDCT ?
When to stop
Stop if not smoked for 15 years
RX meds to help tx ED?
Other things that might help?
phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors→ viagra, cialis, levitra. Medication injected into penis or pills dissolved into urethra.
Vacuum erection device covered by durable medical equipment if organic cause
- refer to urology if not resolved
avoid alcohol before sex, counseling, avoid drugs that may cause sexual dysfunction
What year does colon cancer typically screening start?
_____ years prior (screening) to the age of family member being diagnosed
10 years prior (screening) to the age of family member being diagnosed
Signs of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
Decreased moisture decreased elasticity pallor/ redness loss of vaginal rugae tissue fragility, fissures, petechiae urethral eversion or prolapse, prominence of meatus introital retraction recurrent UTIs
4.0 ng/mL considered normal. Some cancers can exist in normal range
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
mammogram rating level for women aged
Women may choose to start biennial
What are you screening for 1 time in adults born b/t 1945-1965?
hep C
BPH behavior modifications
decreasing fluids before bed, avoid above OTC meds (Anticholinergics, Sympathomimetics, Diuretics)